Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Ashford, 20 in the 101st Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB34 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require employment verification of employees by employers and by contractors who want to be awarded a public contract
LB253 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Adopt a new Nebraska Juvenile Code and change child abuse reporting and registry, child relinquishment, and Foster Care Review Act provisions
LB273 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change sheriff's fees and handgun certificate fees
LB332 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to courts
LB333 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Increase and provide for court fees
LB344 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change administration of the Civil Legal Services Program
LB413 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the College Choice Grant Program Act
LB596 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change a legal services fee
LB597 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to collaborative focus schools and programs and magnet schools
LB669A Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB923 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sealing of juvenile criminal justice records
LB929 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require schools to distribute certain information to parents of children with special hearing needs
LR299CA Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for no more than three community college areas
LB35 Sen Ashford Passed Change legal process regarding limited liability companies, courts, civil and criminal procedure, grants, estates, real estate, adoption, foster care, juveniles, court appointed special advocates, and administrative hearings and change fees
LB35A Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB63A Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB343 Sen Ashford Passed Designate the time a judge's term ends
LB414 Sen Ashford Passed Change salary and retirement provisions for judges and a fee
LB414A Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB598 Sen Ashford Passed Change the Nebraska Crime Victim's Reparations Act and authorize a Community Trust to assist with tragedies of violence or natural disaster
LB789 Sen Ashford Passed Change grant limits under the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act
LB800 Sen Ashford Passed Provide and change methods of early intervention for children at risk and penalties for drug offenses by minors
LB800A Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LR9 Sen Ashford Resolution Congratulate Michael Fryda for being named the 2010 Nebraska Teacher of the Year
LR105 Sen Ashford Resolution Congratulate Donald G. Gilpin for his many years of service to Omaha Westside High School
LR109 Sen Ashford Resolution Interim study to examine the issue of juvenile overcrowding in youth detention centers
LR138 Sen Ashford Resolution Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR171 Sen Ashford Resolution Create the Sentencing and Recidivism Task Force
LR258 Sen Ashford Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Westside High School baseball team for winning the 2009 Class A state championship
LR304 Sen Ashford Resolution Commend Creighton Preparatory School for its fundraising efforts to provide assistance to the earthquake victims in Haiti
LR308 Sen Ashford Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Kathleen Munnelly Cavanaugh
LR316 Sen Ashford Resolution Congratulate Mike Kemp for being inducted into the Omaha Hockey Hall of Fame
LR381 Sen Ashford Resolution Extend appreciation to Ingrid Johnson and all members of the Omaha Rapid Response for their work in Haiti
LR479 Sen Ashford Resolution Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee