Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Friend, 10 in the 101st Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR216 Sen Friend Resolution Interim study to identify the range of occupations taxes which are currently levied by cities and villages in Nebraska
LR205 Sen Friend Resolution Interim study to review the status of current state law regarding the various building and construction codes currently in use by cities and villages
LR203 Sen Friend Resolution Interim study to examine the cost-effectiveness of upgrading the Nebraska Energy Code for new commercial construction
LR202 Sen Friend Resolution Interim study to investigate the full range of powers granted to municipalities which involve jurisdiction over residents in areas outside of municipal boundaries
LR165 Sen Friend Resolution Interim study to examine issues relating to the adoption of a corporate and individual income tax credit scholarship program
LR5CA Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms
LR1CA Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to reduce the maximum number of legislative days in a regular legislative session
LB658 Sen Friend Passed Provide for infrastructure system replacement cost recovery by certain natural gas public utilities
LB526 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for land annexation by certain cities and villages
LB525 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change tax levy and economic development programs of cities and villages
LB524 Sen Friend Passed Increase fines for handicapped parking infractions
LB495 Sen Friend Passed Change provisions relating to annexation, additions, and control of weeds by cities and villages
LB460 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change a sales tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals
LB457 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certified nurse midwives
LB417 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Optometry Practice Act
LB401 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Adopt the High Priority Surface Transportation Development Act and the Surface Transportation Revolving Fund Act
LB339 Sen Friend Passed Change community development authority provisions relating to cities and villages
LB338 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change weed height requirements for cities and villages
LB337 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change restrictions on advertising and promotional materials relating to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust
LB336 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Exempt municipal water from sales tax
LB335 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Require electronic employee verification for certain tax incentives
LB320 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change highway funding provisions and motor fuel taxes
LB272 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Redefine underground facility for purposes of the one-call notification system
LB67 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Elementary and Secondary Education Opportunity Act
LB63 Sen Friend Passed Change provisions and penalties relating to assault, firearms and other weapons, graffiti, gang affiliation, juveniles, bail, jailhouse informers, appeals, violence prevention, prisoner employment, and dating violence policies
LB26 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change the priority of liens for special assessments
LB25 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Provide for licensure of and medicaid payments to children's day health services
LB24 Sen Friend Passed Change provisions relating to work done on radiological instruments by the Military Department
LB23 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions of the Nebraska Investment Council
LB22 Sen Friend Indefinitely postponed Change tax levy authority of educational service units and school districts