Document |
Primary Introducer |
Status |
Description |
LB110 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriate funds for pediatric cancer specialists |
LB111 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Require identification to vote |
LB112 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote |
LB113 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide a co-payment for correctional inmates' health care services |
LB118 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Exempt licensed cigar shops and tobacco retail outlets from smoking restrictions |
LB160 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Allow financial institutions to operate gift enterprises |
LB250 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Eliminate time restrictions on keno |
LB330 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Change provisions relating to alcoholic liquor |
LB330A |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB616 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Independent Public Schools Act |
LB617 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Adopt the Working to Improve Schools Act |
LB618 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for redesignation of districts and changing at-large membership for certain commodities boards and commissions |
LB619 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for a special designated poker license and a poker endorsement under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB619A |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Appropriation Bill |
LB620 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to lawsuits against public participation |
LB621 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change qualifications of the deputy director of the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LB622 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to the Niobrara Scenic River Act |
LB624 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to vehicle load requirements |
LB786 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Change requirements for completion of death certificates and cremation permits |
LB821 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Adopt the Workplace Privacy Act |
LB822 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Eliminate consent of the Legislature for appointment of State Electrical Board members |
LB823 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Change powers and duties of the State Athletic Commissioner and provide administrative fine authority as prescribed |
LB862 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Permit conducting or participating in a fantasy contest as prescribed |
LB969 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide and change duties for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of public libraries or reading rooms by cities or villages |
LB970 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change provisions relating to pickle cards and keno and authorize methods of payment for gambling |
LB1024 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Change a provision of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act relating to an interest in a government contract |
LB1104 |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Provide for tax incentives, intent provisions, and revenue-sharing agreements relating to Native Americans |
LB1105 |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Change and eliminate beverage regulations and licensure provisions and create the Nebraska Craft Brewery Board |
LB1105A |
Sen Larson |
Passed |
Appropriation Bill |
LR11 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Hartington-Newcastle High School for winning the 2014 Class C-1 One-Act Play state championship |
LR12 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Wausa High School for winning the 2014 Class D-1 One-Act Play state championship |
LR13 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Kyle Young on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR14 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Garrett Gleason on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR15 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate St. Mary's High School volleyball team for winning the 2014 Class D-1 state championship |
LR26CA |
Sen Larson |
Indefinitely postponed |
Constitutional amendment to change the age for eligibility to public office |
LR83 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Dylan Loberg on his state wrestling championship |
LR84 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Garret Zimmerer on his state wrestling championship |
LR85 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Ty Sawyer on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR86 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Cody Watson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR93 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the North Bend High School boys' bowling team for winning the 2015 Class C state championship |
LR94 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Fremont High School boys' bowling team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship |
LR95 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the O'Neill High School wrestling team for winning the 2015 Class C state championship |
LR96 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Blake Walters on his state wrestling championship |
LR97 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate David Fox on his state wrestling championship |
LR166 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Express appreciation to all people involved in agricultural and cattle production |
LR167 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2015 Class C-2 state championship |
LR168 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the St. Mary's High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2015 Class D-1 state championship |
LR266 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine state law as it relates to weight limits for a single axle and a group of axles and the maximum load limits for motor vehicles carrying agricultural products or commodities |
LR267 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Wausa High School speech team for winning the 2015 Class D-1 state tournament |
LR268 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Jerick O. Graber on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |
LR287 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine craft breweries and whether brewpubs and microbreweries should be licensed as craft breweries or should have separate licenses |
LR288 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the statutory relationship between cities of the second class and villages and the public libraries within their jurisdictions |
LR289 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the current alcohol policies of the University of Nebraska system |
LR290 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine how public libraries are archiving newspapers |
LR307 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR419 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' cross country team on winning the 2015 Class D state championship |
LR420 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Hartington-Newcastle High School play production team for winning the 2015 Class C-2 state championship |
LR459 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Drew Loberg on his state wrestling championship |
LR460 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Jason Hahlbeck on his state wrestling championship |
LR461 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate Bailey Thompson on his state wrestling championship |
LR475 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Wynot High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class D-2 state championship |
LR476 |
Sen Larson |
Resolution |
Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class C-2 state championship |
LR541 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the economic benefits of keno |
LR542 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Interim study to examine the issues within the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR547 |
Sen Larson |
Referral |
Create the Tribal Economic Development Committee of the Legislature to conduct a study examining the policy tools available to the Legislature to enhance economic development for the Native American population of Nebraska |