Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 07, 2016

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR392 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Oakland-Craig High School football team for winning second place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR391 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School volleyball team for winning third place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR390CA Davis Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment requiring community colleges funding by sales and income taxes and not property taxes
LR389CA Harr Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to remove provisions regarding marriage from the Constitution of Nebraska
LB812 Smith Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax exemption relating to custom software
LB811 Brasch Passed Change provisions relating to counties' use of alphanumeric and county number system license plates
LB810 Davis Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program and transfer funds to the Cowboy Trail Fund
LB809 Davis Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB808 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to amending an economic development program under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB807 Williams Passed Allow counties of all sizes to waive quarterly reports by county attorneys
LB806 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Riverfront Development District Act
LB805 Mello Indefinitely postponed Require a periodic study of certain retirement plans and a report filing by certain political subdivisions
LB804 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Investigational Drug Use Act
LB803 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change disposition of court docket fees as prescribed
LB802 Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Health and Climate Resiliency Task Force
LB801 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Require educational material and a report relating to long-term care insurance
LB800 Bolz Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to an appropriation to the State Department of Education for job-driven training and education
LB799 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Include capital acquisition costs in the Nebraska Public Transportation Act's assistance program
LB798 Johnson Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LB797 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the accrual of interest on denied and reduced homestead exemptions
LB796 Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit alterations to liability insurance coverage for claims under the Minor Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act
LB795 Harr Indefinitely postponed Establish the Wireless in Nebraska Program under the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund Act
LB794 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and corporate occupation taxes
LB793 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to implements for escape and contraband and certain assaults
LB792 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain former officeholders and public employees from being lobbyists
LB791 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change grounds for discipline under the Funeral Directing and Embalming Act
LB790 Kolterman Passed To alphabetize defined terms under various retirement statutes
LB789 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding appropriations for the installation of art in public buildings
LB788 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Professional Landscape Architects Act
LB787 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Allow a voter to photograph and reveal a marked ballot
LB786 Larson Passed Change requirements for completion of death certificates and cremation permits
LB785 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act
LB784 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to deficit expenditures by county boards
LB783 Lindstrom Passed Provide for registration of public power district vehicles as prescribed
LB782 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment relating to coverage for family planning services
LB781 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Require school districts to prepare for closure of nonpublic schools
LB780 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to emergency protective custody
LB779 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the partisan status of certain political subdivision offices
LB778 Williams Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act and the Nebraska Installment Sales Act
LB777 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to partial payments for property taxes held in escrow
LB776 Gloor Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB775 Gloor Passed Change property tax provisions relating to motor vehicles
LB774 Scheer Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB773 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Early Childhood Workforce Development Task Force