Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Dorn, 30 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB41 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to certain payments of funds to townships
LB42 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers to the Hall of Fame Trust Fund
LB45 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Create the Revitalize Rural Nebraska Grant Program
LB45A Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB46 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for a provider rate study
LB47 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change notice requirements under the Open Meetings Act for certain fire districts
LB48 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate money to the State Department of Education for educational service units
LB54 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for providers of developmental disability services
LB55 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid rates for mental health providers
LB56 Sen Dorn Referral Require medical facilities and mortuaries to comply with requests for blood draws relating to certain deceased persons
LB57 Sen Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid assisted-living facilities
LB86 Sen Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB87 Sen Dorn Referral Provide for a statewide support service provider program for deaf-blind persons
LB88 Sen Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB90 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax incentive performance audits
LB102 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfer of duties of clerks of the district court to clerk magistrates
LB103 Sen Dorn Passed Appropriate funds to aid counties to pay certain federal judgments
LB106 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to disclosure of DNA records under the DNA Identification Information Act
LB107 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to city and village plumbing boards and change a penalty
LB128 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB129 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for medicaid nursing facilities
LB130 Sen Dorn Passed State intent regarding medicaid nursing facility rates, require reports, and change quality assurance assessments for nursing facilities
LB130A Sen Dorn Passed Appropriation Bill
LB131 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for medicaid assisted-living facilities
LB228 Sen Dorn Referral Change provisions of the Legislative Performance Audit Act
LB239 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for notice of hearing on county budget
LB361 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent to appropriate funds for the Precision Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program
LB362 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for a rate increase for behavioral health services
LB363 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfer of duties of clerks of the district court to clerk magistrates
LB401 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Natural Resources
LB415 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB462 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB472 Sen Dorn Veto Overridden Adopt the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, authorize a sales and use tax, and require a property tax levy
LB473 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change revenue and taxation provisions relating to judgments against public corporations and political subdivisions, authorize certain loans, and provide powers and duties to the State Treasurer
LB474 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to claims against the state for wrongful incarceration and conviction
LB494 Sen Dorn Referral Change provisions relating to the School District Property Tax Relief Act and transfers of General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund and the School District Property Tax Relief Credit Fund
LB524 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to annexations under the Nebraska Budget Act
LB525 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to the sale of county land in fee simple
LB562 Sen Dorn Passed Adopt the E-15 Access Standard Act and change provisions of the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act, the Nebraska Higher Blend Tax Credit Act, the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act, and the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LB562A Sen Dorn Passed Appropriation Bill
LB563 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska State Historical Society
LB564 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Economic Opportunity Program of the Department of Transportation
LB576 Sen Dorn Referral Change provisions of the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act relating to surcharges and public hearings
LB577 Sen Dorn Referral Change licensure requirements for remote dispensing pharmacies and verification requirements for pharmacists
LB666 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund provisions and provide for a transfer to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska for a program to train first responders and emergency medical technicians in rural areas
LB759 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change a limitation relating to microloans under the Business Innovation Act
LB760 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for grants to licensed emergency medical services programs
LB761 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Precision Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Act and state intent regarding appropriation of federal funds
LB762 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for behavioral health services
LB763 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms relating to recreational liability to include private airstrips or runways and noncommercial aviation activities
LB811 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to auctioneers of real estate
LB904 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska for an Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Holland Computer Center facility
LB940 Sen Dorn Passed Provide and change authority for agreements by county boards
LB941 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid assisted-living facility rates
LB942 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid nursing facility rates
LB943 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for behavioral health aid
LB944 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for use of the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund for behavioral health needs
LB968 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for affordable housing and job training
LB969 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Environment and Energy to improve reliability and resiliency of the electric grid
LB996 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for assisted-living facilities
LB1090 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change award limits under the Business Innovation Act
LB1091 Sen Dorn Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Nursing Incentive Act and state intent to appropriate federal funds
LB1095 Sen Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to tax credits under the Nebraska Biodiesel Tax Credit Act and change provisions of the E-15 Access Standard Act
LB1108 Sen Dorn Passed Provide for transfer of certain sales and use taxes to the Nebraska Emergency Medical System Operations Fund and provide additional uses for the fund
LR7CA Sen Dorn Referral Constitutional amendment to change legislative salaries to thirty thousand dollars annually
LR24CA Sen Dorn Referral Constitutional amendment to provide for selection of presidential electors
LR77 Sen Dorn Adopted Congratulate the Freeman High School boys basketball team on winning the 2023 Class C-2 state championship
LR132 Sen Dorn Adopted Recognize Larry J. Dix for his service to the State of Nebraska and congratulate him on his retirement as executive director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials
LR164 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study on improving the handicapped accessibility of parking, entryways, and interior spaces around the Nebraska State Capitol
LR181 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to examine new funding streams for financial stability of the simulation-in-motion Nebraska program
LR203 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to review how the State of Nebraska can ensure it has effective emergency medical services in rural communities
LR208 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to examine the current funding mechanisms and operations of Nebraska's Mesonet system
LR229 Sen Dorn Adopted Recognize Douglas K. Hanson for his years of dedicated public service and congratulate him on his retirement
LR265 Sen Dorn Resolution Congratulate the student athletes and coaches of Southwest High School
LR300 Sen Dorn Adopted Commend the National Conference of State Legislatures for its leadership and its commitment to the legislative institution
LR367 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to examine set fee and fine amounts and the costs experienced by county governments when administering the associated services
LR410 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to examine the long-term fiscal sustainability of and how to best direct funding and appropriations towards sustaining a strong health care workforce in Nebraska, especially in rural communities
LR413 Sen Dorn Referral Interim study to evaluate the potential transition to a statewide professional license for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning technicians