Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Heidemann, 1 in the 101st Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB96 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the State Energy Office Cash Fund
LB112 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain health education loan repayments from income taxation
LB150 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Nebraska Prostitution Intervention and Treatment Act
LB269 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund, Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund, and Stem Cell Research Cash Fund provisions
LB308 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts
LB572 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund provisions
LB916 Sen Heidemann Indefinitely postponed Authorize leases on school lands for solar and wind energy production
LB90 Sen Heidemann Passed Eliminate certain requirements regarding audiovisual court appearances
LB133 Sen Heidemann Passed Change location requirements for county postprimary conventions
LB135 Sen Heidemann Passed Change an appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB300 Sen Heidemann Passed Change bidding requirements for public power and irrigation districts
LB456 Sen Heidemann Passed Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB1065 Sen Heidemann Passed Change provisions relating to towing of vehicles
LR2 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate Roger R. Wehrbein for his selection by the Rotary Clubs of Nebraska as the Nebraskan of the Year and recognize for his service to his community and to the state
LR8 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate the Pawnee City High School boys' track team for winning the 2008 Class D state championship
LR27 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate Jacob Buss for receiving the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR46 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate Tyler Eaton, Andrew Schawang, Jason Hall, Matthew Goff, and Patrick Malcolm, for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR56 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate the Sterling High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2009 Class D-2 state championship
LR137 Sen Heidemann Resolution Interim study to determine whether a reserve is necessary for the defined benefit retirement plans prior to the Legislature's approval of any benefit improvements
LR542 Sen Heidemann Resolution Provide the standing committees and Executive Board shall review programs within the agencies under their subject-matter jurisdiction to identify services, programs, and obligations that may be reduced or eliminated during the 2011 session
LR553 Sen Heidemann Resolution Congratulate Alex Allen Gottwald for earning the rank of Eagle Scout