Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Louden, 49 in the 101st Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB1028 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Charter Schools Act
LB473 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Elementary Attendance Region Act
LB565 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Woody Biomass Energy Act
LB1004 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Allow operation of golf car vehicles and low-speed vehicles on highways as prescribed
LB1002A Sen Louden Passed Appropriation Bill
LB184 Sen Louden Passed Authorize Department of Natural Resources to administer riparian water rights
LB784 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change admission provisions relating to law enforcement training
LB748 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change exemption provisions relating to food establishments
LB185 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to presentence investigations
LR377 Sen Louden Resolution Congratulate Jordan Hooper as an outstanding basketball player and recognize her outstanding leadership abilities and teamwork
LR25 Sen Louden Resolution Congratulate Sydney Swanson for receiving the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR319 Sen Louden Resolution Congratulate Sydney Swanson for receiving the 2010 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LB749 Sen Louden Passed Designate certain roads as state recreation roads
LB698 Sen Louden Passed Eliminate certain insurance premium tax provisions
LB115 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery Advisory Board
LB58 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Exempt heating oil or propane used for residential heating purposes from sales and use taxes
LB57 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Exempt repairs and parts for agricultural machinery or equipment from sales and use taxes
LB59 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Increase liquor taxes and adopt the Citizen Safety Grant Fund Program Act
LR130 Sen Louden Resolution Interim study to examine whether provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act should be updated in relation to the growing trend of home baking, canning, and small food businesses in Nebraska
LB747 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Permit killing mountain lions and other predatory animals
LB14 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Prohibit transfers and lapses from the Nebraska Brand Inspection and Theft Prevention Fund
LB1002 Sen Louden Passed Provide for applications to the Commission on Indian Affairs for state assistance
LB114 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for operation of minitrucks on highways without registration
LB217 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for electrical entities placing wires across railroad rights-of-way