Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB62 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Provide for education regarding and treatment of trichomoniasis |
LB111 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Change a certificate of title application signature requirement as prescribed |
LB112 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Provide for waiver of certain occupational and licensing fees as prescribed |
LB112A |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB248 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Change terminology relating to hearing-impaired persons |
LB249 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change the statute of limitations for civil actions arising from a sexual assault |
LB388 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights, placement of children, and guardianship |
LB389 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to termination of parental rights |
LB422 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Art Therapy Practice Act |
LB423 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change and eliminate provisions relating to school-based health centers under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB427 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Change terminology relating to legitimacy of children |
LB460A |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB466 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Redistricting Act |
LB488 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt school district requirements for mental health education and change school district requirements for drug awareness and prevention |
LB489 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require registration for the prescription drug monitoring system |
LB548 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Prohibit restraining animals during certain disasters or weather events |
LB556 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to prescriptions for controlled substances and the prescription drug monitoring program |
LB556A |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB640 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Include study relative to the Holocaust and other genocides in provisions relating to multicultural education |
LB874 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Restate intent regarding funding programs from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund |
LB875 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require a medicaid state plan amendment for outpatient assisted therapy |
LB1058 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Population Health Information Act |
LB1059 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to health care facility licensure |
LB1085 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change terminology related to the Public Counsel |
LB1124 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Adopt the Opioid Prevention and Treatment Act |
LB1146 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds for the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney |
LB1185A |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB1188 |
Sen Howard |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to youth rehabilitation and treatment centers |
LB1191 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Juvenile Services, and the Department of Correctional Services to allow employees to speak to members of the Legislature and the Public Counsel |
LR24 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Recognize the lifetime service of Lieutenant Colonel Ervin H. Goeden |
LR56 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Congratulate Reverend Keith Winton on his ordination as a priest in the
Episcopal Church |
LR93 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Recognize the hard work of Share Omaha and their commitment to helping nonprofit organizations |
LR102 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Congratulate the family of Thomas Rogers Kimball on his induction into the Nebraska Hall of Fame |
LR117 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to examine matters related to cemeteries |
LR160 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to assess the mental and behavioral health needs of Nebraskans and the current shortages of services and resources |
LR163 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee |
LR226 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to examine and assess prescribing practices of health care providers related to opioids and the effectiveness of Nebraska's prescription drug monitoring program |
LR298 |
Sen Howard |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center Special Oversight Committee of the Legislature |
LR325 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Congratulate Leona R. Doll on her 100th birthday |
LR329 |
Sen Howard |
Resolution |
Recognize March 2020 as MS Awareness Month in Nebraska |
LR411 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to provide continued oversight of and updates regarding the response of the Dept. of Health and Human Services to the COVID-19 pandemic |
LR412 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to assess the mental and behavioral health needs of Nebraskans and the current shortages of services and resources |
LR413 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to continue oversight of the residential facilities for juveniles, including the youth rehabilitation and treatment centers, under the supervision of the Dept. of Health and Human Services |
LR420 |
Sen Howard |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the racial and ethnic disproportionality that exists in Nebraska's foster care and juvenile justice systems, including specifically, for youth committed to the youth rehabilitation and treatment centers |