Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Hughes, 44 in the 104th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR615 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Spencer Hartman on his election as president of the Association of Students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
LR394CA Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize taxing bodies to exclude their taxes from pledges made by cities to pay indebtedness on redevelopment projects
LR264 Sen Hughes Resolution Commend Carli Schultz for her courageous service to the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
LR121 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Kaden Kammerer on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR120 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Coy Aerni on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR106 Sen Hughes Resolution Congratulate Hitchcock County Elementary School for being named a 2014 Title I Distinguished School by the National Title I Association
LB1038A Sen Hughes Passed Appropriation Bill
LB860 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Add a type of economic development program under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB820 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide a method of selecting winners for certain lotteries and raffles
LB712 Sen Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to the regulation of aboveground motor vehicle fuel storage tanks
LB711 Sen Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Noxious Weed Control Act and create the Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force
LB710 Sen Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to hazing
LB269 Sen Hughes Passed Change a requirement regarding the preparation and distribution of a roster of registered abstracters