Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Harr, 8 in All Legislatures

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR589 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to analyze the Nebraska Advantage Act
LR588 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to determine best practices in drafting tax legislation and determining the fiscal impact of tax policies
LR558 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to evaluate the governance structure of the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
LR557 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the need to appropriate funds to Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska, for improvements to the park and to examine ways to honor our veterans
LR556 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the conveyances currently covered by the Conveyance Safety Act
LR538 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the implementation of an electronic notary system in Nebraska
LR520 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to provide a review of the administration and enforcement of the Employee Classification Act by the Dept. of Labor
LR509 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Benson High School Magnet girls' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class A state championship
LR508 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine possible changes to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LR492 Sen Harr Resolution Designate March 17, 2016, as Father George Sullivan Day in the State of Nebraska
LR483 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine whether Nebraska should update the Uniform Commercial Code with regard to rejection or removal of fraudulent or otherwise improper financing statements or other records offered for filing with the Secretary of State
LR482 Sen Harr Resolution Recognize the contributions to public service made by Thomas Francis Cavanaugh and extend sympathy to his family
LR481 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate Brother Mike Wilmot and Gesu Housing for receiving a 2016 Community Excellence Award
LR479 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate Jacob Molacek on his victories and record-breaking performances at the 2014 boys' state swimming championship
LR478 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School swimming team for winning the 2014 boys' state championship
LR453 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School boys' swimming team for winning the 2012 state championship
LR441 Sen Harr Resolution Recognize Tam Allan for his outstanding service on the Nebraska State Fair Board
LR425 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Preparatory High School decathlon team for winning the 2012 Nebraska Academic Decathlon
LR389CA Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to remove provisions regarding marriage from the Constitution of Nebraska
LR373 Sen Harr Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of James Moylan
LR360 Sen Harr Resolution Express sympathy to the family of Justice John F. Wright
LR348 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2018 Class A state championship
LR312 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine ways to improve and fund child behavioral health programming in Nebraska
LR311 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine Second Chances, the operating while intoxicated jail diversion program in Iowa, to determine whether the program would be workable in Nebraska
LR310 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine services provided by community paramedics
LR309 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the personal income tax rates in Nebraska
LR308 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine issues regarding the growth of Nebraska's agricultural-related economy
LR305 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the governance and efficiency of the State Board of Education
LR304 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to identify the differences between statutes governing Class V school districts and other school districts
LR271 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to analyze the Nebraska Advantage Act
LR269 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the property tax base structure and compare this structure to those of other states
LR267 Sen Harr Resolution Express sympathy to the family of Helen Condon Jenkins
LR263 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine possible changes to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LR250 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the State of Nebraska's self-insured workers' compensation plan administered by the Dept. of Administrative Services
LR249 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the impact of recidivism rates of persons convicted of driving under the influence
LR246 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to analyze the effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation in workers' compensation cases in Nebraska
LR245 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to review reimbursement rates for ambulatory surgical centers and outpatient hospitals with respect to workers' compensation services in Nebraska
LR244 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the salaries of all judges in Nebraska, including the history of adjusting these salaries
LR229 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's unemployment insurance laws and unemployment insurance program
LR228 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine the Commission of Industrial Relations
LR227 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to examine opportunities to train Nebraska's youth for the workforce while addressing both educational and workforce needs
LR225 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to assess the condition of property related to Willa Cather as described in section 82-129
LR187 Sen Harr Referral Interim study to determine whether Nebraska's business entity statutes should be updated
LR184 Sen Harr Resolution Declare June 7, 2015, as Reserve Officer Training Corps Recognition Day in Nebraska
LR183 Sen Harr Resolution Recognize Sunday, April 26, 2015, as Nebraska's Official Chili Day
LR116 Sen Harr Resolution Recognize Chancellor John E. Christensen for his years of service to the University of Nebraska at Omaha and congratulate him on his retirement
LR104 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School swimming team for winning the 2011 boys' state championship
LR99 Sen Harr Resolution Recognize Dr. Donal Burns for his many accomplishments and honor him for his many years of outstanding service to the University of Nebraska
LR98 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep High School academic decathlon team for winning the 2011 Nebraska Academic Decathlon
LR57 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate Linda Kennedy for being a finalist for the 2017 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR56 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate the Omaha Creighton Prep swimming team for winning the 2017 boys' state swimming and diving championship
LR53 Sen Harr Resolution Congratulate Saint Bernard Catholic School on its one hundredth anniversary
LR48 Sen Harr Resolution Celebrate the thirty-fourth anniversary of Nebraska's sister-state relationship with Taiwan
LR3 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Create the Task Force on the Nebraska State Flag
LB1109 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Create the Grow Nebraska Through Quality Employment Strategic Partnership
LB1108 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Authorize certain tax credits, change the sales tax rate, and provide for school foundation aid and certain grant programs
LB1097 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates and corporate income tax rates
LB1096 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to amendments to declarations regarding unit boundaries under the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB1085 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Tourism Development Act and provide for the transfer of state sales tax revenue
LB1075 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit employment of certain persons leaving public positions
LB1053 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1052 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Nebraska Whole Child Project and change provisions relating to school funding
LB1051 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine qualified business under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB1050 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide an adjustment to income for certain charitable contributions
LB1049 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine low-speed vehicle
LB1048 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the personal exemption credit
LB1047 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act relating to banks and other financial institutions
LB1046A Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1046 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to law enforcement certification and continuing education
LB1045 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine the term underground facility for purposes of the One-Call Notification System Act
LB1031 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to name of debtor for Uniform Commercial Code financing statements
LB1015 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change a sales tax exemption relating to museums
LB1012 Sen Harr Passed Authorize self-service storage facility operator insurance producer licenses
LB1011 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide a duty for drivers approaching certain stopped vehicles on a roadway as prescribed under the Nebraska Rules of the Road
LB1005 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for an evidence-based drug formulary under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB983 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the definition of disability under the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act
LB982 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for the removal of improper or fraudulent liens
LB979 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax sales for delinquent property taxes
LB978 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to garnishment
LB973 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to classification of school districts
LB972 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change a provision under the Employment Security Law relating to an exclusion from the definition of employment
LB951 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act
LB950 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Allow a bad debt deduction relating to cigarette and tobacco product taxes
LB949 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the commission allowed to cigarette stamping agents
LB940 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to guardians ad litem in adoption proceedings
LB939 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change certain notice provisions for conservators
LB926 Sen Harr Withdrawn Adopt the Nebraska Rural Jobs Act and provide tax credits
LB925 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to issuing a treasurer's tax deed and bringing a tax lien foreclosure action as prescribed
LB921 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to metropolitan utilities districts
LB907 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the New Markets Job Growth Investment Act
LB902 Sen Harr Passed Redefine a term relating to property tax exemptions and change provisions relating to a sales tax exemption for purchases by the state or a governmental unit
LB894 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to applying for property tax exemptions
LB886 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB885 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to property tax protests
LB884 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to county sales and use taxes
LB883 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for appointment of independent counsel to prosecute crimes by state officials or employees and change powers and duties of the Attorney General
LB877 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony
LB872 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to appeals by prosecutors
LB871 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Require creation of fiscal notes as prescribed
LB870 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit to graduates of certain educational institutions
LB856 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the Insured Homeowners Protection Act
LB849 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine automobile liability policy relating to the Motor Vehicle Registration Act
LB848 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide financial assistance under the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act for the development and acquisition of low-income housing
LB830 Sen Harr Passed Redefine employment under the Employment Security Law and change provisions relating to vacation leave for state employees
LB829 Sen Harr Passed Adopt the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (2015)
LB828 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms under the Employment Security Law
LB827 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Allow county treasurers to receive fees for services rendered to sanitary and improvement districts
LB818 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain deeds from the documentary stamp tax
LB817A Sen Harr Passed Appropriation Bill
LB812 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change garnishment provisions
LB811 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to disclosure of confidential business or financial information
LB810 Sen Harr Withdrawn Change provisions of State Tort Claims Act relating to certain claims arising out of misrepresentation or deceit by the Department of Health and Human Services
LB809 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit charging members of the Legislature fees for public record requests
LB808 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to community gardens and seed libraries
LB807A Sen Harr Passed Appropriation Bill
LB807 Sen Harr Passed Provide for replacement of statues in the United States Capitol
LB797 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the accrual of interest on denied and reduced homestead exemptions
LB796 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit alterations to liability insurance coverage for claims under the Minor Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act
LB795 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Establish the Wireless in Nebraska Program under the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund Act
LB794 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and corporate occupation taxes
LB763 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit obstruction of a public power district employee
LB750 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to lien perfection and termination
LB749 Sen Harr Passed Adopt the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LB706 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sexual assault, child abuse, sexually explicit conduct, and child pornography and to provide for forfeiture of property as prescribed
LB674 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit or restrict certain electronic monitoring of employees by employers
LB631 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to garnishment
LB618 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Authorize possession of firearms as prescribed for school or school event security
LB576 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Require flagging of area near polling places and change restrictions on electioneering
LB575 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for professional development training for school board and learning community coordinating council members
LB574 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide that certain assessments are levied and collected as special assessments
LB573 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to an adjustment to income for certain capital gains and extraordinary dividends
LB572 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Advantage Act and provisions relating to extraordinary dividends and capital gains on certain capital stock
LB571 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Community Enhancement Financing Assistance Act
LB570 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Employers Certainty in Records Act
LB569 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Supreme Court for county court employees
LB568A Sen Harr Passed Appropriation Bill
LB568 Sen Harr Passed Adopt the Health Insurance Exchange Navigator Registration Act
LB557 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Great Opportunities Nebraska Act
LB555 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Deny claims made against the state
LB550 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Municipal Equalization Fund
LB545 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for additional mandatory minimum sentencing as prescribed
LB544 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Community Gardens Act
LB543 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for certification of community paramedics and reimbursement under medicaid
LB542 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax exemption for purchases by county agricultural societies
LB531 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax collection fees for motor vehicles
LB530 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for providing information to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and provide for withholding appropriations
LB529 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Authorize county courts sitting as probate courts in cases of guardianship to authorize abortions in judicial by-pass cases
LB528 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the New Markets Job Growth Investment Act
LB492 Sen Harr Passed Adopt the Self-Service Storage Facilities Act and authorize certain liens
LB480 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB466 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to deductions of municipal sales and use tax refunds
LB465A Sen Harr Passed Appropriation Bill
LB465 Sen Harr Passed Adopt the Electronic Notary Public Act
LB464 Sen Harr Passed Change information provided on effective financing statements
LB463 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Technology Information Management Act
LB458 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the County Purchasing Act
LB414 Sen Harr Passed Provide a property tax exemption for fraternal benefit societies
LB398 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt all tangible personal property from property tax
LB397 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to funding for a lead-based paint hazard reduction grant
LB381 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to jury sequestration
LB380 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change income tax rates, itemized deductions, and standard deductions
LB379 Sen Harr Passed Create the Willa Cather Historical Building Cash Fund and provide for grants for and change provisions relating to the Willa Cather historical buildings
LB361 Sen Harr Passed Clarify that certain assessments levied as prescribed are levied and collected as special assessments
LB356 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the assessment of certain rent-restricted housing projects
LB348 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment of certain rent-restricted housing projects
LB337 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Rename and change the Low-Income Home Energy Conservation Act
LB336 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB325 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain purchases of energy star qualified products from sales and use taxes
LB316 Sen Harr Passed Redefine automobile liability policy
LB288 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to service of notice when applying for a tax deed and the laws governing tax sale certificates
LB278 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt motor vehicle washing and waxing services from sales and use tax
LB277 Sen Harr Passed Change tax deed lien priority
LB276 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt certified independent contractors from the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB251 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine agricultural or horticultural purposes for revenue and taxation purposes
LB250 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to probationers' rights
LB249 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Expand business inventory property tax exemption
LB248 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Youth Opportunities in Learning and Occupations Act
LB228 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rent-restricted housing projects
LB224 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide and change restrictions relating to electioneering
LB223 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Insured Homeowners Protection Act relating to contractor duties and prohibited acts and provide for a required notice
LB222 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Create the Fallen Heroes Memorial Commission and provide duties
LB221 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to forcible entry and detainer, the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, and disposition of a tenant's personal property upon death
LB220 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Insured Homeowners Protection Act
LB217 Sen Harr Passed Change revenue, taxation, economic development, and tax incentive provisions
LB216 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB215 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska E-15 Tax Credit Act
LB210 Sen Harr Passed Provide remedies and procedures regarding unauthorized financing statement filings
LB209 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to publication of trade names
LB208 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to metropolitan utilities districts
LB129 Sen Harr Passed Require criminal background checks for applicants for an initial nursing license
LB116 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine automobile liability policy and change coverage provisions
LB115 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Direct the Nebraska Tourism Commission to provide for certain uses of a fund
LB114 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to an appropriation to the University of Nebraska at Omaha
LB90A Sen Harr Passed Appropriation Bill
LB90 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to secured transactions under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code
LB39 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the sale and trade of ivory
LB38 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Authorize electronic or digital signatures for instruments submitted to register of deeds
LB37 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Uniform Wage Garnishment Act
LB36 Sen Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for review by state agencies of occupational credentials and provide for a critical assessment document
LB35 Sen Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act