Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Stinner, 48 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR610 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Andres Canales and Cole Kramer on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR580 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the Dept. of Health and Human Services' policies for dealing with disallowances and audit exceptions by the federal government which have resulted in large fines and having to return money to the federal government
LR502 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the use of revolving funds within the Dept. of Administrative Services
LR477 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Jaron Anderson, Tony Espino, Tucker Fuentes, and David Karpf on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR471 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Mike Calvert on his years of service to the Legislature and on his Outstanding Public Administrator of the Year Award
LR466 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Austin Garcia, Roger Martinez, Conner Muhr, and Adam Zamarripa on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR462 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Jessica Barrett on receiving the 2020 April Dunn, Start Your Journey Award and recognize her advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities
LR460 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Jim K. Lawson for his many years of service to the City of Gering, the surrounding region, and the State of Nebraska
LR455 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to identify evidence-based best practices for establishing an early warning system to identify and respond to fiscal distress among local political subdivisions
LR453 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Grady Sherrell on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR451 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Quentin Munoz on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR449 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Mario Ybarra on his state wrestling championship
LR445 Sen Stinner Adopted Recognize Margo Hartman for her leadership to her community through her roles with the Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska
LR442 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the underlying appropriation issues contributing to the financial hardship experienced by rural long-term care providers across the State of Nebraska
LR427 Sen Stinner Adopted Recognize Backyard Farmer on its seventieth season
LR406 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the implementation of the office of Chief Information Officer's information technology consolidation initiative to ensure efficient use of Nebraska taxpayer resources
LR405 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the operation of the statewide financial systems by the Accounting Administrator of the accounting division of the Department of Administrative Services and ensure that internal controls are properly implemented
LR390 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nebraska's early childhood workforce and the early childhood care and education system
LR389 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to analyze existing public postsecondary institutions programs, initiatives, and strategies to address workforce and talent shortages and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these shortages
LR340 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the extent of surface water irrigation in Nebraska and the condition of the surface water irrigation projects
LR336 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate nineteen boys from District 48 on their hard work to compete in the 2020 Nebraska State Wrestling Championship
LR328 Sen Stinner Resolution Recognize Fred Lockwood for his lifetime of public service, including his thirty-two years of service on the Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board
LR326 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Paul Garcia, Garrett Nelson, and Austin Garcia on their state wrestling championships
LR296 Sen Stinner Adopted Recognize Zac Taylor's success at the University of Nebraska as a member of the football team and congratulate him on reaching the Super Bowl as head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals
LR280 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Mayor Kent Greenwalt for receiving the Star-Herald 2017 Citizen of the Year Award
LR257 Sen Stinner Resolution Approve the gift of labor and materials from the Nebraska Association of Former State Legislators for the restoration of the gardens of the State Capitol Courtyards
LR253 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Jay Templar on his retirement and recognize his many years of service
LR247 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Donovan De Los Santos on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR238 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of acquiring funding for behavioral and mental health internship programs at the doctoral level in rural Nebraska
LR212 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to assess the financial position of the Nebraska Brand Committee and to identify core operational needs and opportunities for efficiency improvement
LR211 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine alternatives for funding the Nebraska Tree Recovery Program
LR210 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to analyze programs and agencies that are active in addressing workforce and talent shortages, and identify options to assist in filling vacant high-wage, high-demand, and high-skill jobs
LR209 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the volatility of Nebraska's revenue portfolio to determine a set of evidence-based savings targets for the Cash Reserve Fund
LR163 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine postacute placement challenges in Nebraska's health care system
LR162 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the School Readiness Tax Credit Act
LR154 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study regarding the authority of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and its role in decisions regarding the disposal of salt wastewater into dry wells
LR145 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study of the adequacy of current aged and disabled medicaid waiver assisted-living provider rates
LR143 Sen Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the mental and behavioral health needs of Nebraskans, assess the shortages of providers, and determine what is needed to ensure an adequate behavioral health service delivery system
LR142 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Gary's Cleaning and Restoration on receiving the 2014 Champion of Small Business Award
LR135 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Joey Eaton on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR134 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate David Misner on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR133 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Michael Downing on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR118 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Jace Demeranville for receiving the Distinguished Scout Award
LR117 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Maurie Deines for receiving the Distinguished Citizen Award
LR110 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Raymond Palmer, Traiton Brunner, and Jim Eastman on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR102 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Keegan Hessler on his state wrestling championship
LR101 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Lia Selvey on winning the Special Olympics girls 50 Yard Freestyle at the 2015 state championships
LR100 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Ben Rodriguez on his state wrestling championship
LR66 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Coach Jarred Berger and Gering High School on winning the 2021 Class B state wrestling championship
LR65 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Paul Ruff on earning 2nd place in the 126-pound division at the 2021 Class B state championship
LR64 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Paul Garcia on winning the 126-pound division at the 2021 Class B state championship
LR45 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Billy Estes on receiving the 2020 Visionary Super Star Award
LR44 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate the Panhandle Public Health District on receiving the 2020 Distinguished Service Award
LR43 Sen Stinner Adopted Congratulate Starr Lehl on receiving the 2020 Rising Star Award
LR42 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Daeton Blanco, Mark Karpf, and Riley Gaudreault on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR32 Sen Stinner Resolution Recognize February 7, 2017, as the 30th anniversary of the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission
LR31 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Paul Garcia, Devontae Gutierrez, and Quinton Chavez on their state wrestling championships
LR30 Sen Stinner Resolution Congratulate Vera Dulaney on her retirement and recognize her service and dedication to Scotts Bluff County
LB1198 Sen Stinner Passed Appropriate funds for the Governor's Emergency Program - COVID-19
LB1165 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Nebraska Brand Committee and provide powers and duties for the Department of Agriculture under the Livestock Brand Act
LB1159 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change certain use restrictions and provide for unlimited license examination attempts under the Pesticide Act
LB1111 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fiscal Stress Management Act
LB1093 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for nursing facility services under the medical assistance program
LB1092 Sen Stinner Withdrawn Change and transfer contract provisions under the Medical Assistance Act and create a fund
LB1089 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for licensed and medicaid-certified nursing facilities
LB1088 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Transformational Project Fund
LB1087 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds for Aid to Community Colleges for dual enrollment
LB1084 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change and provide duration requirements for certain state agency contracts
LB1076 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services to develop software to streamline coordination of care for children with medically complex conditions
LB1075 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for technology that will support statewide pediatric mental health services
LB1068A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1068 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions of the Behavioral Health Workforce Act and require an assessment by the University of Nebraska regarding environmental and human health effects of ethanol production
LB1067 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska for the Behavioral Health Education Center
LB1066 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services and the University of Nebraska for behavioral health care services
LB1014 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to levy limitations and budget limitations for public airports
LB989 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for medicaid nursing facility rates
LB988 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for a medicaid rate study for assisted-living services
LB938 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the transfer of excess General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB937 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change filing fees for appeals to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB923 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for federally qualified health centers
LB910 Sen Stinner Passed Provide for, change, eliminate, and change distribution of fees and funds of the Secretary of State
LB894 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to accounting firm ownership
LB893 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for provider rate increases for developmental disability services
LB853 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to the Public Accountancy Act
LB817 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Prescribing Psychologist Practice Act
LB815 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to petitions for removal of a person's firearms-related disabilities or disqualifications
LB803 Sen Stinner Passed Change certain permit and certificate requirements relating to prekindergarten programs
LB802 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Tourism Commission Promotional Cash Fund and provide for its use
LB801 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Panhandle Beginnings Act to provide certain services to school-age children
LB782 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change certified public accountant examination provisions
LB781 Sen Stinner Passed Provide for annual continuing education for treasurers of certain local governments, change and eliminate county treasurer statement requirements, and provide a duty for the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB780A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB780 Sen Stinner Passed Provide duties for the Nebraska Arts Council regarding creative districts and change provisions relating to the Nebraska Arts and Humanities Cash Fund
LB779 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB778 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act
LB775 Sen Stinner Passed Adopt the State Park System Construction Alternatives Act
LB773 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Early Childhood Workforce Development Task Force
LB715 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers from the General Fund to the Nebraska Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund
LB714 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for and change a provision relating to sufficient cause for nonuse of a water appropriation
LB713 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Access College Early Scholarship Program
LB639 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the H3 Careers Scholarship Act
LB638 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to the transfer of excess General Fund net receipts to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB637 Sen Stinner Passed Authorize sales of tourism promotional products by the Nebraska Tourism Commission
LB636 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Financial Condition of Counties and Municipalities Task Force
LB633 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for state aid to municipalities and counties
LB611 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Require state agencies to provide a federal funding inventory
LB592 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions of the Automated Medication Systems Act
LB588 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change, rename, and eliminate provisions of the University of Nebraska facilities programs and the state college facilities programs
LB587 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change a provision relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB586 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change an appropriation
LB562 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to University of Nebraska facilities and appropriations
LB561 Sen Stinner Passed Name the Irrigation District Act and change election provisions for irrigation districts
LB540 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for a temporary aid adjustment factor in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB533 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska
LB512 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties to the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regarding certain wastewater and charge an assessment for certain costs
LB496 Sen Stinner Passed Change and provide requirements for redevelopment projects under the Community Development Law
LB488 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to appropriations
LB485 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for child welfare
LB481A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB421 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for qualified educational debt under the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act
LB404 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to medicaid budgeting
LB403 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide a duty for the Department of Health and Human Services when calculating certain medicaid rates
LB392 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Prescribing Psychologist Practice Act
LB342 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB341 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers from the State Settlement Cash Fund
LB340 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the medicaid nursing facilities program
LB337 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Require report of federal receipts with the annual state budget report
LB334A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB334 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to Nebraska planning and development regions, eliminate funding for the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act, provide intent for an appropriation to the Governor's Emergency Program, and increase funding and eliminate a termination date for the Business Innovation Act
LB264 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for cultural districts created by the Nebraska Arts Council
LB242A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB242 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions of the Dry Bean Resources Act
LB241 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to conveyances of cemetery lots
LB222 Sen Stinner Passed Change membership and provide, change, and eliminate powers and duties of the Nebraska Tourism Commission
LB221 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change the transfer from a fund
LB156 Sen Stinner Passed Change the amount of credits allowed and reporting requirements under the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
LB151 Sen Stinner Passed Change and provide for duties of the Auditor of Public Accounts and certain audited entities
LB150 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB149 Sen Stinner Passed Provide, change, and eliminate appropriations
LB142 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to General Fund transfers to the Nebraska Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund
LB141 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska at Kearney
LB140 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide funding for enforcement of railroad safety standards
LB135 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to students in emergency medical services training
LB134 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide levy authority and duties for natural resources districts
LB101 Sen Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change duration requirements for certain state agency contracts
LB100 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to removal of firearm-related disabilities under the Nebraska Mental Health Commitment Act
LB99 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to the conversion of unincorporated entities, corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships into other business entities
LB59 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions regarding sales of tourism promotional products by the Nebraska Tourism Commission and distribution of revenue
LB52 Sen Stinner Passed Require accountability for and investment of public funds and change provisions relating to the transfer and use of funds under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust
LB49 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to accounting firm ownership
LB48 Sen Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to sufficient cause for nonuse of a water appropriation
LB4A Sen Stinner Passed Appropriation Bill
LB4 Sen Stinner Passed Change mileage reimbursement and filing fees and eliminate certain notice requirements under the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act