Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Adams, 24 in the 102nd Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB946 Sen Adams Passed Adopt the Community College Aid Act
LB637 Sen Adams Passed Adopt the Postsecondary Institution Act and change provisions relating to higher education
LB637A Sen Adams Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1105 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to schools
LB913 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change base limitation provisions and certain dates relating to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB633 Sen Adams Passed Change determination and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and change tax levy and bonding authority for certain school improvement projects
LB446 Sen Adams Passed Change duties and funding provisions relating to educational service units
LB445 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change duties of the Commissioner of Education
LB822 Sen Adams Passed Change notice provisions relating to changes in real property valuations
LB1104 Sen Adams Passed Change postsecondary education provisions relating to recurrent authorization to operate, community college levy limits, and the Nebraska educational savings plan program
LB823 Sen Adams Passed Change powers and duties of county treasurers relating to the holding of certain school district funds
LB59 Sen Adams Passed Change property tax authority of and aid to community colleges
LB636 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to access to student records and learning community reporting and diversity plans
LB372 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to postsecondary course and program offerings
LB235 Sen Adams Passed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools
LB236 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools
LB287 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to summer school and early childhood summer sessions
LB634 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the tax levy authority of school districts relating to certain bonds
LB635 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Change the Quality Education Accountability Act
LR554 Sen Adams Resolution Congratulate Aaron Madsen for being named 2011 Athletic Trainer of the Year
LR120 Sen Adams Resolution Congratulate Dave and Lorraine Lostroh on their years of service to the Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
LR450 Sen Adams Resolution Congratulate the Seward High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class B state championship
LR105 Sen Adams Resolution Congratulate the Seward High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LB1068 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Create and provide duties for the Medicaid in the Public Schools Task Force
LR173 Sen Adams Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Reinhold Marxhausen
LR489 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine early childhood education programs in Nebraska
LR490 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine funding for educational service units
LR491 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the effectiveness of the current systems for seeking medicaid reimbursements from the federal government for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and administrative claims
LR320 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the funding of public elementary and secondary education
LR198 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the governance and coordination of postsecondary education in Nebraska
LR591 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the progress toward the development of a state longitudinal education data system
LR492 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to examine the system of financing public education in Nebraska
LR590 Sen Adams Referral Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee
LB870 Sen Adams Passed Provide, change, and eliminate school accountability assessment provisions and provide for career academies
LB58 Sen Adams Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study of dual-enrollment courses and career academies
LB18 Sen Adams Passed Provide for distribution of allocations from the federal Education Jobs Fund