Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Hilgers, 21 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR476 Sen Hilgers Adopted Recognize Joanne Pepperl for her service to the Legislature and congratulate her on her retirement
LR454 Sen Hilgers Adopted Congratulate David G. Brown on his retirement from the Greater Omaha Chamber and thank him for his service
LR437 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to analyze possible improvements and changes to the standing committee system of the Legislature
LR382 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to conduct a comprehensive review of state laws affecting farm wineries
LR381 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to examine the inclusion of financial literacy and entrepreneurship in the academic content standards adopted by the State Board of Education as proposed in LB 1094, 2018
LR380 Sen Hilgers Resolution Designate May 17, 2018, as Diffuse Instrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day in Nebraska
LR301 Sen Hilgers Resolution Congratulate Jack Niemann on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR300 Sen Hilgers Adopted Congratulate Homer and Darla Buell as recipients of the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR299 Sen Hilgers Adopted Congratulate Jane Miller as a recipient of the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR298 Sen Hilgers Adopted Congratulate Anne Burkholder as a recipient of the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR215 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of a pilot project involving autonomous shuttles in a city of the primary class
LR195 Sen Hilgers Resolution Recognize May 17, 2019, as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day
LR194 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to examine the benefits of employee stock ownership programs and strategies to promote the implementation of such programs
LR192 Sen Hilgers Referral Interim study to examine the committee system of the Legislature
LB1186 Sen Hilgers Passed Require salary to be paid to injured school employees as prescribed
LB1098 Sen Hilgers Passed Change dollar threshold for certain purchasing requirements under the County Purchasing Act
LB1097 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to treasurer's tax deeds
LB1096 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state vehicles and workers' compensation claims, tort claims, and other claims against the state
LB1095 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change the information included in certain tax notices and receipts
LB1094 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide for financial literacy and entrepreneurship academic content standards
LB1023 Sen Hilgers Passed Adopt the Jobs and Economic Development Initiative Act and the Water Recreation Enhancement Act and change provisions relating to the Statewide Tourism And Recreational Water Access and Resource Sustainability Special Committee of the Legislature
LB988 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide restrictions on business entity ownership with respect to certain professional services
LB892 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets
LB891 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for overtime pay
LB890 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide for water, wastewater, utility, and sewer construction projects under the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act
LB889 Sen Hilgers Passed Change appeal provisions under the Administrative Procedure Act
LB888 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change State Tort Claims Act provisions relating to authority of the Risk Manager and State Claims Board
LB681 Sen Hilgers Passed Change provisions relating to legislative subpoenas
LB618 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to electioneering
LB617 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Telecommunications Regulation Act
LB616 Sen Hilgers Passed Provide an interest payment exception for certain state highway and bridge construction contracts
LB615 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Reduce income tax rates and provide for certain transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB611 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Correct a reference to a defined term relating to property taxes
LB610 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to improper issuance of a certificate of registration under the Motor Vehicle Registration Act
LB609 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB608 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the State Racing Commission
LB607 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Correct references to a federally defined term relating to education
LB606 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Clarify terms relating to power districts
LB584 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change farm winery provisions and provide for a promotional special designated license
LB583 Sen Hilgers Passed Provide powers for certain cities, counties, and joint entities under the Transportation Innovation Act
LB577 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Create offense of assault on a peace officer, firefighter, or out-of-hospital emergency care provider by ambush
LB508 Sen Hilgers Passed Change population threshold for the county civil service system and change provisions relating to personnel policy boards and boards of county commissioners
LB483 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide a rules of procedure exemption for the Public Service Commission
LB476 Sen Hilgers Passed Change provisions relating to domestication of foreign corporations and the effect on original incorporation dates
LB421 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Asbestos Trust Claims Transparency Act
LB271 Sen Hilgers Passed Authorize the Department of Roads to assume certain responsibilities under federal environmental laws and provide for limited waiver of the state's sovereign immunity
LB204 Sen Hilgers Passed Change provisions relating to appeals to the Supreme Court, service on employees of the state, and summary judgment
LB179 Sen Hilgers Passed Authorize the appeal of certain motions as final orders
LB178 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to workers' compensation claims, tort claims against the state, and state vehicles
LB117 Sen Hilgers Passed Change provisions relating to bridge and highway construction contracts, certification of financial showing, and obtaining contract plans prepared by the Department of Transportation
LB68 Sen Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain regulation of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories by counties, cities, and villages as prescribed and create firearm offenses