Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 04, 2018

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR269CA Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize the Legislature to delegate complete or partial sovereignty to one area of the state
LR268 Krist Indefinitely postponed Resolution to Congress for convention of the states to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution
LB844 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplaces Act
LB843 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide protections for employees' wage disclosures
LB842 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certain minimum sentences
LB841 Pansing Brooks Passed Change provisions relating to parole administration and correctional services
LB840 Riepe Passed Change reporting requirements for the Foster Care Review Office
LB839 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Require reporting regarding electioneering communication under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB838 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Indoor Tanning Facility Act
LB837 Howard Indefinitely postponed Require applications for medicaid waivers be submitted to the Health and Human Services Committee of the Legislature
LB836 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for minors' consent to certain mental health services as prescribed
LB835 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for independent audits and reviews under the Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act
LB834 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for waiver of certain occupational and licensing fees as prescribed
LB833 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to petroleum products liens
LB832 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change definition of marijuana under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB831 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide annual salary limitations for elected officials of political subdivisions
LB830 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Change license application, prohibited acts, and franchise restriction provisions under the Motor Vehicle Industry Regulation Act
LB829 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act
LB828 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Empowerment Savings Account Act
LB827 Lowe Passed Provide for disposition of property of members of veterans' homes and change state personnel system exemptions for the Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB826 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Provide for jurisdiction to make factual findings under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
LB825 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to budgets and public hearing notice for certain governmental entities
LB824 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of benefits received under the federal Social Security Act
LB823 Hughes Withdrawn Change definition of employment under Employment Security Law
LB822 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
LB821 Hughes Withdrawn Change provisions relating to assessments by the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB820 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to privately developed renewable energy generation facilities
LB819 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide additional uses for the Inmate Welfare and Club Accounts Fund
LB818 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties relating to the Jail Standards Board
LB817 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding funds of candidate committees
LB816 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Designate Nebraska State Patrol as agency to investigate criminal activity within Department of Correctional Services correctional facilities
LB815 Schumacher Passed Provide regulatory authority regarding reinsurance
LB814 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide a procedure to resolve protests of government service contract procurement decisions
LB813 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms and adopt certain federal provisions relating to the Securities Act of Nebraska
LB812 Lindstrom Passed Adopt federal banking provisions, revise powers of certain state-chartered financial institutions, and eliminate obsolete provisions
LB811 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change prohibited uses of scanning devices and encoding machines
LB810 Harr Withdrawn Change provisions of State Tort Claims Act relating to certain claims arising out of misrepresentation or deceit by the Department of Health and Human Services
LB809 Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit charging members of the Legislature fees for public record requests
LB808 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to community gardens and seed libraries
LB807 Harr Passed Provide for replacement of statues in the United States Capitol
LB806 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change the Conveyance Safety Act
LB805 Brasch Withdrawn Provide an annual reporting requirement under the Nebraska Potato Development Act and eliminate obsolete provisions
LB804 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Include elementary and secondary schools in the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and change tax benefits
LB803 Stinner Passed Change certain permit and certificate requirements relating to prekindergarten programs
LB802 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Tourism Commission Promotional Cash Fund and provide for its use
LB801 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Panhandle Beginnings Act to provide certain services to school-age children
LB800 Walz Indefinitely postponed Provide and change strategic plan requirements for services for qualified persons with disabilities
LB799 Kolterman Passed Modify deadlines and sanctions in the Surplus Lines Insurance Act
LB798 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for feminine hygiene products
LB797 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change penalties for second and third degree arson
LB796 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Change allocation of the fee for an ignition interlock permit as prescribed
LB795 McDonnell Indefinitely postponed Provide for an acknowledgment of maternity
LB794 Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change operating requirements regarding intoxicating beverages in cosmetology, esthetics, and nail technology salons
LB793 Riepe Passed Eliminate provisions relating to aging and disability resource centers and developmental disabilities services and transfer and appropriate funds
LB792 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the Nebraska State Patrol, law enforcement agencies, the executive director of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, and the Attorney General
LB791 Ebke Passed Add and change provisions relating to employment of law enforcement officers and reports of sexual harassment
LB790 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Provide for licensure of mobile cosmetology and nail technology salons
LB789 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the marijuana and controlled substances tax
LB788 Riepe Indefinitely postponed Require continuing education for health care professionals regarding opiate prescriptions
LB787 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change income determination provisions relating to the Medical Assistance Act