Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Speaker Flood, 19 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB969 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds
LB968 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations
LB961 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for and change transfers of state funds, provide for a juvenile justice system study, and prohibit pledging certain funds
LB960 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for employee pay and benefits
LB959 Speaker Flood Veto Overridden Provide for deficit appropriations
LB935 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations and change certain appropriations
LB381 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to educational service units, withdraw from the Compact for Education, and eliminate a student achievement coordinator
LB380 Speaker Flood Passed Change and eliminate assessment and distribution of depreciation charges relating to state buildings
LB379 Speaker Flood Passed Transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB378 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds
LB377 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for capital construction
LB376 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
LB375 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB374 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for state government expenses
LB373 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations
LB327 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement rates
LB326 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions for certain types of public assistance
LB325 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Repeal business child care income tax credits
LB324 Speaker Flood Final Reading Change provisions relating to state patrol retirement system contributions
LB323 Speaker Flood Final Reading Provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB322 Speaker Flood Final Reading Change provisions relating to certain funds and provide for transfers of funds and extend an excise tax
LB321 Speaker Flood Final Reading Appropriate funds for state government expenses
LB320 Speaker Flood Final Reading Appropriate funds for capital construction
LB319 Speaker Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement
LB318 Speaker Flood Passed Change provisions governing depreciation charges for capital improvement projects
LB317 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB316 Speaker Flood Passed Change provisions relating to certain funds and provide for transfers of funds
LB315 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for state government expenses
LB314 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for capital construction
LB313 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
LB312 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB311 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for deficit appropriations
LB4 Speaker Flood Passed Appropriate funds for special session expenses
LB3 Speaker Flood Passed Authorize transfers by the Legislature to the General Fund from various funds
LB2 Speaker Flood Passed Provide for and eliminate certain fund transfers
LB1 Speaker Flood Passed Change appropriations relating to state government