Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday May 20, 2021

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR245 McDonnell Adopted Encourage individuals to check their Starlogs to encounter friends at this out-of-this-world experience in Ashland
LR244 McDonnell Adopted Recognize the seventy-fifth anniversary of Cascio's Steakhouse
LR243 Day Adopted Congratulate the Gretna High School girls' soccer team on winning the 2021 state championship
LR242 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Urge the congressional delegation of Nebraska to pass legislation that supports farmers, ranchers, and small meat processors without compromising food safety standards and foreign market access
LR241 Speaker Hilgers Adopted Congratulate Bobbie Ehrlich for being named the 2021 Scottish Rite Distinguished Teacher of the Year
LR240 Geist Adopted Congratulate Martha Kingsbury for being honored with the 2021 Nebraska Library Association Outstanding Volunteer Award