Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 20, 2016

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR417 Kolterman Resolution Congratulate Colton James Hood on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR416 Coash Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Milan "Babe" Knezovich
LB1110 Mello Passed Adopt the Nebraska Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Sector Partnership Program Act
LB1109 Murante Passed Change public records provisions and provide for an enhanced public scrutiny process for certain University appointees
LB1108 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Require reporting to the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Legislature regarding civil forfeiture proceedings
LB1107 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Election System Initiative
LB1106 Garrett Passed Change forfeiture provisions as prescribed
LB1105 Larson Passed Change and eliminate beverage regulations and licensure provisions and create the Nebraska Craft Brewery Board
LB1104 Larson Indefinitely postponed Provide for tax incentives, intent provisions, and revenue-sharing agreements relating to Native Americans
LB1103 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to medicaid reimbursements, provide for a lien, and change estate procedures
LB1102 Davis Indefinitely postponed Authorize legislative performance audits of tax-increment financing projects
LB1101 Mello Passed Require the Department of Environmental Quality to examine the status of solid waste management programs
LB1100 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Petroleum Education and Marketing Act
LB1099 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to expense reimbursement
LB1098 Morfeld Passed Increase legal services fees as prescribed
LB1097 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sexual assault forensic testing
LB1096 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to amendments to declarations regarding unit boundaries under the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB1095 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Require employer identification numbers and the use of the federal immigration verification system
LB1094 Judiciary Committee Passed Change provisions relating to evidence, sentencing, certain criminal penalties, criminal mischief, assault, theft, forgery, probation, parole, and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB1093 Mello Passed Create the Bioscience Steering Committee, redefine a term relating to an internship grant program, change the Business Innovation Act, and require reports on the Nebraska Innovation Campus
LB1092 Mello Passed Change provisions relating to budget request reporting requirements
LB1091 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for purposes of the Site and Building Development Fund
LB1090 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Require notification of law enforcement by the Nebraska State Patrol of denials of handgun certificates as prescribed
LB1089 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities
LB1088 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for nonprofit centers for independent living
LB1087 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax provisions relating to the definition of engaged in business in this state
LB1086 Davis Passed Change provisions relating to student self-management of asthma or anaphylaxis
LB1085 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB1084 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change and provide duration requirements for certain state agency contracts
LB1083 Williams Passed Adopt the Next Generation Business Growth Act and change funding for tax credits under the Community Development Assistance Act
LB1082 Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and provide for a periodic well fluid analysis, report, and notice as prescribed
LB1081 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to eligibility for public assistance and eliminate termination dates for self-sufficiency contracts
LB1080 Seiler Passed Change provisions relating to direct purchases and use of recyclable material by correctional industries
LB1079 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Redefine law enforcement agency and change provisions relating to law enforcement officer jurisdiction
LB1078 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide and change certain conflict of interest statement requirements under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1077 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act relating to operator's license revocation
LB1076 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks commission for law enforcement at the Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area
LB1075 Schilz Passed Change provisions of the Disposition of Personal Property Landlord and Tenant Act
LB1074 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1073 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize the display of the Honor and Remember flag as prescribed
LB1072 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fair Repair Act and provide a penalty
LB1071 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Solar Energy Economic Development Act
LB1070 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to require liability insurance and restrict permits as prescribed
LB1069 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the state investment officer relating to investment in energy-related companies or funds
LB1068 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Electric Customer Protection Act and provide duties for the Public Service Commission
LB1067 Sullivan Passed Change provisions relating to learning communities and funding for education
LB1066 Sullivan Passed Change provisions relating to education
LB1065 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change school provisions relating to the community eligibility provision
LB1064 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change option enrollment and student fee provisions as prescribed
LB1063 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools
LB1062 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide for waiver of a certificate to administer as prescribed
LB1061 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Surgical Technologist Registry Act
LB1060 Fox Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Fairness and Transparency Act and provide duties for the Director of Insurance
LB1059 Crawford Passed Change provisions of the Community Development Law and the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB1058 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to enforcement of certain tobacco restriction provisions
LB1057 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1056 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Patient Choice at End of Life Act
LB1055 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Open grand jury proceedings to the public as prescribed and change procedures in cases of death during apprehension by law enforcement officers or while in custody
LB1054 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the DNA Identification Information Act
LB1053 Harr Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1052 Harr Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Nebraska Whole Child Project and change provisions relating to school funding
LB1051 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine qualified business under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB1050 Harr Passed Authorize conversion of domestic partnerships and domestic limited liability partnerships into domestic limited liability companies or foreign limited liability companies
LB1049 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms to include students in virtual schools in the state aid formula
LB1048 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Agriculture and Manufacturing Jobs Act and provide tax credits
LB1047 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax exemption provisions relating to purchases of energy and fuel
LB1046 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change license eligibility requirements under the Liquor Control Act
LB1045 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Provide for the treatment of certain contractors as independent contractors as prescribed
LB1044 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Terminate the Commission of Industrial Relations
LB1043 Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a palliative care program and advisory council for the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB1042 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax-increment financing
LB1041 Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for disapproval of certain insurance rate filings if they use price optimization
LB1040 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Travel Agency Registration Act
LB1039 Coash Passed Define and redefine terms relating to developmental disabilities