Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB21 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change insurance provisions regarding administrative penalties, health maintenance organizations, and continuing education |
LB22 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Nebraska Protection in Annuity Transactions Act |
LB23 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act |
LB65 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change contractual conflict of interest provisions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB66 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change deposit, bond, custodial official, and pooled collateral provisions under the Public Funds Deposit Security Act |
LB74 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Provide for validation by certified pharmacy technicians |
LB75 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change terms of members of the Nebraska Grape and Winery Board |
LB76 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to the nameplate capacity tax |
LB77 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act and the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act |
LB78 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act and the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act |
LB140 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Banking Act, Department of Banking and Finance powers and duties, and other financial institution regulation |
LB141 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act |
LB142 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Redefine effective financing statement and change provisions relating to the master lien list with respect to farm product security interests |
LB155 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to capital stock requirements, clearing and settlement of checks, and cost of disclosure of confidential records |
LB159 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Nebraska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act |
LB198 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Authorize licenses for limited line pre-need funeral insurance |
LB229 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to garnishment |
LB252 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Provide for refills of veterinary drug orders by veterinary drug distributors |
LB253 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to series limited liability companies |
LB254 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Extend the date for applications under the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act |
LB258 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to banking and finance |
LB322 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Adopt the School Safety and Security Reporting System Act |
LB322A |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB326 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to marijuana, amphetamine, and methamphetamine |
LB327 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to garnishment |
LB363 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to banking, finance, securities, consumer protection, dividends, and installment sales and loans |
LB463 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to treasurer's tax deeds and tax sale certificates |
LB518 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Adopt the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act and transfer funds from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund |
LB518A |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB560 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska and create a fund |
LB622 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions and provide for pooled collateral under the Public Funds Deposit Security Act |
LB623 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to qualifications under the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act |
LB624 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change terms of members of the Nebraska Craft Brewery Board |
LB701 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change certain deadlines under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act and the Nebraska Advantage Research and Development Act |
LB702 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the availability of tax credits under the School Readiness Tax Credit Act |
LB703 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska for an agricultural innovation facility |
LB704 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change education requirements for licensure under the Funeral Directing and Embalming Practice Act and eliminate certain provisions regarding caskets |
LB705 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change and eliminate provisions under the Barber Act |
LB706 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act |
LB707 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Adopt the LIBOR Transition Act and certain updates to federal law, recognize Juneteenth National Independence Day as a bank holiday, and change provisions relating to accountants, banks, financial institutions, bank subsidiaries, digital-asset depositories, residential mortgage loans, real estate appraisers, auctioneers, public funds, trusts, and the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority |
LB731 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to physical therapy, respiratory care, and the Cosmetology, Electrology, Esthetics, Nail Technology, and Body Art Practice Act, provide for mobile salons and remote dispensing pharmacies, and adopt the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact |
LB731A |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB749 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to recording and filing fees |
LB750 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to mortgage licensing, recording of real property instruments, and rights and duties of secured creditors |
LB772 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the scope of practice for physician assistants |
LB773 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds for the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Fund |
LB774 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to reinsurance, motor vehicle service contract reimbursement insurance, and fees for dental services and prohibit certain activities by health care facilities |
LB775 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change Real Property Appraiser Act provisions |
LB778 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act and the Nebraska Installment Sales Act |
LB807 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Allow counties of all sizes to waive quarterly reports by county attorneys |
LB852 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change farm product lien provisions and actions relating to termination statements |
LB853 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Authorize financial institutions to place a hold on certain customer transactions in cases of financial exploitation |
LB854 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions under the Public Funds Deposit Security Act relating to secured deposits and pooled collateral |
LB863 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Adopt the Travel Insurance Act and the Primary Care Investment Act and change provisions relating to premium rebates, insurance coverage, the Insurance Holding Company System Act, and the Insurers Investment Act |
LB906 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to the schedules of controlled substances |
LB908 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions of the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act |
LB909 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to banking and finance |
LB919 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to problem solving courts |
LB919A |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB939 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions under the Collection Agency Act |
LB1009 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Prohibit transactions involving lookalike substances, provide and change seizure and forfeiture authority, and prohibit conduct as deceptive trade practices |
LB1010 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to juvenile court petitions |
LB1035 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Redefine farm product and change provisions relating to the central filing system and the master lien list |
LB1069 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act and the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act |
LB1070 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for infrastructure related to rural workforce housing |
LB1071 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds for the workforce housing grant program |
LB1083 |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Adopt the Next Generation Business Growth Act and change funding for tax credits under the Community Development Assistance Act |
LB1083A |
Sen Williams |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB1136 |
Sen Williams |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prescribe when an interest in a contract is prohibited and eliminate a prohibition against such interest by a public power and irrigation district board member |
LR57 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to determine whether the Real Property Appraiser Act should be updated |
LR76 |
Sen Williams |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Nebraska Enterprise Fund on its 25th anniversary |
LR84 |
Sen Williams |
Adopted |
Recognize Bruce Ramge, Director of the Department of Insurance, for his service to the State of Nebraska and congratulate him on his retirement |
LR100 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to determine whether the Real Property Appraiser Act should be updated |
LR101 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine whether legislation should be enacted to provide for comprehensive regulation of pharmacy benefit managers |
LR115 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the Nebraska Banking Act, the Securities Act of Nebraska, and other laws within the jurisdiction of the Dept. of Banking and Finance to determine the need to update such laws |
LR116 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to review the credentialing requirements in the Public Accountancy Act in furtherance of the purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act |
LR141 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine ways to enhance financial literacy programs, training, and general competencies and problem-solving skills in Nebraska, with the objective of increasing long-term financial stability for all Nebraskans |
LR158 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine whether the unclaimed property laws of Nebraska should be updated |
LR164 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the need to update the insurance laws of Nebraska in response to technology advancement and innovation |
LR169 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine whether the birth defects registry laws of Nebraska should be updated |
LR172 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to analyze state and local policy and initiatives to retain and incentivize health care providers and health-related businesses in the state to remain and expand in the state |
LR175 |
Sen Williams |
Resolution |
Congratulate Lexington for receiving the Governor's Showcase Community Award |
LR275 |
Sen Williams |
Adopted |
Extend sympathy to the family of Vernon Waldren and recognize his service and leadership to the communities of Nebraska |
LR346 |
Sen Williams |
Resolution |
Congratulate the student-athletes, volunteers, and officials for their outstanding accomplishments in the 2015 Nebraska Championship Meet |
LR354 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine whether the Real Property Appraiser Act should be updated |
LR355 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to review the credentialing requirements in the Real Property Appraiser Act in furtherance of the purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act |
LR371 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to review the requirements regarding occupational regulation as administered by the Department of Banking and Finance |
LR372 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine whether the Real Property Appraiser Act should be updated |
LR384 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the prevalence of cancer in Nebraska and to examine the existing state funding sources that go towards cancer research |
LR430 |
Sen Williams |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues related to property and casualty insurance |