Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 10, 2017

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR9 Krist Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator John Wightman and recognize his service to the State of Nebraska
LR8 Ebke Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator Donald L. Eret and recognize his service to the State of Nebraska
LB230 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Economic Development Advisory Committee
LB229 Williams Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to garnishment
LB228 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rent-restricted housing projects
LB227 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Create the Brain Injury Council and Brain Injury Trust Fund
LB226 Wishart Indefinitely postponed Provide for purchase of motor vehicles and insurance by certain juveniles, change foster care transition proposal provisions, and provide immunity from liability for caregivers
LB225 Crawford Passed Change provisions of the Child Protection and Family Safety Act, the Nebraska Juvenile Code, the Foster Care Review Act, and the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act as prescribed
LB224 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change asset limitation provisions relating to public assistance
LB223 Kuehn Passed Change provisions relating to prescription drug monitoring
LB222 Stinner Passed Change membership and provide, change, and eliminate powers and duties of the Nebraska Tourism Commission
LB221 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change the transfer from a fund
LB220 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Insured Homeowners Protection Act
LB219 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Indefinitely postponed Change retirement system provisions relating to authorized benefit elections and actuarial assumptions
LB218 Groene Indefinitely postponed Provide for installation of ground water pumps by public entities
LB217 Harr Passed Change revenue, taxation, economic development, and tax incentive provisions
LB216 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB215 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska E-15 Tax Credit Act
LB214 Halloran Indefinitely postponed Terminate the Master Teacher Program
LB213 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Add an unfair claims settlement practice under the Unfair Insurance Claims Settlement Practices Act
LB212 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act
LB211 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities
LB210 Watermeier Passed Change provisions relating to performance audit standards and the distribution of reports under the Legislative Performance Audit Act
LB209 Watermeier Passed Amend the Administrative Procedure Act by redefining a term and changing provisions relating to an index
LB208 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to broker trust accounts under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB207 Krist Passed Change provisions relating to powers and duties of the Office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare
LB206 Krist Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for developmental disability services
LB205 Krist Indefinitely postponed Designate funds appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services for state aid
LB204 Hilgers Passed Change provisions relating to appeals to the Supreme Court, service on employees of the state, and summary judgment
LB203 Kuehn Passed Change provisions relating to maximum annual unemployment benefits and disqualification for benefits and authorize electronic notice
LB202 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Create the offense of obstructing government operations by refusing to submit to a chemical test authorized by search warrant
LB201 Lowe Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to perjury and the issuance of search warrants
LB200 Lowe Passed Change provisions relating to county engineers, county surveyors, and county highway superintendents in certain counties as prescribed
LB199 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain state aid to counties for law enforcement and jail operations
LB198 McCollister Passed Terminate the Crimes Against Children Fund
LB197 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for electronic application for an early voting ballot
LB196 Craighead Indefinitely postponed Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions
LB195 Craighead Passed Require notification following mammography as prescribed
LB194 Vargas Passed Change provisions of the Credit Services Organization Act, Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act, and Nebraska Installment Loan Act
LB193 Pansing Brooks Passed Change provisions relating to courts
LB192 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change and modernize provisions relating to the qualifying and summoning of jurors
LB191 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide for renewals of domestic violence protection orders
LB190 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Provide limit on tax on cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB189 Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for recruitment and retention of caseworkers
LB188 Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to paternity of a child conceived as a result of sexual assault
LB187 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Increase a dollar threshold for transactions exempt from registration under the Securities Act of Nebraska, provide for an annual adjustment to such amount, and provide for the effect of exempt sales on malpractice premiums
LB186 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions relating to licensee surety bonds under the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act
LB185 Lindstrom Passed Provide procedure and notice requirements and powers and duties for the Department of Banking and Finance with respect to certain abandoned license applications
LB184 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions relating to loan brokerage agreements, disclosure documents, and rights to cancel
LB183 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Authorize change of nomination and election provisions for county officers
LB182 Hughes Passed Change powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Quality under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Act
LB181 Quick Indefinitely postponed Provide for reimbursement to employees for certain medical examinations under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB180 Bolz Passed Provide for bridge orders transferring juvenile court jurisdiction of a juvenile to a district court
LB179 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to transition of young adults to independence
LB178 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Provide for sexual assault protection order
LB177 Bostelman Passed Change provisions relating to apportionable and fleet vehicles, motor fuel tax collections and enforcement, and powers and duties of the Director of Motor Vehicles
LB176 Bostelman Passed Eliminate obsolete provisions related to milldams
LB175 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Online Personal Protection Act
LB174 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Apprenticeship Training Program Tax Credit Act
LB173 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity
LB172 Albrecht Passed Change the Employment Security Law
LB171 Albrecht Passed Provide for payment of claims against the state
LB170 Albrecht Indefinitely postponed Deny claims made against the state
LB169 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Exempt social security benefits and retirement income from income taxation
LB168 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rights of subrogation of medical payments with respect to automobile liability policies
LB167 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Include cannabidiol as a Schedule V controlled substance
LB166 Kolterman Passed Change provisions of Uniform Controlled Substances Act and Pharmacy Practice Act
LB165 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Require employer identification numbers and use of the federal immigration verification system
LB164 Geist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to trailers, commercial motor vehicle disqualification provisions, accident reports, and motor vehicle records disclosure and authorize the Department of Motor Vehicles to keep and sell certain registration and certificate of title records