Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Janssen, 15 in the 102nd Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB48 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act
LB221 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Provide for drug screening of public assistance applicants and recipients
LB239 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Require presentation of government-issued photographic identification to vote in elections
LB656 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to flood protection and water quality enhancement bonds
LB657 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate postsecondary education student residency provisions
LR21 Sen Janssen Indefinitely postponed Provide the Legislature reject the Affordable Care Act and call for repeal of the act by Congress
LB154 Sen Janssen Passed Change procedures for filling vacancies on natural resources districts boards
LB326 Sen Janssen Passed Eliminate committees on intergovernmental cooperation
LB400 Sen Janssen Passed Change property tax levy authority for natural resources districts and exceptions from property tax levy limits
LB869 Sen Janssen Passed Change provisions relating to the State Athletic Commissioner and change membership of the Athletic Advisory Committee
LB959 Sen Janssen Passed Provide immunity to employers for job references
LR250 Sen Janssen Referral Interim study to examine human trafficking in Nebraska
LR251 Sen Janssen Referral Interim study to examine immigration-related marriage fraud
LR252 Sen Janssen Referral Interim study to examine the impact of illegal immigration on the state's budget
LR253 Sen Janssen Referral Interim study to investigate the merits and costs of drug testing recipients and applicants of cash assistance benefits offered under the Welfare Reform Act
LR6 Sen Janssen Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Donald "Skip" Edwards
LR7 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate the Logan View High School Marching Band for winning the Class C championship at the 2011 Nebraska State Bandmasters Association State Marching Contest
LR58 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate the Fremont High School cross country team for winning the 2010 Class A state championship
LR59 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate Bob Feurer for being named the 2011 Nebraska Teacher of the Year
LR129 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate the University of Nebraska at Omaha wrestling team on winning the 2011 Division II National wrestling championship
LR131 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate the Snyder Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department on its 100th anniversary
LR132 Sen Janssen Resolution Congratulate Head Wrestling Coach Mike Denney on his thirty-two years of service to the University of Nebraska at Omaha
LR162 Sen Janssen Resolution Commend the Fremont Cadet Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR389 Sen Janssen Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Skip Niederdeppe