Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 12, 2017

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR12 Kuehn Resolution Congratulate Michael Overturf on receiving the Thomas Jefferson Award
LB354 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wage Disclosure Act
LB353 Baker Indefinitely postponed Change claim, award, and judgment payment provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB352 Vargas Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wind, Solar, and Fuel Cell Business Financing Act
LB351 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to veteran designations on operators' licenses and state identification cards
LB350 McCollister Governor Veto Provide for setting aside certain misdemeanor and felony convictions
LB349 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the maintenance and administration of the State DNA Sample and Data Base Fund
LB348 Larson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate licensing, an excise tax, and other provisions of the Nebraska Potato Development Act
LB347 Geist Passed Change provisions relating to school bus permits and qualifications
LB346 Lowe Passed Eliminate the requirement for a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer salesperson license
LB345 Murante Passed Eliminate an experience requirement for abstracters
LB344 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Change credentialing and regulation of mental health substance abuse centers
LB343 Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change credentialing and regulation of cosmetology, nail technology, audiology, massage therapy, and barbers
LB342 Erdman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nurse Licensure Compact and provide for temporary nursing license for military spouses
LB341 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to executive bank officer license revocation and suspension
LB340 Murante Passed Transfer powers and duties from Division of Veterans' Homes of Department of Health and Human Services to Department of Veterans' Affairs
LB339 Friesen Passed Merge the Department of Aeronautics into the Department of Roads and rename as the Department of Transportation
LB338 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Agricultural Valuation Fairness Act
LB337 Smith Indefinitely postponed Change income tax rates and provide for deferrals of the rate changes
LB336 Riepe Indefinitely postponed Provide a fee for registry checks under the Child Protection and Family Safety Act
LB335 Riepe Passed Change provisions relating to a child care market rate survey
LB334 Riepe Indefinitely postponed Change Department of Health and Human Services provisions relating to families
LB333 Riepe Passed Change provisions relating to custody, services, and assistance for persons with developmental disabilities
LB332 Speaker Scheer Passed Change Cash Reserve Fund provisions
LB331 Speaker Scheer Passed Create funds, provide for transfers, change provisions governing funds, and change the reserve requirement
LB330 Speaker Scheer Passed Appropriate funds for capital construction and property acquisition
LB329 Speaker Scheer Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
LB328 Speaker Scheer Passed Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB327 Speaker Scheer Passed Appropriate funds for the expenses of Nebraska State Government for the biennium ending June 30, 2019
LB326 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide additional budget and tax levy authority for certain school districts
LB325 Harr Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain purchases of energy star qualified products from sales and use taxes
LB324 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Fairness and Transparency Act
LB323 Kolterman Passed Adopt the Palliative Care and Quality of Life Act
LB322 Craighead Indefinitely postponed Change the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act
LB321 Lowe Passed Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school
LB320 Lowe Passed Change provisions relating to bidding and purchases, conflicts of interest in the materiel division, and facilities construction and administration
LB319 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Provide for confidentiality of and access to certain injury reports under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB318 Hughes Passed Authorize telephone conferencing for meetings of the Nebraska Brand Committee
LB317 Hughes Passed Provide for a relevy or reassessment of a special assessment for cities of the second class or villages as prescribed
LB316 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change election provisions relating to technology and funding
LB315 Murante Passed Change provisions relating to the sale of real property by a city of the second class or village
LB314 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change state and municipal election provisions to conform to prior legislation
LB313 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change the sales tax rate and the earned income tax credit and provide property tax credits
LB312 Briese Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate revenue and taxation provisions
LB311 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Eliminate an eligibility provision relating to nutrition assistance benefits as prescribed
LB310 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to bridge carrying capacities and weight limits and operation restrictions for implements of husbandry
LB309 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Eliminate Daylight Saving Time
LB308 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the committee on Americanism
LB307 Brasch Passed Provide for mediation, child abuse prevention, and civil legal services fees in certain proceedings
LB306 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions relating to the scope of coverage of and notice required under the Portable Electronics Insurance Act
LB305 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB304 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Housing Agency Act
LB303 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska to fund behavioral health internships
LB302 Crawford Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for psychiatric and behavioral health medicine fellowships
LB301 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Provide for electronic notices of determinations of claims under the Employment Security Law
LB300 Krist Passed Change the statute of limitations on civil actions for sexual assault of a child
LB299 Ebke Passed Adopt the Occupational Board Reform Act and change procedures for rules and regulations
LB298 Baker Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act and a task force