Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Crawford, 45 in the 106th Legislature

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB123 Sen Crawford Passed Add an exemption from the Taxpayer Transparency Act for certain contracts
LB365 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Care Directives Registry Act
LB305 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplaces Act
LB714 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Industrial New Job-training Act and authorize the transfer of certain withholding taxes
LB311 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB237A Sen Crawford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB311A Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB323A Sen Crawford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB236 Sen Crawford Passed Change access to sales and use tax information with respect to the Nebraska Advantage Transformational Tourism and Redevelopment Act
LB613 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change application deadlines under certain tax incentive programs
LB323 Sen Crawford Passed Change eligibility provisions under the Medical Assistance Act for certain disabled persons
LB210 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change independent expenditure reporting requirements and require electioneering reporting
LB122 Sen Crawford Passed Change postsecondary residency requirements for veterans, family members, and other qualified persons
LB121 Sen Crawford Passed Change provisions on limits on indebtedness from direct borrowing by cities and villages
LB841 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certain certifications for homestead exemptions
LB870 Sen Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to direct borrowing by cities and villages
LB933 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to discontinuance of utility service
LB322 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to enforcement of certain tobacco restriction provisions
LB306 Sen Crawford Failed on Final Reading Change provisions relating to good cause for voluntarily leaving employment under the Employment Security Law
LB948 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to insurance coverage for mammography
LB124 Sen Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to jointly created clean energy assessment districts under the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
LB235 Sen Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to making and serving alcoholic liquor by nonlicensed persons as prescribed
LB842 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle tax imposed on military servicemembers
LB237 Sen Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to sales and use tax collection fees and authorize use of certain fees for revenue enforcement
LB614 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB1061 Sen Crawford Passed Change the Child Protection and Family Safety Act and eliminate a committee
LB871 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change unconscionability provisions under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
LR73 Sen Crawford Resolution Congratulate Brent Apo-Hruska and Johnny Moen on winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi
LR332 Sen Crawford Resolution Congratulate Garrett Grice on his state wrestling championship
LB983 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a penalty relating to speeding
LB833 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Exclude certain elderly care programs from the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB304 Sen Crawford Passed Exempt certain operations from the definition of a food establishment under the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LR391 Sen Crawford Referral Interim study to conduct a review of current academic literature and research examining the impact of paid sick leave policies on pandemic spread in various states and industries
LR87 Sen Crawford Referral Interim study to continue the work of the select interim committee created in LR437, 2018, to examine possible improvements to the standing committee system
LR159 Sen Crawford Referral Interim study to examine the rules of the Legislature regarding information required to be included in records of the committees of the Legislature
LB211 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Provide for nonpartisan nomination and election of county officers
LB566 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Provide for notice to the Legislature if the Department of Insurance applies for a 1332 waiver from requirements of federal law as prescribed
LR23 Sen Crawford Resolution Recognize Paul Hartnett for his years of service to the state and to the Bellevue community
LR185 Sen Crawford Resolution Recognize the 150th anniversary of Mission Middle School in Bellevue
LB439 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Require coverage for chiropractic services under the Medical Assistance Act
LB1001 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Require suicide prevention phone numbers on student identification cards
LB120 Sen Crawford Indefinitely postponed Require teacher and school staff to receive training on behavioral and mental health