Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB1 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Change appropriations relating to state government |
LB2 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for and eliminate certain fund transfers |
LB3 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Authorize transfers by the Legislature to the General Fund from various funds |
LB4 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for special session expenses |
LB311 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for deficit appropriations |
LB312 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature |
LB313 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers |
LB314 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for capital construction |
LB315 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for state government expenses |
LB316 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to certain funds and provide for transfers of funds |
LB317 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB318 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Change provisions governing depreciation charges for capital improvement projects |
LB319 |
Speaker Flood |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement |
LB320 |
Speaker Flood |
Final Reading |
Appropriate funds for capital construction |
LB321 |
Speaker Flood |
Final Reading |
Appropriate funds for state government expenses |
LB322 |
Speaker Flood |
Final Reading |
Change provisions relating to certain funds and provide for transfers of funds and extend an excise tax |
LB323 |
Speaker Flood |
Final Reading |
Provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB324 |
Speaker Flood |
Final Reading |
Change provisions relating to state patrol retirement system contributions |
LB325 |
Speaker Flood |
Indefinitely postponed |
Repeal business child care income tax credits |
LB326 |
Speaker Flood |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change eligibility provisions for certain types of public assistance |
LB327 |
Speaker Flood |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement rates |
LB373 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for deficit appropriations |
LB374 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for state government expenses |
LB375 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature |
LB376 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers |
LB377 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for capital construction |
LB378 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds |
LB379 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB380 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Change and eliminate assessment and distribution of depreciation charges relating to state buildings |
LB381 |
Speaker Flood |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to educational service units, withdraw from the Compact for Education, and eliminate a student achievement coordinator |
LB935 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for deficit appropriations and change certain appropriations |
LB959 |
Speaker Flood |
Veto Overridden |
Provide for deficit appropriations |
LB960 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Appropriate funds for employee pay and benefits |
LB961 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for and change transfers of state funds, provide for a juvenile justice system study, and prohibit pledging certain funds |
LB968 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for deficit appropriations |
LB969 |
Speaker Flood |
Passed |
Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds |