Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB15 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act |
LB16 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to licensing, trust accounts, and unfair trade practices under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB58 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to participation in extracurricular activities |
LB114 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to motor vehicle lighting requirements |
LB131 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Provide restrictions on sanitary and improvement districts subject to municipal annexation and authorize certain fees for county treasurers |
LB152 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change and eliminate provisions relating to the fees for recording and filing certain documents |
LB195 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Require notification following mammography as prescribed |
LB196 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions |
LB215 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to theft |
LB241 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement under the Privacy of Insurance Consumer Information Act |
LB257 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Provide for a statute of limitations for claims relating to real estate brokerage services |
LB286 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Nebraska Flexible Loan Act and change provisions of the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act |
LB322 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act |
LB372 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the First-time Home Buyer Savings Plan Act and provide income tax adjustments |
LB375 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to broker's price opinions and comparative market analysis |
LB437 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change requirements for independent instrumentalities under the Taxpayer Transparency Act |
LB513 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to use and leasing of school property |
LB514 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to registering to vote and voting early at the same time |
LB515 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change an aggregate loan limit for agricultural projects under the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act |
LB676 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions |
LB677 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change a residency qualification and military service requirement for certain veterans service officers |
LB678 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB682 |
Sen Craighead |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change deadlines for ballots for early voting and special elections by mail |
LB683 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for surviving spouses |
LB978 |
Sen Craighead |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to the state purchasing card program and facilities construction and administration and eliminate obsolete provisions |
LR22 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Elizabeth "Kaitlyn" Fitzgerald on being named the 120th Queen of Aksarben |
LR23 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Celebrate the extraordinary life of Dr. Jack K. Lewis |
LR24 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Dr. Ken Bird on being named the 120th King of Aksarben |
LR36 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Amazing Technicolor Show Choir of Omaha Westside High School for winning the 2015 Viterbo 101 show choir competition |
LR43 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Westside High School for receiving a 2014 NebraskARTS Award |
LR45 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Michael B. Yanney for winning the Excellence in Mentoring Award |
LR94 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Recognize Officer Kevin Andahl for his years of service and congratulate him on his retirement |
LR95 |
Sen Craighead |
Referral |
Provide the Honor and Remember Flag is adopted as an official symbol of the State of Nebraska |
LR114 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School powerlifting team on winning the 2015 state championship |
LR127 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship |
LR128 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Brooke Biby on winning the 2015 Midwest Spelling Bee |
LR143 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Amazing Technicolor Show Choir of Westside High School for qualifying for the 2015 National Show Choir Finals |
LR169 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate David Brown on being named a 2015 Horatio Alger Nebraska and Western Iowa Scholar |
LR191 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Evan English, Jacob Keller, Brian Magee, and Uy Nguyen on each winning a Nebraska Young Artist Award |
LR192 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Erin Toy on winning a Nebraska Young Artist Award |
LR205 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Albert and Myrlene Wheat on their 60th wedding anniversary |
LR206 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Megan Swanson on being crowned Miss Nebraska 2014 |
LR407 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Alyssa Howell on being crowned Miss Nebraska 2015 |
LR408 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate John "Jack" Koraleski on being named the 119th King of Aksarben |
LR409 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Molly Kroeger on being named the 119th Queen of Aksarben |
LR410 |
Sen Craighead |
Resolution |
Congratulate Bruce Lauritzen on being named the 2015 Midlander of the Year by the Omaha World-Herald |