Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday February 27, 2019

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR32 Pansing Brooks Resolution Recognize March 2019 as MS Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR31 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Paul Garcia, Devontae Gutierrez, and Quinton Chavez on their state wrestling championships
LR30 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Vera Dulaney on her retirement and recognize her service and dedication to Scotts Bluff County
LR29 Scheer Resolution Congratulate Dr. Sara Brandes Crook for receiving the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR28 Scheer Resolution Congratulate Ernie Weyeneth for receiving the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award
LR27 Scheer Resolution Congratulate Jennifer and Ray O'Connor for receiving the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award