Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Lowe, 37 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB135 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change and eliminate Department of Agriculture provisions relating to publicity, publications, and personnel |
LB200 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to county engineers, county surveyors, and county highway superintendents in certain counties as prescribed |
LB201 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to perjury and the issuance of search warrants |
LB202 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of obstructing government operations by refusing to submit to a chemical test authorized by search warrant |
LB320 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to bidding and purchases, conflicts of interest in the materiel division, and facilities construction and administration |
LB321 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school |
LB346 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Eliminate the requirement for a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer salesperson license |
LB368 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change helmet provisions, change passenger age limits, and require eye protection for operators of motorcycles and mopeds |
LB369 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to fees charged by the register of deeds |
LB370 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Withdrawn | Eliminate requirement to obtain certificate or complete background check to receive or transfer a handgun |
LB408 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a drug formulary under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB553 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a nonelection of coverage under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB666 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to carrying a concealed weapon |
LB827 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Provide for disposition of property of members of veterans' homes and change state personnel system exemptions for the Department of Veterans' Affairs |
LB828 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Empowerment Savings Account Act |
LB921 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Create a licensing exception under the State Electrical Act for certain farm building construction |
LB957 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Provide procedures for choosing a method of payment for payments under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB1043 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to reimbursement of common and contract carriers for transportation costs associated with certain agency clients as prescribed |
LR168 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility of adopting a workers' compensation drug formulary |
LR304 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Congratulate Roger Mathiesen on his many achievements over his career as head coach for the Kearney High School boys' track team | |
LR313 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Extend sympathy to the family and friends of Allen Zikmund | |
LR330 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Congratulate Lee Herrington, Phillip Moomey, Nick James, and Brayden Smith on their state wrestling championships | |
LR353 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to determine the feasibility and fiscal impact of hiring outside consultants to perform an efficiency review of state agencies |
LR377 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to review procedures and practices at the Youth Rehabilitation Center-Kearney and the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Geneva with the intent to improve safety and security |
LR396 | 105 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine possible changes to the School Employees Retirement Act and the Class V School Employees Retirement Act |
LB54 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to carrying a concealed weapon |
LB55 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change powers of copersonal representatives, cotrustees, coguardians, and coconservators, change provisions relating to accounts with POD designations, and authorize persons eighteen years of age to acquire or convey title to real property and to enter into and execute related legal documents |
LB56 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change special designated licensure provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB301 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Transfer duties under the Boiler Inspection Act, the Nebraska Amusement Ride Act, and the Conveyance Safety Act from the Department of Labor to the State Fire Marshal |
LB484 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to assault on certain employees and officers |
LB485 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to an appropriation for the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney |
LB486 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Adopt the Veteran and Active Duty Supportive Postsecondary Institution Act |
LB542 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Firearm Safety Act and provide a tax credit |
LB543 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to state contracts, state vehicles, and state personnel |
LB783 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Provide an exemption from licensure under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act, redefine ambulatory surgical center under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act, and redefine a term under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act |
LB857 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Require state agency review of rules and regulations |
LB993 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding the number of city council members in cities adopting the city manager plan of government |
LB1056 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act and the Nebraska Lottery and Raffle Act |
LB1056A | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1057 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding appeals of certain zoning decisions by county planning commissions and county boards |
LR60 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Congratulate Katie Philpot on winning gold and silver medals at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi | |
LR92 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the processes for adopting, promulgating, and eliminating rules and regulations in Nebraska and in other states |
LR98 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the special designated license issued by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission and review potential reforms |
LR103 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to review staffing concerns including, but not limited to, staff retention at the Beatrice State Developmental Center, the Lincoln Regional Center, the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Geneva, and the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney |
LR139 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility of increasing the presence of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in central and western Nebraska by strengthening collaborations with the University of Nebraska at Kearney |
LR187 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to determine the feasibility and fiscal impact of hiring outside consultants to perform an efficiency review of state agencies |
LR304 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Congratulate Patty Moore for receiving the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses | |
LR360 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Recognize Dick Cochran and Hot Meals U.S.A. for providing meals in Kearney and Lexington |
LR392 | 106 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility of increasing the capacity of pre-health academic and research undergraduate programs at the University of Nebraska at Kearney to help expand the permanent presence of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in central and western Nebraska |
LB37 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to the state boiler inspector, fee schedules, and powers and duties of the State Fire Marshal |
LB273 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to youth rehabilitation and treatment centers and provide for immediate changes of placement |
LB274 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Provide for taxation of ready-to-drink cocktails, the sale of mixed alcoholic beverages by certain retailers and farm wineries, and promotional farmers market special designated licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB274A | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB404 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change permit and renewal time periods under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act |
LB405 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to village boards of trustees |
LB532 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to property under the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and the School Employees Retirement Act and change a security deposit provision under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act |
LB791 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change a population requirement relating to county surveyors, engineers, and highway superintendents |
LB792 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska for the University of Nebraska Medical Center Rural Health Complex |
LB898 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine ready-to-drink cocktail for purposes of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB899 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to special designated licenses issued by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission |
LB900 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to microdistilleries to allow up to five physical locations |
LB1181 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to required identification documents for registering to vote and voting and procedures for early voting |
LB1235 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to craft breweries and allow for self-distribution of beer under certain circumstances under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB1236 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to craft breweries, microdistilleries, and special designated licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LR112 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Congratulate Carrie Eighmey on her coaching achievements and on her selection as NCAA Division II World Exposure Women's College Basketball Head Coach of the Year |
LR115 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine and review liquor laws in Nebraska |
LR120 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Recognize Janice Wiebusch for her years of service as a member of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission and for her service to her community |
LR211 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine issues related to adopting construction codes |
LR256 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Recognize the people of Legislative District 37 as supporters of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States |
LR315 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Recognize March 2022 as Unclaimed Property Month in Nebraska |
LR345 | 107 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Congratulate the University of Nebraska at Kearney men's wrestling team on winning the 2022 Division II national championship |
LB257 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to cemeteries and abandonment and reversion of cemetery lots |
LB258 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate provisions relating to near beer under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB259 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Allow farm wineries to obtain additional retail licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB311 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change dates related to the required market analysis and socioeconomic-impact studies under the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act |
LB312 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to withholding money due to noncompliance with budget limits and annual audits for certain political subdivisions |
LB313 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to special elections and filling vacancies in the United States Senate and House of Representatives |
LB375 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize certain licensees to purchase alcoholic liquor for resale from a gas station, grocery store, liquor store, or similar establishment under certain circumstances as prescribed under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB376 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB377 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to special designated licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB541 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to election of public power district directors |
LB542 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act |
LB543 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to entertainment district licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB685 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Provide requirements for sale of certain alcoholic beverages and change provisions relating to the Mechanical Amusement Device Tax Act |
LB685A | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB775 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to horseracing, the Nebraska Bingo Act, the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act, the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act, and the Nebraska Visitors Development Act |
LB836 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for retail licensees relating to the display of co-branded alcoholic beverages under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB837 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures for voting or election precincts for public power districts |
LB838 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the appointment of members of the Nebraska Arts Council |
LB839 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to the executive director and members of the State Racing and Gaming Commission |
LB1162 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to fees and mileage for sheriffs and constables |
LB1163 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles between the hours of sunset and sunrise if used for snow removal as prescribed |
LB1164 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the State Racing and Gaming Commission |
LB1165 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for zoning regulations and duplex housing |
LB1166 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for zoning regulations and accessory dwelling units |
LB1185 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change the offense of obstructing a peace officer |
LB1375 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change powers and duties of county planning commissions and county boards related to conditional use permits and special exceptions |
LR56 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Nebraska's sister-state relationship with Taiwan |
LR84 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine different methods to address concerns raised by restaurant, bar, craft brewery, microdistillery, and farm winery owners relating to receiving shipments of alcoholic liquor |
LR97 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine revenue and other funding options for the Nebraska Tourism Commission |
LR98 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR103 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine entertainment district licenses issued under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LR104 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine statutes relating to the State Racing and Gaming Commission and its members |
LR105 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine and review occupational licenses and regulations under the State Electrical Act |
LR290 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Recognize February 1, 2024, as Unclaimed Property Day in Nebraska |
LR301 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Recognize the forty-first anniversary of Nebraska's sister-state relationship with Taiwan |
LR344 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR345 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine all licenses issued by the State Racing and Gaming Commission |
LR353 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Referral | Interim study to examine the pricing and taxation of alcohol in Nebraska |
LR445 | 108 | Sen Lowe | Adopted | Congratulate the Shelton High School boys basketball team on winning the 2024 Class D-2 state championship |