Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Dover, 19 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB150 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to entertainment districts under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB151 Sen Dover Passed Change provisions relating to the State Real Estate Commission
LB152 Sen Dover Passed Eliminate registration requirements under the Membership Campground Act
LB185 Sen Dover General File Provide for electronic notices by landlords under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
LB186 Sen Dover Referral Change provisions relating to entertainment districts under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB187 Sen Dover E and R Engrossing Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB188 Sen Dover Referral State intent to appropriate for medicaid nursing facility rates
LB266 Sen Dover Referral Prohibit political subdivisions from enacting ordinances which have the effect of imposing rent controls on private property
LB542 Sen Dover Referral Change and eliminate payment provisions for road construction costs relating to utility facilities
LB543 Sen Dover Referral Provide for the delivery of license plates and change provisions relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles’ fees
LB544 Sen Dover Referral Disqualify certain individuals from receiving benefits under the Employment Security Law
LB621 Sen Dover Referral State legislative intent regarding appropriations and provide for transfers from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB622 Sen Dover Referral Provide for the Statewide Housing Assistance Program and change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, recipients of assistance, and selection of recipients under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act and the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax
LB623 Sen Dover Referral State intent regarding appropriations
LB624 Sen Dover Referral Appropriate funds to the State Treasurer for education scholarships
LB625 Sen Dover Referral Provide for the establishment of a database of financial information from all school districts in the state
LB626 Sen Dover Referral Authorize redevelopment projects involving affordable housing under the Community Development Law
LB627 Sen Dover Referral Provide for a capital construction project for the University of Nebraska
LB628 Sen Dover Referral Adopt the Recreational Trail Easement Property Tax Exemption Act and change provisions relating to the filing of statements of recorded easements and property tax exemptions
LB695 Sen Dover Referral Require the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District to construct a dam and provide for flood control measures
LB718 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Arts Council
LB719 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB720 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child support liens
LB1135 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of right-to-list home sale agreements and change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB1136 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB1151 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Define the term occupy for purposes of homestead exemptions
LB1312 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Provide for electronic notices by landlords under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
LB1313 Sen Dover Passed Provide for regulation of health benefit plans for nonprofit agricultural organizations
LB1378 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent to appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services as prescribed and change provisions relating to certain funds
LB1379 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Change the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax and provide for grants by the Department of Economic Development for its comprehensive housing affordability strategy
LB1380 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for Wyuka Cemetery and provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB1415 Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act and change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LR19CA Sen Dover Referral Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms
LR22CA Sen Dover Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms
LR47 Sen Dover Resolution Congratulate the Northeast Community College men's soccer team on winning the 2024 National Junior College Athletic Association Division II national championship
LR251 Sen Dover Referral Interim study to explore the development of registered apprenticeship program sponsors within Nebraska's education system for early childhood care and education
LR318 Sen Dover Adopted Recognize Bertha Medina-Garcia as an honorary citizen of Nebraska
LR416 Sen Dover Referral Interim study to examine what funding options and appropriations may be necessary to improve the return on investment of housing incentives offered by the State of Nebraska
LR417 Sen Dover Referral Interim study to provide a comprehensive examination of the funding structure of Nebraska's transportation system and to identify strategies to fund highway maintenance and construction
LR418 Sen Dover Referral Interim study to examine the current property tax valuation process