Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 09, 2020

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR291 Hughes Resolution Congratulate Jozie Schilke for winning the Most Outstanding Member award at the Ninety-Second National FFA Convention
LR290 Hughes Resolution Congratulate the Imperial Chapter of the National FFA Organization for winning the National Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event at the Ninety-Second National FFA Convention
LR289 Blood Resolution Congratulate the Bellevue West High School football team on winning the 2019 Class A state championship
LB903 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for Down Syndrome Awareness license plates
LB902 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Uniform Trust Decanting Act
LB901 Cavanaugh Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Nebraska Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative
LB900 Cavanaugh Indefinitely postponed Provide for the ownership of an unfertilized human ovum
LB899 Hughes Passed Provide certain powers for public power districts relating to fuels and fuel byproducts
LB898 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Provide for the collocation of certain wireless facilities
LB897 Cavanaugh Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for behavioral health aid
LB896 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Require notice of construction and expansion of structures near military installations as prescribed
LB895 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to decedents' estates
LB894 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for community college aid
LB893 Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to emergency care providers and provide for community paramedicine and critical care paramedics
LB892 Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets
LB891 Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for overtime pay
LB890 Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Provide for water, wastewater, utility, and sewer construction projects under the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act
LB889 Hilgers Passed Change appeal provisions under the Administrative Procedure Act
LB888 Hilgers Indefinitely postponed Change State Tort Claims Act provisions relating to authority of the Risk Manager and State Claims Board
LB887 Arch Indefinitely postponed Authorize pharmacists to adapt prescriptions to aid consumers
LB886 Arch Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain acts by health insurers and network providers and list a deceptive trade practice
LB885 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for grant applications under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act
LB884 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Provide for legal effect of a publication concerning liability insurance
LB883 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change procedures relating to obligors and obligees in child support proceedings
LB882 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to marriage and annulments
LB881 Hansen, M. Passed Change provisions relating to criminal and civil procedure
LB880 Groene Passed Change dates related to certifications and distributions of state aid to schools
LB879 Geist Indefinitely postponed Eliminate funding for the Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act and change the termination date for applications
LB878 Walz Indefinitely postponed Redefine immediate family and change conflict of interest provisions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB877 Walz Indefinitely postponed State intent regarding appropriations for aging and disability resource centers
LB876 Walz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Community Development Law relating to limitations on blighted areas
LB875 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require a medicaid state plan amendment for outpatient assisted therapy
LB874 Howard Indefinitely postponed Restate intent regarding funding programs from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB873 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Provide for a gender neutral designation on operator's licenses and state identification cards and provide for amendment of a birth certificate
LB872 Hunt Indefinitely postponed Eliminate requirements for the provision of information and materials regarding finding medical assistance and continuing a viable pregnancy after taking mifepristone
LB871 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change unconscionability provisions under the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
LB870 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to direct borrowing by cities and villages
LB869 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide for issuance of subpoenas in civil proceedings in foreign jurisdictions and change provisions relating to subpoenas and witness fees
LB868 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to mediators under the Parenting Act
LB867 Hansen, M. Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Local Option Municipal Childcare Financing Act
LB866 Wayne Final Reading Adopt the Municipal Density and Missing Middle Housing Act and the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act
LB865 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for contributions of income tax refunds to accounts established under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust
LB864 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Bed Bug Detection and Treatment Act for cities of the metropolitan class
LB863 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Limit ownership of land by the Game and Parks Commission
LB862 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Prohibit possession by minors of tobacco and nicotine products
LB861 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act with respect to consumer merchandise and containers
LB860 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change Game and Parks Commission district limits and designations as prescribed
LB859 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to qualifications and terms of office for certain Game and Parks Commission members
LB858 Hughes Passed Change provisions of the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act, the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Act, the Niobrara Scenic River Act, and the Nebraska Litter Reduction and Recycling Act
LB857 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Require state agency review of rules and regulations
LB856 Moser Indefinitely postponed Extend sunset of the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
LB855 Moser Indefinitely postponed Eliminate legislative confirmation for certain members of the Niobrara Council
LB854 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Public Funds Deposit Security Act relating to secured deposits and pooled collateral
LB853 Williams Indefinitely postponed Authorize financial institutions to place a hold on certain customer transactions in cases of financial exploitation
LB852 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change farm product lien provisions and actions relating to termination statements