Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Carlson, 38 in the 102nd Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR575 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine the interests and any role of the Dept. of Agriculture relating to incidents of livestock neglect and abandonment, particularly with respect to safeguarding livestock health
LR574 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to review the anticipated disease traceability final rule by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Dept. of Agriculture
LR559 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine potential structural models for commodity development programs to enhance flexibility, resources, and accountability to producers
LR558 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine legislation that has been proposed or enacted in several states to protect against disruptions of agricultural operations
LR557 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine the progress of the creation of a blender fuel pump infrastructure in Nebraska
LR556 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine the current ground water policy contained in Nebraska's statutes
LR455 Sen Carlson Resolution Congratulate the Sandy Creek High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class C-1 state championship
LR358CA Sen Carlson Presented to Secretary of State Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three terms
LR297 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to review the report of the Dept. of Agriculture pursuant to LB305, identifying authorities and resources necessary to carry out a cooperative program of state meat and poultry inspection
LR296 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine potential structural models for commodity development programs to enhance flexibility, resources, and accountability to producers
LR295 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to compile research relating to food safety, animal welfare, resource stewardship, and farm economy welfare, associated with restrictions of livestock husbandry practices promoted by animal welfare advocacy groups
LR278 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine the implications of the emerging livestock disease traceability framework governing movements of animals in interstate commerce described in the Animal Disease Traceability Comprehensive Report
LR277 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to review the Dept. of Agriculture's inspection program under the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LR276 Sen Carlson Referral Interim study to examine the methods and level of effort of the Division of Weights and Measures of the Dept. of Agriculture to monitor and enforce fuel dispenser labeling requirements relating to ethanol-blended fuel products
LR172 Sen Carlson Resolution Congratulate Dave Barnard on his retirement and for being named the 2011 Nebraska FFA Advisor of the Year
LR86 Sen Carlson Resolution Congratulate Justine Bauer for receiving a 2011 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LB1156 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Exempt non-equalized schools from expenditure limits in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB1058 Sen Carlson Passed Change the Employment Security Law and the New Hire Reporting Act
LB1057A Sen Carlson Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1057 Sen Carlson Passed Change the Nebraska Corn Resources Act
LB907 Sen Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to agricultural tractor permitting and a sales tax exemption
LB905A Sen Carlson Passed Appropriation Bill
LB905 Sen Carlson Passed Change the Nebraska Wheat Resources Act
LB771 Sen Carlson Passed Change the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LB770 Sen Carlson Passed Change the Nebraska Seed Law
LB693 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act
LB596 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Provide for standing with respect to integrated management plan proceedings
LB595 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Water Resources Revolving Loan Fund Act and change provisions regarding certain revenue
LB594 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Amusement Ride Act and the Conveyance Safety Act and outright repeal the acts in 2013
LB593 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Boiler Inspection Act
LB592 Sen Carlson Withdrawn Adopt the Nebraska Commodity Industry Development Act
LB529 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to conservation and preservation easements and the Nebraska Environmental Trust
LB528 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change tax levy authority of natural resources districts
LB527 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change tax levy authority of natural resources districts
LB526 Sen Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to water transfers
LB356 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Authorize funding for administration of the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act
LB355 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Provide for an agricultural trade representative and funding intent
LB354 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change funding provisions for the Weight and Measures Act
LB245 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Provide for release of employee medical records as prescribed under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB244 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Allow certain signs along scenic byways as prescribed
LB243 Sen Carlson Passed Change membership on the Republican River Basin Water Sustainability Task Force
LB110 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate soil conditioner registration under the Nebraska Commercial Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Act
LB109 Sen Carlson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain registrations under the Agricultural Liming Materials Act
LB108 Sen Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to division fences
LB107 Sen Carlson Passed Change Grain Sorghum Development, Utilization, and Marketing Board provisions