Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Juarez, 5 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB161 Sen Juarez Referral Redefine formula students under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB162 Sen Juarez Referral Adopt the Child Care Safety and Security Act
LB226 Sen Juarez Referral Provide for setting aside convictions and expunging records for convictions and adjudications for concealed weapon offenses, provide a private cause of action for violations of the Security, Privacy, and Dissemination of Criminal History Information Act, waive sovereign immunity, and provide for retroactivity
LB330 Sen Juarez Referral Change provisions relating to the sales tax rate and create the Alcohol Addiction Prevention and Treatment Fund
LB460 Sen Juarez Referral Create the Nebraska Council on Economic Education Cash Fund and provide for a transfer from the State Settlement Cash Fund
LB461 Sen Juarez General File Change provisions of the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Retirement Act
LB517 Sen Juarez Referral Provide requirements for the state school security director regarding protective door assemblies and other school entry systems
LB518 Sen Juarez Referral Change requirements for a report by the Department of Correctional Services and Board of Parole
LB519 Sen Juarez Referral Require independent confirmatory testing of potential items of contraband or drugs in prisons
LB520 Sen Juarez Referral Provide requirements for bed and breakfast establishments regarding food, beverages, and fire safety
LB523 Sen Juarez Referral Adopt the Student Teacher Compensation Act
LB524 Sen Juarez Referral Authorize paraeducator grants under the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act and change eligible uses of the Education Future Fund
LB602 Sen Juarez Referral Adopt the Data Elimination and Limiting Extensive Tracking and Exchange Act