Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 07, 2021

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR11CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require enactment of a consumption tax and prohibit certain other forms of taxation
LR10CA Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to remove felony convictions other than treason from being a disqualification for voting
LR9 Brandt Adopted Congratulate the Bruning-Davenport-Shickley Eagles football team for winning the 2020 Class D-2 state championship
LR8 Gragert Adopted Congratulate Brad Haglund on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR7 Gragert Adopted Congratulate the Creighton High School one-act team on winning the 2020 NSAA Class C-2 state play production championship
LR6 Gragert Adopted Congratulate the Wausa-Osmond High School one-act team on winning the 2020 NSAA Class C-1 state play production championship
LR5 Gragert Adopted Accept the findings and recommendations of the Healthy Soils Task Force submitted to the Governor and the Agriculture Committee
LR4 McKinney Adopted Thank former Senator Ernie Chambers for his service to the Legislature and the State of Nebraska and congratulate him on his incredible career of public service
LR3CA Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require verification of identity prior to voting
LR2CA Wayne Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to legalize cannabis for persons twenty-one and older and to require legislation
LR1 Blood Adopted Express support for the United States Air Force to reestablish the United States Space Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base
LB138 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Require jails and law enforcement agencies to provide public notice before entering into agreements to enforce federal immigration law
LB137 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Require reporting to the Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System
LB136 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Change procedures regarding short-term suspension of students
LB135 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Change special education reimbursements
LB134 Brandt Indefinitely postponed Require the posting and reporting of tax incentive information under the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB133 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Consumption Tax Act and eliminate certain other taxes
LB132 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Create the School Financing Review Commission
LB131 Hunt Passed Adopt the Municipal Natural Gas System Emergency Assistance Act and change provisions relating to ordinances, bond elections, municipal boundaries, the Community Development Law, and building and plumbing codes
LB130 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions for the Board of Parole
LB129 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligibility for services under the Medical Assistance Act
LB128 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Residential Tenant Clean Slate Act
LB127 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide for adjustments to payments to guardians of former state wards
LB126 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Require use of headlights and taillights when windshield wipers are in operation
LB125 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Provide for ranked-choice voting for certain elections
LB124 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reports of the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB123 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Change meeting requirements for the Legislative Council
LB122 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the minimum wage
LB121 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligibility for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits
LB120 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity
LB119 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Healthy Pregnancies for Incarcerated Women Act
LB118 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change duration of harassment, sexual assault, and domestic abuse protection orders and change requirements for affidavits
LB117 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act
LB116 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to handgun transfer certificates and require suicide prevention training and informational materials
LB115 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Impose sales tax on candy and soft drinks and provide for distribution of proceeds
LB114 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Clean Slate Act
LB113 Albrecht Passed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle titling, licensing, registration, and fees and operators' licenses and permits and authorize a new motor carrier services system
LB112 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Require members of the public to be allowed to speak at each meeting subject to the Open Meetings Act
LB111 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to various offenses involving public safety
LB110 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change and provide duties relating to use of force in law enforcement
LB109 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide that photographing or recording a peace officer is not obstruction of justice
LB108 McCollister Veto Overridden Change provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB107 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB106 Friesen Passed Change fees relating to access to drivers' records and provide for a new motor vehicle operator's license services system
LB105 Friesen Passed Change certification dates for unpaid county claims
LB104 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Allow aggregation of pecuniary losses for criminal mischief offenses
LB103 Dorn Passed Appropriate funds to aid counties to pay certain federal judgments
LB102 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfer of duties of clerks of the district court to clerk magistrates
LB101 Walz Passed Change the date for addition of long-term care services and supports under the medicaid managed care program
LB100 Walz Passed Prohibit certain billing practices under the Medical Assistance Act, state intent regarding foster care reimbursement rates increases, and appropriate funds
LB99 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Community Development Law relating to limitations on blighted areas
LB98 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation
LB97 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to adoptions
LB96 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to sanitary and improvement district hearings
LB95 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to garnishment
LB94 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Passed Prohibit invalidation of certain online notarial acts performed under the Governor's Executive Order
LB93 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Passed Eliminate a reporting requirement regarding marriages
LB92 Clements Passed Change residency requirements for college tuition purposes for students from exempt schools and prohibit discrimination against such students
LB91 Brandt Passed Change germination seed testing provisions under the Nebraska Seed Law
LB90 Halloran Passed Change fee provisions under the Pesticide Act and the Nebraska Commercial Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Act
LB89 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Allow persons eighteen years of age to make health care decisions and persons under nineteen years of age in correctional facilities to consent to medical and mental health care
LB88 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Protect free speech rights of student journalists and student media advisers
LB87 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Provide for mental health first aid training for school districts and change provisions relating to the use of lottery funds
LB86 Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Require registration for the prescription drug monitoring system
LB85 Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Require Nebraska State Patrol to provide notice of expiration of concealed handgun permits
LB84 Bostelman Passed Redefine terms relating to tax incentive performance audits and the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB83 Flood Passed Change public meeting provisions and provide for virtual conferencing under the Open Meetings Act
LB82 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle tax schedules
LB81 Hilkemann Passed Provide authority for sanitary and improvement districts to own, construct, and maintain public parking facilities
LB80 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change shipping license fees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB79 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change the minimum amount of relief provided under the Property Tax Credit Act
LB78 Gragert Passed Require applicants for certain license plates to register with the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB77 Gragert Passed Prohibit insurance risk classifications and rate adjustments based on the fact that the insured is deployed in the military
LB76 Slama Indefinitely postponed Change apportionment of Nebraska's electoral college votes
LB75 Gragert Passed Change provisions relating to township libraries
LB74 Geist Indefinitely postponed Eliminate funding for the Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act and state intent regarding use of funds
LB73 Geist Indefinitely postponed Direct a portion of the proceeds from the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act to county agricultural societies
LB72 Geist Indefinitely postponed Provide for sale of alcoholic liquor not in its original package
LB71 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to intentional tort claims under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act and State Tort Claims Act
LB70 Wayne Passed Authorize the State Athletic Commissioner to regulate professional kickboxing and professional bare-knuckle boxing
LB69 Day Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit Act
LB68 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reimbursement for services provided by the federal Child Care Subsidy program
LB67 Day Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to school-based health centers under the Medical Assistance Act
LB66 Williams Passed Change deposit, bond, custodial official, and pooled collateral provisions under the Public Funds Deposit Security Act
LB65 Williams Passed Change contractual conflict of interest provisions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB64 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions relating to the taxation of social security benefits
LB63 Lindstrom Passed Change certain deadlines relating to property tax exemptions
LB62 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Create the Access College Early Scholarship Cash Fund and change provisions relating to the Nebraska Education Improvement Fund, Nebraska Opportunity Grant Fund, and Community College Gap Assistance Program Fund
LB61 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Provide formal protest procedures for certain state contracts for services
LB60 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to community college levies
LB59 Stinner Passed Change provisions regarding sales of tourism promotional products by the Nebraska Tourism Commission and distribution of revenue
LB58 Pahls Passed Change requirements for service by publication for delinquent liens arising from city or village special assessments
LB57 Lathrop Passed Provide a hearsay exception for present sense impressions
LB56 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to administration of and eligibility for parole
LB55 Lathrop Withdrawn Change judges' salaries
LB54 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change immunity for intentional torts under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act and the State Tort Claims Act
LB53 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity for health care providers acting in conformance with the crisis standard of care during a COVID-19 state of emergency
LB52 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide for immunity for injury or death resulting from COVID-19 exposure
LB51 Lathrop Passed Change provisions relating to qualifications, training, certification, accreditation, powers, and duties of certain law enforcement personnel
LB50 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change voice analysis examiner and voice stress analyzer provisions under the Licensing of Truth and Deception Examiners Act
LB49 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change penalty for use of tobacco or nicotine products by a person under twenty-one years of age
LB48 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to marriage and annulments
LB47 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change procedures relating to obligees in child support proceedings
LB46 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Eliminate an alternative service provision under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
LB45 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to continuance of proceedings under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
LB44 Hansen, M. Passed Change requirements for adoption of an affordable housing action plan
LB43 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide for election of election commissioners and eliminate certain deputy positions
LB42 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers to the Hall of Fame Trust Fund
LB41 Dorn Passed Change provisions relating to certain payments of funds to townships
LB40 Groene Passed Adopt the Nebraska Rural Projects Act
LB39 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions regarding the Convention Center Support Fund and the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act and provide for grants for cities of the first class with creative districts
LB38 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax credits and retaliatory taxes
LB37 Lowe Passed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the state boiler inspector, fee schedules, and powers and duties of the State Fire Marshal
LB36 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Require display of the national motto in schools
LB35 Pansing Brooks Passed Change membership provisions for the First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry at Fort Donelson Committee
LB34 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change sentencing provisions for crimes committed by a person under twenty-one years of age
LB33 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to minimum sentences
LB32 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide for Class ICA and IDA felony classifications and change penalties
LB31 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Authorize punitive damages as prescribed and provide for distribution
LB30 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Limit the amount an insured pays for prescription insulin drugs
LB29 Wayne Passed Designate Juneteenth National Independence Day as a state holiday
LB28 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for motions for new trial based on newly discovered evidence
LB27 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for appropriations to the Nebraska State Historical Society
LB26 Wayne Passed Provide a sales tax exemption for residential water service
LB25 Wayne Passed Change provisions relating to the division of ad valorem taxes under the Community Development Law
LB24 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Change fee, remittance, and distribution provisions relating to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges
LB23 Williams Passed Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB22 Williams Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Protection in Annuity Transactions Act
LB21 Williams Passed Change insurance provisions regarding administrative penalties, health maintenance organizations, and continuing education
LB20 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide for insurance coverage of and medicaid access to prescribed contraceptives
LB19 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to nail technology and body art
LB18 Kolterman Passed Change provisions relating to equivalent employees and qualified locations under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB17 Kolterman Passed Change fees for and provide for transfers to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges and change actuarial valuation and amortization provisions for certain state retirement systems
LB16 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Provide for state contributions to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges
LB15 Blood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Occupational Therapy Practice Interstate Compact
LB14 Blood Passed Adopt the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact
LB13 Blood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit possession of a deadly weapon by the subject of a foreign protection order
LB12 Blood Indefinitely postponed Require a commuter rail service study by the Department of Transportation
LB11 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding voter registration and requests for ballots for early voting
LB10 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle and property tax exemptions for disabled veterans
LB9 Blood Passed Change annexation requirements and property tax special valuation provisions
LB8 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change independent expenditure reporting requirements and require electioneering reporting
LB7 Blood Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity from arrest and prosecution for witnesses and victims of violent crimes
LB6 Blood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits
LB5 Blood Passed Adopt the Purple Star Schools Act
LB4 Briese Passed Change tuition credit provisions for the Active Selected Reserve of the armed forces of the United States
LB3 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change notice requirements for school district budget hearings and require access to school district data
LB2 Briese Passed Change the valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land for certain school district taxes
LB1 Executive Board: Hughes, Chairperson Passed Correlate provisions of Laws 2019, LB538, with Initiative Law 2020, No. 430, regarding mechanical amusement devices