Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Friday January 07, 2022

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR271 Brewer Adopted Name the building owned by this state, and located at 1526 K Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, as the First Nebraska Administrative Building, and name the building owned by this state and located at 521 South 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, as Chief Standing Bear Justice Administration Building
LB906 Hansen, B. Passed Require employers to provide for vaccine exemptions and provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB905 Walz Passed Provide for perinatal mental health screenings
LB904 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska for an Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Holland Computer Center facility
LB903 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to criminal privacy violations and prohibit spying by unmanned aircraft
LB902 Aguilar Passed Adopt the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act
LB901 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide for cytomegalovirus public education and prevention
LB900 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to microdistilleries to allow up to five physical locations
LB899 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to special designated licenses issued by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB898 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Redefine ready-to-drink cocktail for purposes of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB897 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide, change, eliminate, and transfer provisions regarding the offices of Inspector General of Child Welfare and Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB896 Lathrop Passed Change and provide requirements for program evaluation under the Nebraska Treatment and Corrections Act
LB895 Walz Indefinitely postponed Provide restrictions on prior authorizations by managed care organizations under the Medical Assistance Act
LB894 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to accounting firm ownership
LB893 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for provider rate increases for developmental disability services
LB892 Walz Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB891 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of sales tax revenue, school levy limitations, and other tax and school provisions
LB890 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB889 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Hemp Farming Act
LB888 Day Passed Require the State Board of Education to adopt standards for education on the Holocaust and other acts of genocide
LB887 Slama Passed Change provisions relating to state colleges and the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges and eliminate certain provisions relating to morals and prohibiting religious tests
LB886 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements relating to pregnant prisoners and detainees
LB885 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Require implicit bias training for certain applicants and credential holders under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB884 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide notice to private residential owners under the One-Call Notification System Act
LB883 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Require confidentiality of prosecutions of minors tried as adults and change and provide requirements regarding custody and interrogation of a juvenile
LB882 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Change requirements regarding law enforcement records and require maintenance of Brady and Giglio lists
LB881 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products and require detention facilities to provide feminine hygiene products to prisoners free of charge
LB880 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for commissaries in detention facilities and adult correctional facilities
LB879 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide for answers of no contest in adjudication hearings under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB878 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide for automatic review of bail and conditions of release for misdemeanors or violations of city or village ordinances
LB877 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to horseracing and the State Racing and Gaming Commission
LB876 Briese Passed Change provisions relating to the State Racing and Gaming Commission, wagering on and conduct of horseraces, the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act, taxation of gaming activities, and public records
LB875 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Rename the Director-State Engineer for the Department of Transportation as the Director of Transportation for the Department of Transportation
LB874 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Provide restrictions on fees under the State Aeronautics Act
LB873 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to corporate and individual income taxes, taxation of social security benefits, and property tax credits
LB872 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Authorize the wearing of tribal regalia by certain students
LB871 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to meatpacking employees and employers and the Non-English-Speaking Workers Protection Act
LB870 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide for payment of attorney's fees from the State Self-Insured Indemnification Fund and the State Self-Insured Liability Fund
LB869 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a leave of absence for an adoptive parent
LB868 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a classification system administered by the State Department of Education
LB867 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for Health Aid
LB866 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change inspection fees under the State Electrical Act
LB865 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reimbursement for child care and state intent to appropriate federal funds
LB864 Gragert Passed Authorize qualified education loan payments under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust
LB863 Williams Passed Adopt the Travel Insurance Act and the Primary Care Investment Act and change provisions relating to premium rebates, insurance coverage, the Insurance Holding Company System Act, and the Insurers Investment Act
LB862 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Require coverage under the Medical Assistance Act for treatments for end-stage renal disease
LB861 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Require an email address on candidate filing forms under the Election Act
LB860 Pahls Indefinitely postponed Change the valuation of certain real property for property tax purposes