Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Fulton, 29 in the 102nd Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR635 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln Southeast High School football team for winning the 2011 Class A state championship
LR634 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln Southeast High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2011 Class A state championship
LR633 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate Sophia Wennstedt on her achievements
LR604 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize various groups for their leading roles in restoring healthy populations of fish, wildlife, and other natural resources
LR570 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize various groups for their leading roles in restoring healthy populations of fish, wildlife, and other natural resources
LR569 Sen Fulton Referral Interim study to examine implementation of utilization and treatment guidelines in cases before the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court
LR474 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate Hope Edwards for receiving a 2012 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR454 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate the Creighton University men's soccer team for their achievements in the 2011 season
LR435 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln Young Professionals Group on its fifth anniversary
LR381 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Recognize the achievements of Colonel Harry Francis Cunningham on the eightieth anniversary of the completion of the State Capitol and request the Lincoln City Council rename a portion of "J" Street in his honor
LR372CA Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment clarifying one-half of a term for legislative term limits
LR343 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize the outstanding dedication of parents who home school their children in the State of Nebraska
LR342 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize David Smith for his outstanding service as president of Union College
LR341 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize Erin and Emma Cooney for their outstanding accomplishments in the field of math
LR340 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate the Auburn Volunteer Fire Department on its 100th anniversary
LR318 Sen Fulton Resolution Interim study to examine the costs incurred when state government and political subdivisions provide services readily available in the private sector
LR272 Sen Fulton Referral Interim study to examine the fiscal impact that the criminal law has on counties, especially new criminal offenses and procedures
LR170 Sen Fulton Resolution Commend the exceptional work of Mothers Against Drunk Driving Nebraska
LR154 Sen Fulton Resolution Recognize the exceptional spirit of philanthropy that Harold and Dolores Wimmer have shown towards the community of West Point
LR133 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate John Sampson on his magnanimous act of philanthropy towards the city of Lincoln
LR90 Sen Fulton Resolution Congratulate Danny Woodhead on his outstanding achievements at all levels of competition in football
LR28 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Encourage all municipal, county, and state law enforcement agencies to participate in the Secure Communities program by the year 2012
LR22 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Resolution for an amendment to the United States Constitution providing for repeal of federal law or regulation by vote of two-thirds of state legislatures
LB1165 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to truancy and excessive absenteeism
LB1164 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the Attorney General from bringing an action pursuant to a certain federal statute that addresses the distribution in commerce of general service incandescent lamps
LB1163 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for a deer donation program and for redistribution of deer permit fees
LB1092 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Require information and training regarding the disposal of mercury-containing light bulbs
LB1065 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Appropriate facility construction funds for the Lincoln Division of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing
LB1064 Sen Fulton Passed Permit the procurement of certain disability insurance from a nonadmitted insurer under the Surplus Lines Insurance Act
LB1008 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for utilization and treatment guidelines for medical services under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB1007 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Require production costs of reports submitted to the Legislature to be stated on the reports
LB1006 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change bidding provisions relating to vendors who are blind or visually impaired
LB992 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the presence of minors on premises of certain liquor licensees and provide a penalty
LB990 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change flag display provisions for schools and require recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance
LB954 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the college savings plan
LB953 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Create state fleet card programs and a fund
LB855 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB815 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change penalty and statute of limitations regarding concealing the death of another person
LB625 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change certain penalties relating to driving under the influence
LB598 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change timing of certain foster care permanency hearings
LB584 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Exempt deployed military personnel from motor vehicle registration fees
LB564 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions of the Industrial Relations Act and the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act
LB531 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change permissible budget reserves for schools
LB521 Sen Fulton Passed Require the physical presence of a physician who performs, induces, or attempts an abortion
LB447 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to vehicular pursuit
LB408 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to divorce
LB337 Sen Fulton Passed Change timeframes for audits by the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB275 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the offense of escape
LB272 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for confidentiality and limited access to first-injury reports under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB185 Sen Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for one vehicle license plate
LB68 Sen Fulton Passed Permit certified nurse midwives to have clinical privileges
LB46 Sen Fulton Passed Define the term "barber pole" for purposes of the Barber Act
LB45 Sen Fulton Passed Change the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act