Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB85 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act |
LB97 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require Secretary of State to provide uniform guidelines for election workers |
LB161 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to recounting votes |
LB218 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to personnel exempt from the State Personnel System |
LB223 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require insurance coverage for cochlear implants |
LB246 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide Nebraska State Patrol retirement benefits to a spouse who remarries |
LB249 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for waiver of restrictions on alcohol sales near postsecondary campuses |
LB256 |
Sen Karpisek |
Governor Veto |
Change State Racing Commission members' terms and permit horseracing licensees to contract to conduct live horseracing for other licensees |
LB279 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change provisions regarding an interest in licensed wholesalers under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB281 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Allow consumption of alcohol in chartered limousines and buses |
LB294 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit alcohol sales during certain hours to persons who are twenty-one years old |
LB299 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change horseracing provisions to authorize contracts for live race meetings and change licensing requirements |
LB307 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require continued DROP contributions under the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act |
LB311 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change penalties of out-of-state licensees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB314 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Provide an exception for wine retailers relating to certain sales practices |
LB336 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Authorize outside employment for Nebraska Liquor Control Commission employees |
LB407 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change employment provisions, notice requirements, and license restrictions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB411 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change fees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB412 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions regarding contributions and expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB469 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit retail sale of novelty lighters and provide a penalty |
LB470 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Provide requirements for approval of library personnel policies and procedures |
LB471 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change local sources of revenue and qualifying businesses under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act |
LB472 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Nebraska Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act |
LB485 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund |
LB487 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for resolution and ordinance power relating to flood protection and water quality enhancement projects |
LB490 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change restrictions on keno |
LB505 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change motor vehicle taxes and distribution of proceeds |
LB532 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for potential transfer of certain Department of Labor employees to the state retirement system |
LB537 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to budget limitations and property tax levy limitations |
LB538 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the disposition of seized firearms |
LB638 |
Sen Karpisek |
Withdrawn |
Provide restrictions relating to sale of county records for commercial purposes |
LB658 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the fee for obtaining a handgun certificate |
LB659 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit driving with controlled substances in bodily fluids |
LB660 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Create the offense of providing a bodily fluid sample containing a controlled substance |
LB661 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change specialty license plate fees |
LB681 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for distribution of a portion of keno tax proceeds for thoroughbred horseracing purses |
LB776 |
Sen Karpisek |
Withdrawn |
Prohibit sale of alcoholic beer and liquor for less than the purchase price |
LB813 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit counties, cities, and villages from imposing credentialing requirements |
LB824 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Define flavored malt beverage and change bond provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB867 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change employer contribution provisions under certain county retirement plans |
LB931 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to flood protection and water quality enhancement bonds |
LB934 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for appointment of all election commissioners by the county board |
LB936 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to termination of the township board |
LB966 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change vote canvassing procedures |
LB978 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit sales of alcohol or beer for consumption off the premises at less than cost |
LB987 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Create the Liquor Control Enforcement Division within the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB1067 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change restrictions on keno |
LB1076 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change requirements for copies of public records and speaking at public meetings |
LB1082 |
Sen Karpisek |
Passed |
Change police officers and firefighters retirement systems provisions |
LB1119 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit sale, possession, and use of flying lantern-type devices |
LB1120 |
Sen Karpisek |
Indefinitely postponed |
Limit liability for bucking bull activities |
LR6 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Exeter-Milligan High School volleyball team for winning the 2010 Class D-1 state championship |
LR7 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Crete High School football team for winning the 2010 Class B state championship |
LR171 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Congratulate Don Rytych on his retirement and thank him for his dedication to education in the State of Nebraska |
LR299 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues regarding gaming revenue that leaves Nebraska |
LR300 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues relating to horseracing |
LR301 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues relating to alcohol impact zones |
LR302 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR303 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues relating to whether Nebraska State Patrol inspectors of violations under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act should be under the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission's jurisdiction |
LR357 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Recognize B. J. Lawrence for his outstanding accomplishments in track and field |
LR427 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Congratulate Trevor Hartley for winning the 2012 Class D state wrestling championship in the 182-pound division |
LR428 |
Sen Karpisek |
Resolution |
Congratulate Luke DeLong for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 160-pound division |
LR586 |
Sen Karpisek |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |