Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Linehan, 39 in the 108th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR468 Sen Linehan Adopted Congratulate the Elkhorn North High School girls basketball team on winning their fourth consecutive Class B state championship
LR424 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine occupation taxes
LR385 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine state standardized testing required in elementary and secondary public schools and the (AQuESTT) system used to classify schools under the Quality Education Accountability Act
LR384 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine nonprofit organizations, their nonprofit status, the way they use their nontaxable income, and the ways they use their nontaxable income for political purposes
LR349 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine the funding sources, including tax incentives and other methods, used for early childhood education programs in Nebraska
LR246 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to research the Metropolitan Omaha Educational Consortium
LR236 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Revenue Committee
LR235 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine the delinquent tax sale and tax deed process for delinquent real property taxes
LR192 Sen Linehan Referral Interim study to examine the relationship between joint public agencies and public education matters
LR74 Sen Linehan Adopted Congratulate the Elkhorn North High School girls basketball team on winning the 2023 Class B state championship
LR29CA Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide term limits for the members of the State Board of Education
LR28CA Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the membership of the State Board of Education
LB1414 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act and change provisions relating to budget limitations
LB1410 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB1403 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Opportunity Scholarships Act and the use of credits under the act
LB1402A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1402 Sen Linehan Passed Require the State Treasurer to establish education scholarships and eliminate the Opportunity Scholarships Act
LB1374 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Good Life District Economic Development Act
LB1319 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a sales and use tax exemption relating to data centers
LB1318 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act and change provisions relating to certain transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB1317A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1317 Sen Linehan Passed Adopt the Financial Institution Data Match Act, the Gambling Winnings Setoff for Outstanding Debt Act, and the Good Life District Economic Development Act, change provisions relating to the Community Development Law, the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act, the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act, the Good Life Transformational Projects Act, the Motor Vehicle Registration Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, and the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act, and provide for and change provisions relating to health insurance for first responders and dependents, underutilized tax-exempt property, rent-restricted housing projects, sales-restricted houses, inheritance taxes, property taxes, sales and use tax exemptions and incentives, electric and hybrid motor vehicles and charging stations, and appropriations for nitrate sensors
LB1316 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to the base growth percentage for school districts under the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
LB1315 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change the sales tax rate
LB1309 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax deduction for the costs of medical care
LB1254 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a professional learning system and regional coaches for teaching students to read
LB1253 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Create the Dyslexia Research Grant Program
LB1252 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a professional learning system and regional coaches for teaching students to read
LB1251 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Authorize state assistance for certain small sports facilities under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB1088 Sen Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to certain employment and investment requirements under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB1059 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to income taxes imposed on partnerships and small business corporations and notices of deficiency
LB988 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide, change, and eliminate provisions regarding elections for certain purposes
LB987 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to applicability of and assessment instruments under the Quality Education Accountability Act
LB986 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Terminate loan repayment assistance and provide grants to teachers under the Teach in Nebraska Today Act
LB985 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to grant eligibility under the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
LB951 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Public Officials on Private Boards Open Meetings Act
LB950 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the collection of occupation taxes
LB949 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to inspection of real property by county assessors
LB901 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for purchases by certain nonprofit organizations
LB863 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change an income tax adjustment for federal retirement annuities
LB862 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the transportation of students and require school districts to submit a report regarding certain student transportation
LB861 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change procedures to remove a name from a petition under the Election Act
LB860 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change a reporting requirement relating to the Early Childhood Education Grant Program
LB859 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change conflict of interest provisions for certain political subdivision officers
LB858 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds to the State Department of Education to expand the office of finance and administrative services
LB754A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB754 Sen Linehan Passed Adopt the Child Care Tax Credit Act and change provisions relating to the School Readiness Tax Credit Act and income tax rates
LB753A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB753 Sen Linehan Passed Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide tax credits
LB727A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB727 Sen Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB695 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a property tax exemption
LB694 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a sales and use tax exemption for certain machinery and equipment related to broadband communications services
LB693 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Require an authority under the Community Development Law to pay project-related costs for utility work for a fixed rail or streetcar system
LB692 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Good Life Transformational Projects Act and change the sales tax rate
LB691 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Require the city or owner of a fixed rail or streetcar system to pay project-related costs for utilities
LB690 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to powers and duties of the State Department of Education, State Board of Education, and Commissioner of Education
LB689 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an income tax credit for community college taxes paid
LB603 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Alternative Certification for Quality Teachers Act and authorize the Commissioner of Education to issue alternative certificates to teach as prescribed
LB602 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain pensions and annuities from income taxes
LB498 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax credit for certain franchise fees paid
LB497 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to itemized deductions
LB496 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for business inputs
LB444 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Provide for a one-time grant for a health sciences education center, infrastructure costs, and a community athletics complex
LB407 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Extend an application deadline under the Nebraska Transformational Projects Act
LB389 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Restrict the use of tax-increment financing
LB388A Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB388 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, the Advertising Services Tax Act, and the Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to revenue and taxation
LB387 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to income tax rates
LB386 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Prohibit changes to the base limitation for school districts and the local effort rate calculation under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB385 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
LB370 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Require a notice relating to the availability of certain tax credits
LB369 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change property tax provisions relating to net book value
LB332 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Prohibit creation of new joint public agencies with power or authority relating to education
LB323 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for a salary increase for legislative employees
LB322 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Prohibit creation of new joint public agencies with power or authority relating to tax
LB304 Sen Linehan Passed Require political subdivisions to disclose membership dues and lobbying fees
LB303 Sen Linehan Passed Change provisions relating to an annual estimate for necessary funding under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB302 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to conflicts of interest by certain officeholders and public employees
LB301 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change a tax on ready-to-drink cocktails under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB300 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sales and use tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations
LB299 Sen Linehan Passed Require approval by the voters of a school district or educational service unit for the issuance of certain bonds under the Interlocal Cooperation Act
LB298A Sen Linehan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB298 Sen Linehan Passed Adopt the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact and require school districts and the State Department of Education to collect and report information regarding dyslexia and other learning disabilities and to establish dress code and grooming policies
LB74 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax provisions relating to purchasing agents
LB45 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to local system formula resources under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB1 Sen Linehan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, the School District Property Tax Relief Act, and the Advertising Services Tax Act and change revenue and taxation provisions