Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Howard, 9 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR614 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Nate Johnson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR588 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the establishment of an early childhood data governance entity
LR587 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to gather information and make recommendations to craft policy to support the creation of a sustainable community health workforce in Nebraska
LR586 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to gather information and make recommendations to craft policy to support and continue electronic health records exchanges and health information initiatives
LR554 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to gather information and study the possible existence and extent of labor trafficking in the State of Nebraska
LR530 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the voting processes and procedures available for citizens who are hospitalized or who reside in nursing homes or extended care facilities
LR529 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the ongoing implementation of the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 and related state law and policy
LR523 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska law regarding the protection of children who have reached eighteen years of age but have not yet reached the age of majority
LR522 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the issue of how to best educate the public and create awareness about the risks associated with sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation exposure
LR517 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the long-term fiscal sustainability of the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LR513 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine workforce issues within the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
LR510 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine how to best integrate palliative care into the overall medical care structure of our health care system
LR420 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the racial and ethnic disproportionality that exists in Nebraska's foster care and juvenile justice systems, including specifically, for youth committed to the youth rehabilitation and treatment centers
LR419 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the term "shaken baby syndrome" as it exists within Nebraska statutes
LR418 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the disproportionality that exists in Nebraska's foster care and juvenile justice systems
LR413 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to continue oversight of the residential facilities for juveniles, including the youth rehabilitation and treatment centers, under the supervision of the Dept. of Health and Human Services
LR412 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to assess the mental and behavioral health needs of Nebraskans and the current shortages of services and resources
LR411 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to provide continued oversight of and updates regarding the response of the Dept. of Health and Human Services to the COVID-19 pandemic
LR407 Sen Howard Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Donna McGrath
LR349 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart on winning the 2015 National High School Mock Trial Championship
LR329 Sen Howard Resolution Recognize March 2020 as MS Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR325 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Leona R. Doll on her 100th birthday
LR315 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Evan Schroder on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR298 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center Special Oversight Committee of the Legislature
LR239 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
LR233 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine payday loans and other short-term lending practices where high interest rates are charged and collected from customers
LR232 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the process by which a person changes his or her name
LR231 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the effectiveness of the prescription drug monitoring program currently housed within the Nebraska Health Information Initiative
LR226 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine and assess prescribing practices of health care providers related to opioids and the effectiveness of Nebraska's prescription drug monitoring program
LR222 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to gather information and make recommendations necessary for the Legislature to craft a comprehensive early learning strategy for the State of Nebraska
LR188 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to review policies and procedures relating to sustainability, organization, and best practices for data collection by the Division of Public Health relating to public health, epidemiology, and syndromic surveillance
LR187 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the five primary service areas of the Division of Children and Family Services of the Dept. of Health and Human Services
LR186 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the Nebraska Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and how providers access prescription drug data
LR163 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee
LR160 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to assess the mental and behavioral health needs of Nebraskans and the current shortages of services and resources
LR156 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the ongoing implementation of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 and related state law and policy
LR155 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine university campus policies and efforts aimed at reducing incidents of campus sexual violence and protecting the victims of such violence in Nebraska
LR154 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's utilization of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funds
LR145 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the importance of Title IV-E Funds and the federal adoption assistance program
LR144 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the effects of nonstandard and volatile job schedules on Nebraska businesses, workers, and families
LR125 Sen Howard Resolution Recognize the quality education Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart has provided to young women
LR117 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine matters related to cemeteries
LR102 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate the family of Thomas Rogers Kimball on his induction into the Nebraska Hall of Fame
LR93 Sen Howard Resolution Recognize the hard work of Share Omaha and their commitment to helping nonprofit organizations
LR74 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Dr. William Steiner on being honored as one of America's Best Dentists in 2016 by the National Consumer Advisory Board
LR56 Sen Howard Resolution Congratulate Reverend Keith Winton on his ordination as a priest in the Episcopal Church
LR24 Sen Howard Resolution Recognize the lifetime service of Lieutenant Colonel Ervin H. Goeden
LB1191 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Juvenile Services, and the Department of Correctional Services to allow employees to speak to members of the Legislature and the Public Counsel
LB1188 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to youth rehabilitation and treatment centers
LB1185A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1146 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney
LB1124 Sen Howard Passed Adopt the Opioid Prevention and Treatment Act
LB1085 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change terminology related to the Public Counsel
LB1079 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change report provisions relating to the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act
LB1059 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to health care facility licensure
LB1058 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Population Health Information Act
LB1051 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Public Health Leadership and Development Act and appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska
LB1043 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a palliative care program and advisory council for the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB1042 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to nail technology
LB992 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create the Early Childhood Data Governing Body
LB985 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for state funding of prenatal care under the medical assistance program
LB975 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB956 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require application for a demonstration project to allow purchase of medicaid coverage
LB953 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Information Initiative Act and provide funding
LB932 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide discharge planning duties for the medical director of the Department of Correctional Services
LB931 Sen Howard Passed Provide requirements for opiate and controlled substance prescriptions
LB927 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to juveniles' out-of-home placement, care, and custody
LB926 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rules and regulations of the Department of Insurance
LB916 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity from criminal or civil liability for removal of an animal from a motor vehicle by forcible entry as prescribed
LB898 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require public postsecondary educational institutions to conduct an annual sexual assault climate survey
LB897 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change medical providers' duties under offense of failure to report injury or violence
LB892 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit restraining animals in the event of certain natural or manmade disasters or severe weather events as prescribed
LB876 Sen Howard Passed Require a bodily injury exception from a pollutant exclusion in certain insurance policies
LB875 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require a medicaid state plan amendment for outpatient assisted therapy
LB874 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Restate intent regarding funding programs from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB863 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Add grounds for termination of parental rights
LB862 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Prescription Drug Cost Transparency Act
LB858 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements relating to pharmacists and health care services in health insurance
LB837 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require applications for medicaid waivers be submitted to the Health and Human Services Committee of the Legislature
LB836 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for minors' consent to certain mental health services as prescribed
LB835 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for independent audits and reviews under the Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act
LB834 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for waiver of certain occupational and licensing fees as prescribed
LB790A Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB790 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require training for case managers as prescribed
LB777 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for filling legislative vacancies
LB717 Sen Howard Passed Change training requirements under the Quality Child Care Act
LB716 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Correctional Services
LB715 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations to local public health departments
LB714 Sen Howard Passed Provide a procedure for judicial emancipation of a minor
LB709 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for an alternative to detention for juveniles
LB697 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment application relating to functional family therapy
LB696 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan waiver to provide coverage for treatment of opioid abuse
LB648 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for adoption by two adult persons
LB640 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Include study relative to the Holocaust and other genocides in provisions relating to multicultural education
LB556A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB556 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to prescriptions for controlled substances and the prescription drug monitoring program
LB548 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit restraining animals during certain disasters or weather events
LB528 Sen Howard Passed Provide for partner treatment relating to sexually transmitted diseases
LB527 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change optometry licensure and certification to use pharmaceutical agents
LB526 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to use of pharmaceutical agents by optometrists
LB500A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB500 Sen Howard Passed Require application for a medicaid state plan amendment for multisystemic therapy
LB489 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require registration for the prescription drug monitoring system
LB488 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt school district requirements for mental health education and change school district requirements for drug awareness and prevention
LB471 Sen Howard Passed Change prescription drug monitoring provisions and create the Veterinary Prescription Monitoring Program Task Force
LB466 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB460A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB438 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Increase cigarette and tobacco taxes as prescribed and provide for the distribution of funds
LB427 Sen Howard Passed Change terminology relating to legitimacy of children
LB426 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to fraternal benefit societies
LB423 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to school-based health centers under the Medical Assistance Act
LB422 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Art Therapy Practice Act
LB389 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights
LB388 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights, placement of children, and guardianship
LB380 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for adoption by two adult persons jointly
LB361 Sen Howard Passed Name the Child and Maternal Death Review Act and change review procedures
LB342 Sen Howard Passed Permit insurers to contract for pharmacist professional services
LB341 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements relating to health benefit plan coverage for insureds in jail custody
LB339 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to payment of costs for proceedings before the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB330 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB329 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to criminal offenses against animals
LB326 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions of Pharmacy Practice Act and Automated Medication Systems Act
LB315A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB315 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to medicaid recovery audit contractors
LB249 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change the statute of limitations for civil actions arising from a sexual assault
LB248 Sen Howard Passed Change terminology relating to hearing-impaired persons
LB243 Sen Howard Passed Redefine nurse practitioner practice
LB242 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to administrative rules and regulations
LB236 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to Department of Labor to establish an individual development accounts pilot project
LB235 Sen Howard Passed Adopt the Consumer Protection in Eye Care Act
LB234 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for nurse visitation
LB233 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB199A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB199 Sen Howard Passed Provide for stipends for social work students
LB189 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for recruitment and retention of caseworkers
LB188 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to paternity of a child conceived as a result of sexual assault
LB112A Sen Howard Passed Appropriation Bill
LB112 Sen Howard Passed Provide for waiver of certain occupational and licensing fees as prescribed
LB111 Sen Howard Passed Change a certificate of title application signature requirement as prescribed
LB62 Sen Howard Passed Provide for education regarding and treatment of trichomoniasis
LB35 Sen Howard Passed Change Business Corporation Act references
LB34 Sen Howard Passed Adopt the Carbon Monoxide Safety Act