Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 12, 2021

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB313 Sanders Passed Change provisions relating to late applications for homestead exemptions
LB312 Sanders Passed Change cemetery association membership eligibility and record-keeping requirements
LB311 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to microdistilleries under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB310 Clements Passed Change inheritance tax rates, inheritance tax exemption amounts, and individuals who are considered relatives of a decedent
LB309 Clements Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Assistance Animal Integrity in Housing Act
LB308 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide grants for juvenile indigent legal defense
LB307 Pansing Brooks Passed Change provisions relating to transfer of a case to juvenile court and appointment of counsel for juveniles
LB306 Brandt Veto Overridden Provide eligibility requirements for the low-income home energy assistance program
LB305 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change appointment and removal provisions for the secretary of the Game and Parks Commission
LB304 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
LB303 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide a budget limitation exception as prescribed
LB302 Hansen, M. Passed Change provisions relating to administrative license revocation and reinstatement under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act
LB301 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Change drug schedules and penalties and adopt federal drug provisions under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB300 Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to justification for the use of force
LB299 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Firefighter Cancer Benefits Act and provide an income tax exemption for such benefits
LB298 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Redefine public benefits and change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to the disqualification of certain aliens
LB297 Lindstrom Passed Adopt the Nebraska Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Financial Exploitation Act
LB296 Hansen, B. Passed Change provisions regarding access to patient records for Department of Health and Human Services institutions
LB295 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Repeal prohibition on sale of alcoholic liquor to a person within a motor vehicle
LB294 Flood Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain agency deputy directors and legal counsel from the State Personnel System
LB293 Flood Indefinitely postponed Change the number of and qualifications for members of the Public Service Commission
LB292 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to partial payments of property taxes
LB291 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to property tax protests
LB290 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB289 Walz Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB288 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change dates related to certification and distribution of state aid to schools
LB287 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change school finance base limitation and local effort rate provisions
LB286 Walz Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term relating to schools
LB285 Brewer Passed Change provisions relating to adjusting boundaries for elections and change and eliminate provisions regarding elections for various purposes
LB284 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements regarding federal funds under the Governor's Emergency Program
LB283 Briese Indefinitely postponed Provide for year-round daylight saving time
LB282 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to obscenity
LB281 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Require child sexual abuse prevention programs for school students and staff
LB280 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a residency requirement for the board of directors of an insurance corporation
LB279 Bostar Indefinitely postponed Authorize certain activities that are eligible for assistance from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
LB278 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change a penalty for possession under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB277 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rental deposits, damages, and overdue rent under the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
LB276 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a requirement that the physician be physically present in the same room when an abortion is performed
LB275 Brewer Passed Create the Semiquincentennial Commission
LB274 Lowe Passed Provide for taxation of ready-to-drink cocktails, the sale of mixed alcoholic beverages by certain retailers and farm wineries, and promotional farmers market special designated licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB273 Lowe Passed Change provisions relating to youth rehabilitation and treatment centers and provide for immediate changes of placement
LB272 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Apprenticeship Training Program Tax Credit Act
LB271 Morfeld Passed Adopt the 24/7 Sobriety Program Act
LB270 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Regulation Act and require an audit under the Medical Assistance Act
LB269 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding review of a committed offender's record by the Board of Parole
LB268 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change landlord's right of access under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
LB267 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to municipal counties
LB266 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Renewable Energy Standards Act
LB265 Blood Passed Change provisions of the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
LB264 Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for cultural districts created by the Nebraska Arts Council