Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB33 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds to fund the County Property Tax Relief Program |
LB47 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Include certain third parties as railroad carriers |
LB48 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Adopt updated federal motor carrier safety and hazardous material regulations |
LB49 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Require titling and registration of motor vehicles and motorboats be performed by county treasurers |
LB49A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriations Bill |
LB50 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to motor vehicle manufacturers |
LB52 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change employment qualifications relating to county veterans service offices |
LB53 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to formation, territory, and the operating area of public power districts |
LB54 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change integrated management plan provisions under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act |
LB55 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change qualifications for office for county attorneys |
LB56 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change the Livestock Waste Management Act |
LB67 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Clarify required use and enforcement provisions regarding seat belts and other occupant protection systems |
LB70 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Permit operation of ATV's within municipalities by municipal employees |
LB71 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds for a child advocacy center |
LB72 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit beginning a school year before Labor Day |
LB84 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Adopt the Build Nebraska Act and provide for distribution of sales and use tax revenue for road construction |
LB98 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide powers relating to federal-aid transportation funds |
LB110 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change motor vehicle registration fees and fee distribution and provide for specialty license plates |
LB110A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriations Bill |
LB111 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to fines for speeding in a construction zone |
LB116 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Authorize certain volunteer emergency responders to participate in the state health insurance program |
LB117 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Authorize an income tax credit for certain retail business taxpayers |
LB158 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change driver's license examination and issuance provisions |
LB162 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for an electronic lien system for certificates of title |
LB162A |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriations bill |
LB163 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to parking permits and license plates for handicapped or disabled persons and authorize a state electronic application system |
LB163A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB164 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions of the Relocation Assistance Act |
LB165 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change municipal occupation tax provisions relating to telecommunications companies |
LB167 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change the Relocation Assistance Act |
LB170 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change motorcycle safety education provisions |
LB178A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB180 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for gubernatorial appointment of the Board of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery |
LB181 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide requirements for agreements between railroads and telecommunications carriers |
LB183 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide requirements for the sale of an exchange under the Nebraska Telecommunications Regulation Act |
LB201 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the penalty for false information relating to motor vehicle registration |
LB202A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriations Bill |
LB215 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change state identification card and motor vehicle operator's license provisions |
LB217 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the Telecommunication Relay System Act |
LB220 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change appeal procedures of the Public Service Commission |
LB229 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Water Resources Cash Fund and the Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund and provide an additional consideration for grants from the Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund |
LB229A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB234 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to county office and service facilities of the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB238 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Create the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska Community Colleges |
LB239 |
Sen Fischer |
Final Reading |
Update references to federal law in certain state motor vehicle statutes |
LB257 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change filing requirements for telecommunications companies |
LB259 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to railroads |
LB264 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change motor fuel tax calculations |
LB305 |
Sen Fischer |
Final Reading |
Change distribution of certain sales tax revenue |
LB305A |
Sen Fischer |
Final Reading |
Appropriations bill |
LB328 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for amendment of hydropower appropriations as prescribed |
LB364 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to calculation of state aid to schools |
LB438 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibits instream appropriations in fully or overappropriated areas |
LB439 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Home Energy Alternatives Act |
LB477 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change regulation provisions under the Motor Vehicle Industry Regulation Act |
LB533 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change membership of the Niobrara Council |
LB560 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for regulation of communications providers |
LB561 |
Sen Fischer |
Final Reading |
Change provisions relating to removal of disabled or immobilized vehicles |
LB690 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide for apprentice hunter education exemptions under the Game Law |
LB715 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change regulation of boundaries for telecommunications services |
LB718 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to certificates of title, the distribution of titling fees, and registration fees for fleet vehicles |
LB723 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change surcharge remittance requirements for telephone companies |
LB724 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change commercial driver medical examination provisions and prohibit texting while driving a commercial motor vehicle |
LB725 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to fertilizer trailers and agricultural chemical equipment |
LB726 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Eliminate certain certified and registered mail requirements of the Department of Motor Vehicles |
LB739 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Eliminate provisions relating to driver training schools |
LB743 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Authorize conveyance of certain real property by the Game and Parks Commission |
LB745 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide requirements for imposition of municipal occupation taxes |
LB748 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Eliminate provisions relating to denial of motor vehicle registration or operator's license to a person with outstanding arrest warrants |
LB751 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to federal vehicle laws and regulations, parking permits, certificates of title, motor vehicle registration, ignition interlock permits, operators' licenses, state identification cards, motor carriers, mailing requirements, and recreational vehicles |
LB751A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB761 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change employment driving permit provisions |
LB764 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to integrated management plans under the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act |
LB769 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to application for and issuance of operators' licenses and state identification cards |
LB782 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the issuance of distinctive license plates for governmental units |
LB787 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Provide for an additional member to serve on the Nebraska Information Technology Commission |
LB801 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Eliminate obsolete references to designated county officials |
LB815 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Allow Geographic Information System data to be withheld from the public |
LB816 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change motor vehicle industry regulation provisions |
LB821 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to road priorities |
LB824 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to master jury lists |
LB827 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the retention period for motor vehicle registration records |
LB829 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide powers and duties to the Public Service Commission regarding telecommunications rates |
LB832 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Eliminate a private insurance requirement relating to petroleum release remedial action |
LB834 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change procedures for notation of liens on certificates of title |
LB841 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change motor vehicle certificate of title provisions |
LB845 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Create a penalty for motor carrier out-of-service order violations and authorize administrative fines |
LB846 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change motor fuel taxes |
LB846A |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriations bill |
LB851 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to tax receipts |
LB855 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Remote Pharmacy Act |
LB865 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Adopt the Livestock Animal Welfare Act |
LB871 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to persons accompanying apprentice hunters |
LB896 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change motor vehicle industry regulations |
LB898 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Redefine minitruck for vehicle titling, registration, and insurance statutes and rules of the road |
LB917 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide an exception to vehicle weight limits for idle reduction technology |
LB919 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the Motor Vehicle Registration Act |
LB924 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to ignition interlock orders |
LB925 |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services relating to contracts with providers under Budget Program No. 514, Health Aid |
LB937 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Terminate per diem payments for members of learning community coordinating councils |
LB937A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB1091 |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Adopt the Prepaid Wireless Surcharge Act and eliminate certain charges on prepaid wireless service |
LB1091A |
Sen Fischer |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Constitutional amendment to authorize pledge of state sales and use taxes for highway bonds |
LR12CA |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Constitutional amendment relating to educational lands and investment of the school trust permanent portfolio |
LR19 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Ryan Gass for earning the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR28 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Provide the Legislature opposes enactment or enforcement in the State of Nebraska of the REAL ID Act |
LR33 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator Elvin Adamson |
LR37 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Caleb Hoyt for winning the 2009 Class C state wrestling championship in the 135-pound division |
LR38 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate James Belville for his achievement at the Class B 2007 state wrestling tournament |
LR56 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Ainsworth High School boys' basketball team for winning the Class C-1 state championship |
LR69 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Benjamin Paxton for earning the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR124 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee |
LR142 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee |
LR143 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine Nebraska statutes and address the lack of governance regarding off-road vehicles |
LR152 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine Nebraska's highway funding structure and to recommend possible alternatives to the traditional methods |
LR179 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to consider alternatives available to the Department of Motor Vehicles in implementing the REAL ID Act of 2005 |
LR180 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine laws relating to titling, registration, and operation of off-road vehicles |
LR181 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine the current municipal-provided wireless Internet services and their overall success |
LR239 |
Sen Fischer |
Referral |
Interim study to examine public school finance, particularly the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act (TEEOSA) |
LR242 |
Sen Fischer |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee |
LR254 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Matt Spain for winning the 285-pound Class B 2008 State Championship in wrestling |
LR259 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Extend sympathy and condolences to the family of Carrie Ann Stacy Howard |
LR261 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Michael Frickel for winning the 2008 Class D state wrestling championship in the 119-pound class |
LR286CA |
Sen Fischer |
Indefinitely postponed |
Constitutional amendment to create the Highway Trust Fund, designate revenue sources, and provide for uses |
LR287 |
Sen Fischer |
Referral |
Interim study to analyze the in transit system in Nebraska for motor vehicle dealer sales and private transactions |
LR313 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine the need for a uniform voluntary procedure of dispute resolution between railroads and entities who enter into agreements to construct certain facilities |
LR321 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the Nebraska expressway system |
LR322 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine the current and proposed system that the Dept. of Roads uses to prioritize the needs of Nebraska's highways |
LR367 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the current and future availability and access to telecommunications and information services throughout the state |
LR403 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Valentine High School wrestling team for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship |
LR404 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Marcus Nelson for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division |
LR405 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Bart Miller for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 113-pound division |
LR406 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Tanner Johnson for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 220-pound division |
LR442 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee |
LR443 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to review and monitor the progress of the National Broadband Plan proposed by the Federal Communications Commission |
LR484 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the towing industry |
LR516 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Interim study to analyze the current Vehicle and Titling Registration (VTR) System that is developed and maintained by the Department of Motor Vehicles |
LR522 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Nathan Thomas Luchsinger for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR523 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Caden Tim Billings for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR524 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate Ethan Aaron Osnes for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR551 |
Sen Fischer |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Stuart High School speech team for winning first place in the 2010 Class D-2 state tournament |
LR572 |
Sen Fischer |
Referral |
Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee |