Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 21, 2020

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR297 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Provide each resolution petitioning Congress to call for a constitutional convention under Article V of the Constitution included in this resolution be automatically rescinded if the convention is not called on or before January 1, 2021
LB1105 Hansen, B. Indefinitely postponed Change audit provisions under the Medical Assistance Act
LB1104 Arch Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act
LB1103 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for lump-sum settlement approval or release by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court
LB1102 Walz Indefinitely postponed Provide an appropriation for volunteer emergency medical care providers
LB1101 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Change the schedule of compensation for certain injuries resulting in disability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB1100 Bolz Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for mental health and behavioral health services
LB1099 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Create a fund under the Nebraska State Capitol Preservation and Restoration Act
LB1098 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB1097 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Supreme Court
LB1096 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Correctional Services
LB1095 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Authorize counties containing a city of the metropolitan class to establish juvenile justice programs and services
LB1094 Murman Indefinitely postponed Change lien provisions on support order judgments
LB1093 Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for nursing facility services under the medical assistance program
LB1092 Stinner Withdrawn Change and transfer contract provisions under the Medical Assistance Act and create a fund
LB1091 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Face Surveillance Privacy Act
LB1090 Blood Indefinitely postponed Allow local governing bodies to suspend liquor licenses for nonpayment of taxes, fees, and special assessments
LB1089 Vargas Governor Veto Provide a high school graduation requirement relating to federal student aid
LB1088 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Provide for personalized message specialty license plates
LB1087 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to partial payments of property taxes
LB1086 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Provide for poll watchers under the Election Act
LB1085 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change terminology related to the Public Counsel
LB1084 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Transformational Projects Act
LB1083 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Meadowlark Program
LB1082 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Increase the indigent defense court filing fee
LB1081 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions on postconviction relief
LB1080 Lathrop Passed Require school policies that prohibit sexual conduct with students and former students
LB1079 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska State Patrol
LB1078 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Municipal Inland Port Authority Act
LB1077 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change legislative declarations and findings relating to traffic congestion in municipal areas
LB1076 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligible programs for the Community College Gap Assistance Program Act
LB1075 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change tax provisions relating to net book value
LB1074 Linehan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment of improvements on leased lands and the collection of certain fees and taxes
LB1073 DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Create the School Financing Review Commission, add basic funding aid, and change adjusted valuations, the local effort rate, and certification dates
LB1072 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Authorize certain natural resources districts to issue flood protection bonds and use bond proceeds as prescribed
LB1071 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wildlife Damage Recovery Act
LB1070 Murman Indefinitely postponed Change a sales tax exemption relating to agricultural machinery and equipment
LB1069 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska
LB1068 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interior Design Voluntary Registration Act
LB1067 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Provide for the crossing of a controlled-access highway by an all-terrain vehicle or utility-type vehicle
LB1066 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for modifying school district boundaries
LB1065 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding pharmacies, pharmacists, and pharmacy personnel
LB1064 Briese Passed Change provisions relating to the sale and use of tobacco products
LB1063 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the State Treasurer and treasury management
LB1062 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Allow the Department of Correctional Services to establish a predischarge reentry pilot program
LB1061 Crawford Passed Change the Child Protection and Family Safety Act and eliminate a committee
LB1060 Cavanaugh Governor Veto Include hair textures and protective hairstyles within the definition of race under the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act
LB1059 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to health care facility licensure
LB1058 Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Population Health Information Act
LB1057 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding appeals of certain zoning decisions by county planning commissions and county boards
LB1056 Lowe Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act and the Nebraska Lottery and Raffle Act
LB1055 Brewer Passed Change provisions regarding elections and the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1054 Kolterman Passed Define the required beginning date and change deferment of payment provisions under certain retirement plans
LB1053 Health and Human Services Committee Passed Change various provisions under the Medical Assistance Act, Health Care Facility Licensure Act, and Medication Aide Act and change receiver and receivership provisions relating to health care facilities
LB310A Vargas Passed Appropriation Bill