Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Arch, 14 in the 109th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB296 Sen Arch Delivered to Governor Require the State Department of Education to create a centralized education records system and employ registrars relating to students under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and change provisions relating to graduation requirements and the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
LB296A Sen Arch Delivered to Governor Appropriation Bill
LB298 Sen Arch Referral Provide for the Division of Legislative Oversight, the Director of Legislative Oversight, and the Legislative Oversight Committee and change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB346 Sen Arch Referral Change qualifications of the State Capitol Administrator, provide for termination of boards, commissions, committees, councils, funds, panels, task forces, the Conservation Corporation Act, and the Nebraska Potato Development Act, and change and eliminate funds and powers and duties of departments and agencies
LR1 Sen Arch Adopted Recognize, honor, and thank Former President Carter for his service to the United States of America and the people of the world
LR34 Sen Arch Adopted Express sympathy to the family and friends of Walter Horner Radcliffe
LR49 Sen Arch Adopted Congratulate Jerry and Bill Adams as recipients of the distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR50 Sen Arch Adopted Congratulate Kenneth E. Stinson as a recipient of the distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR51 Sen Arch Adopted Congratulate Dave Heineman and Sally Ganem as recipients of the distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award