Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Christensen, 44 in the 102nd Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB513 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Escort Services Accountability and Permit Act
LB515 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Federal Health Care Nullification Act and provide a civil right of action and criminal penalties relating to enforcement
LB1171 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Balance of Powers Act and create the Committee on Nullification of Federal Laws
LB950A Sen Christensen Passed Appropriation Bill
LB739 Sen Christensen Passed Authorize Game and Parks Commission to transfer property to Chase County
LB651 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Authorize a program audit and survey of the foster care system
LB516 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Authorize carrying of concealed handguns in educational institutions by security personnel, administrators, or teaching staff
LB785 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Authorize possession of firearms as prescribed
LB518 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change certain penalty and violation provisions of the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB786 Sen Christensen Passed Change forfeiture of office provisions for city council members in cities with a city manager
LB698 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change labeling requirements for alcohol-blended fuel
LB1127 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to issuing or passing a bad check or issuing a no-account check
LB1170 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of separate segregated political funds under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB655 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an occupation tax imposed by natural resources districts
LB648 Sen Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to foster care and juvenile placement
LB689 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to human trafficking
LB231 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to issuing a bad check
LB1052 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to maintenance of drainage facilities on county roads
LB87 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to mowing weeds in ditches
LB1125 Sen Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to natural resources district occupation tax
LB298 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to self-protection
LB652 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to theft penalties
LB512 Sen Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school and mental health determinations and residency requirements regarding handgun purchase and possession
LB89 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change qualifications of the Superintendent of Law Enforcement and Public Safety
LB232 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change use of force provisions to include protection of an unborn child as prescribed
LR384 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate Carol Stitt for her twenty-nine years of service as executive director of the State Foster Care Review Board
LR437 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate Dexter Becker for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 195-pound division
LR438 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate Hunter Timmons for winning the 2012 Class D state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division
LR439 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate Mike Shoff for winning the 2012 Class D state wrestling championship in the 285-pound division
LR190 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate the Ag Sales team of the Imperial Chapter of the Chase County Schools FFA for taking first place at the 83rd Annual Nebraska FFA Convention
LR191 Sen Christensen Resolution Congratulate the Senior and Junior Parliamentary Procedure teams of the Imperial Chapter of the Chase County Schools FFA for taking first place at the 83rd Annual Nebraska FFA Convention
LB86 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the legislative reference library
LR304 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine legislative intent under the Nebr. Ground Water Management and Protection Act regarding water use on "commingled acres"
LR594 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine several policy issues regarding the definition of a flavored malt beverage
LR315 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine simulcast horseracing in Nebraska
LR563 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine the constitutionality of AM1603 to LB514, which would provide an additional recovery amount for compensatory or actual damages sustained due to an unreasonable delay or denial by an insurance company
LR564 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine the constitutionality of creating standing secondary surface water appropriation rights to unappropriated surface water for interbasin transfers to mitigate flood damage which are inferior in right to any future surface water appropriations that may be issued in the basin of origin
LR319 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine the tax exemptions that pertain to the horseracing industry in Nebraska
LR593 Sen Christensen Referral Interim study to examine the taxing of flavored malt beverages at a separate, higher rate category than the current beer rate under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB647 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of certain foreign laws in Nebraska courts
LB1126 Sen Christensen Passed Provide and change extraterritorial jurisdiction of a village
LB654 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide filing requirements for presidential and vice-presidential candidates and prohibit presidential electors from voting for uncertified candidates
LB650 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for a statement of rights and responsibilities for foster parents
LB1081 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for free antlerless deer hunting permits for farmers as prescribed
LB653 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for interbasin transfers during times of flooding as prescribed
LB514 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide for recovery for unreasonable delay or denial of an insurance claim
LB950 Sen Christensen Passed Provide for transfers of funds to the Water Resources Cash Fund
LB88 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide signage requirements and duties for the Nebraska State Patrol regarding concealed handguns
LB646 Sen Christensen Passed Redefine emergency medical service and prohibit expansion of a scope of practice
LB517 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Conveyance Safety Act and adopt the Elevator Inspection Act
LB1084 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Require all land leased by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds be open to the public for hunting, fur harvesting, and fishing
LB645 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Require inclusion of established surface water and ground water uses in certain agreements as prescribed
LB649 Sen Christensen Indefinitely postponed Require the Judiciary Committee to develop legislative recommendations for guardians ad litem for children and youth
LB511 Sen Christensen Withdrawn Restrict the use and sale of blunt wrap tobacco wrappers as prescribed