Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 05, 2022

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR267 Gragert Adopted Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' cross-country team on winning the 2021 Class D girls' state championship
LR266 Day Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's processes relating to investigation of reports of child abuse or neglect in licensed child care facilities
LR265 Geist Adopted Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Lux Middle School for being recognized as a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Dept. of Education
LR264CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit the imposition of taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes
LR263CA Blood Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions as prescribed
LR262 Blood Withdrawn Provide the Legislature supports both the federal American Beef Labeling Act of 2021 and United States Senate Bill 949
LB792 Lowe Passed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska for the University of Nebraska Medical Center Rural Health Complex
LB791 Lowe Passed Change a population requirement relating to county surveyors, engineers, and highway superintendents
LB790 Groene Withdrawn Change provisions of the Community Development Law relating to redevelopment plans receiving an expedited review
LB789 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to urban housing programs
LB788 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change appropriations intent language and matching fund provisions under the Nebraska Rural Projects Act
LB787 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term and change applicability provisions under the Nebraska Budget Act
LB786 Erdman Passed Change information required for a statement of financial interest under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB785 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to early voting
LB784 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a property tax exemption for hospitals
LB783 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for the beef processing industry
LB782 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Change appropriations for Health Aid to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB781 Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Heartbeat Act
LB780 Gragert Passed Change provisions relating to child labor and employment certificates and approval requirements for short-time compensation plans and provide for applicability of the Employment Security Law and the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act to transit authorities
LB779 Gragert Passed Change provisions regarding the tuition assistance program for the Nebraska National Guard
LB778 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act
LB777 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Require the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission to develop and maintain a digital archive of Nebraska Legislature video coverage
LB776 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax deduction for certain military pay
LB775 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Prohibit land disposal of wind turbine blades and their component parts
LB774 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the First Freedom Act
LB773 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit and prohibit regulation of such carrying by cities, villages, and counties
LB772 Day Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain providers of health care and medical services from taking certain debt collection actions against victims of sexual assault, domestic assault, and child abuse
LB771 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions in the Nebraska Rules of the Road relating to electric bicycles
LB770 Day Indefinitely postponed Change membership of the Board of Dentistry
LB769 Halloran Passed Require certain state employees to submit to fingerprinting and criminal history record checks
LB768 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to establishment of academic content standards for school districts
LB767 Kolterman Passed Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensure and Regulation Act
LB766 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska for pancreatic cancer research
LB765 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to authorized uses for a County Visitors Improvement Fund
LB764 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Redefine the term gross proceeds for purposes of the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act
LB763 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms relating to recreational liability to include private airstrips or runways and noncommercial aviation activities
LB762 Dorn Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for behavioral health services
LB761 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Precision Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Act and state intent regarding appropriation of federal funds
LB760 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for grants to licensed emergency medical services programs
LB759 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change a limitation relating to microloans under the Business Innovation Act
LB758 Brandt Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Farm-to-School Program Act
LB757 Brandt Withdrawn Change and eliminate distance restrictions for oversize loads under the Nebraska Rules of the Road
LB756 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to properties contaminated by methamphetamine
LB755 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds for the Independent Processor Assistance Program
LB754 Bostar Passed Extend the commercial air filter pilot program of the State Department of Education
LB753 Arch Indefinitely postponed Require health care practitioners to provide notification regarding stem cell therapy
LB752 Arch Passed Adopt the Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia Support Act, the Licensed Professional Counselors Interstate Compact, and the Occupational Therapy Practice Interstate Compact, require notifications regarding stem cell therapy, and redefine respiratory care under the Respiratory Care Practice Act
LB751 Arch Indefinitely postponed Change a funding limitation for the Economic Opportunity Program
LB750 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to transportation
LB749 Friesen Passed Change an identification inspection provision under the Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title Act
LB748 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change forfeiture provisions under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act as prescribed
LB747 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the requirement that the Director of Aeronautics be confirmed by the Legislature
LB746 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the requirement that the Director of Natural Resources be a professional engineer
LB745 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to marriage
LB744 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to identification and inspection of livestock
LB743 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to when closed sessions may be held under the Open Meetings Act
LB742 Erdman Passed Provide for minutes to be kept in an electronic record under the Open Meetings Act
LB741 DeBoer Passed Adopt the Domestic Abuse Death Review Act, change provisions of and provide for review of stillbirths under the Child and Maternal Death Review Act, change provisions regarding adoption, and provide for cytomegalovirus public education and prevention
LB740 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax deduction for rent paid on dwellings
LB739 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to insurance coverage of colorectal cancer screenings
LB738 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the LIBOR Transition Act for contracts, securities, and instruments
LB737 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Primary Care Investment Act
LB736 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Redefine E-85 for grants for ethanol infrastructure projects
LB735 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Change an interest rate relating to property tax refunds
LB734 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide a contribution limit for candidate committees under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB733 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for contributions or expenditures by foreign nationals under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB732 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of deception by peace officers in questioning juveniles
LB731 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements under the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act
LB730 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Growing Our Workforce Investment Now Act and provide tax credits
LB729 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Quick Action Closing Fund Act
LB728 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Travel Insurance Act
LB727 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the board of trustees of a sanitary and improvement district
LB726 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sanitary and improvement districts
LB725 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Authorize guidelines for approval of certain redevelopment projects under the Community Development Law
LB724 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to economic development programs under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB723 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the calculation of tax credits under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB722 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Transfer and appropriate funds for lead-based paint hazard control
LB721 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the University of Nebraska Medical Center Rural Health Complex
LB720 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Adopt changes to federal law regarding motor vehicles and motor carriers
LB719 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act relating to physicians, compensation, and benefits and require cost-of-living adjustments and payment for interpreter services
LB718 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for cost-sharing and coverage relating to health care benefits and pharmacy benefit managers
LB717 Morfeld Passed Change the amount of compensation under the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act
LB716 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Allow qualified practitioners to perform abortions
LB715 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the prohibition regarding publicly funded insurance coverage for abortion and repeal the Mandate Opt-Out and Insurance Coverage Clarification Act
LB714 Geist Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of fees for certain motor vehicle operator's licenses and state identification cards
LB713 Flood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of tax-increment financing for certain purposes
LB712 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act
LB711 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the sale of educational land
LB710 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility
LB709 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change requirements relating to preliminary applications under the Occupational Board Reform Act
LB708 Hughes Passed Eliminate the requirement to copyright reissue and supplement volumes of the Nebraska Revised Statutes
LB707 Williams Passed Adopt the LIBOR Transition Act and certain updates to federal law, recognize Juneteenth National Independence Day as a bank holiday, and change provisions relating to accountants, banks, financial institutions, bank subsidiaries, digital-asset depositories, residential mortgage loans, real estate appraisers, auctioneers, public funds, trusts, and the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority
LB706 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB705 Williams Passed Change and eliminate provisions under the Barber Act
LB704 Williams Passed Change education requirements for licensure under the Funeral Directing and Embalming Practice Act and eliminate certain provisions regarding caskets
LB703 Williams Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the University of Nebraska for an agricultural innovation facility
LB702 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the availability of tax credits under the School Readiness Tax Credit Act
LB701 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change certain deadlines under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act and the Nebraska Advantage Research and Development Act
LB700 Kolterman Passed Change provisions relating to public retirement systems
LB699 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for grants to improve technology infrastructure
LB698 Kolterman Passed Require coverage of continuous glucose monitoring devices under the Medical Assistance Act
LB697 Kolterman Passed Provide for licensure of rural emergency hospital services
LB696 Blood Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the State Department of Education for school employee retention payments
LB695 Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit conditional use permits and zoning exceptions for delinquent property taxpayers
LB694 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide a statute of limitations for exposure to certain chemicals, prescription drugs, or medical devices
LB693 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle tax exemptions, motor vehicle fee exemptions, and property tax exemptions for certain veterans
LB692 Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit causing sexual contact when a condom has been removed without consent
LB691 Blood Passed Include kidnapping victims under the Address Confidentiality Act
LB690 Blood Indefinitely postponed Redefine basic skills competency for purposes of teachers' and administrators' certificates or permits
LB689 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to fees in the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
LB688 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Reduction Act and eliminate credits under the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act
LB687 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act
LB686 Hughes Passed Change composition of the Executive Board of the Legislative Council
LB685 Executive Board: Hughes, Chairperson General File Eliminate obsolete provisions appropriating funds to the State Department of Education for FY2017-18 and FY2018-19