Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 06, 2016

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR388 Brasch Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Joseph G. Lemm and recognize his service to his community and country
LR387 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Bancroft-Rosalie High School on their achievements
LR386 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Ashleigh Carr on winning third place in both the 200 meter dash and 400 meter dash at the 2015 Class C Girls' state track and field championship
LR385 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Alexander Tietz on winning second place in the 3200 meter run and third place in the 1600 meter run at the 2015 Class B state track and field championship
LR384 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Wisner-Pilger High School 3200 meter relay team on winning second place at the 2015 Class C Boys' state track and field championship
LR383 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Darcey Simonsen on winning third place in the discus at the 2015 Class D Girls' state track and field championship
LR382 Gloor Resolution Congratulate Case New Holland America, LLC in Grand Island, for fifty years of producing industry leading agricultural equipment
LR381 Ebke Presented to Secretary of State Resolution to ratify the Twenty-Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution regarding compensation for members of Congress
LR380CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the distribution of state lottery proceeds
LR379CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing recall of state elective officers
LR378CA Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to guarantee the right to engage in certain farming and ranching practices
LB772 Schumacher Passed Adopt the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act and change provisions relating to insurance holding companies and risk retention groups
LB771 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions under the Securities Act of Nebraska relating to registration by coordination and federal covered securities
LB770 Groene Passed Change the termination date of the Nebraska Exchange Transparency Act and the terms of certain members of the Nebraska Exchange Stakeholder Commission
LB769 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to firearms
LB768 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Provide for Choose Life License Plates
LB767 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Prohibit dismemberment abortion as prescribed and provide for civil and criminal penalties
LB766 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions for waiver of tuition and fees for veterans' dependents as prescribed
LB765 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Increase original certificate of title fees for vehicles transferred to Nebraska from another state or country
LB764 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Authorize summary discipline for minor offenses in the Nebraska Code of Military Justice
LB763 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska is Honoring Our Military Exemption Act and provide an income tax exemption
LB762 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Change the tax on cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB761 Scheer Passed Change and update certain federal references in the Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act
LB760 Scheer Passed Update certain references to the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act
LB759 Scheer Passed Change provisions relating to stop-payment orders
LB758 Scheer Passed Prohibit limited liability companies from operating as insurers
LB757 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale or execution or attachment
LB756 Legislative Performance Audit Committee Passed Terminate the Long-Term Care Savings Plan Act
LB755 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges
LB754 Crawford Passed Create the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs and authorize summary discipline under the Nebraska Code of Military Justice
LB753 Crawford Passed Extend protection under federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act to Nebraska employees serving in the National Guard of another state
LB752 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Create the Adult Career Pathways Task Force
LB751 Lindstrom Passed Provide that payment of certain expenses is not a condition precedent to certain approvals by the Director of Banking and Finance and change certain notice provisions
LB750 Lindstrom Passed Prohibit discrimination and retaliation against and provide for confidentiality of the identity of persons involved in making reports under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB749 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change an income tax exemption relating to social security benefits
LB748 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change import provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act as prescribed
LB747 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Amend the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act to increase the amount of funds the state investment officer may offer as deposits
LB746 Campbell Passed Adopt the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act, change provisions for guardians ad litem and services for children, create the Normalcy Task Force, and eliminate a reporting requirement
LB745 McCollister Passed Change Game and Parks Commission fee and permit provisions
LB744 Watermeier Passed Provide for communication and contact agreements in private and agency adoptions
LB743 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Clarify compensation for shoulder injuries under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB742 Hansen Passed Change county population thresholds
LB741 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change electioneering provisions related to yard signs
LB740 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Add an unfair claims settlement practice under the Unfair Insurance Claims Settlement Practices Act
LB739 Smith Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain taxing authority of learning communities
LB738 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of cell-site simulator technology or devices by law enforcement agencies
LB737 Friesen Passed Change provisions of the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Assistance Act
LB736 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to electric utilities and electric suppliers under the Rural Community-Based Energy Development Act
LB735 Friesen Passed Provide a length limit exception for an articulated bus vehicle operated by a transit authority
LB734 Watermeier Passed Change residency provisions relating to Nebraska National Guard members for college tuition purposes
LB733 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Correctional Services
LB732 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates
LB731 Johnson Passed Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB730 Johnson Passed Change a security coverage provision for sellers of grain stored in a warehouse closed by the Public Service Commission
LB729 Johnson Passed Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB728 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Authorize electronic voting devices for natural resources districts
LB727 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Impose a tax on sales of tobacco at cigar shops
LB726 Sullivan Passed Require information relating to federal student loans as prescribed
LB725 Schumacher Passed Provide an exception to a filing requirement relating to conveyances of real estate
LB724 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB723 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB722 Baker Passed Adopt the Stroke System of Care Act
LB721 Baker Passed Adopt the Surgical First Assistant Practice Act
LB720 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change certain invasion of privacy provisions to include unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft systems
LB719 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to undeveloped vacant land under the Community Development Law
LB718 Groene Passed Change requirements for an application for a waiver of college tuition and fees by a dependent of a veteran
LB717 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment and valuation of real property
LB716 Kolowski Passed Provide and eliminate provisions regarding pedestrians and bicyclists
LB715 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers from the General Fund to the Nebraska Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund
LB714 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for and change a provision relating to sufficient cause for nonuse of a water appropriation
LB713 Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Access College Early Scholarship Program
LB712 Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to the regulation of aboveground motor vehicle fuel storage tanks
LB711 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Noxious Weed Control Act and create the Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force
LB710 Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to hazing
LB709 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for an alternative to detention for juveniles
LB708 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Provide for a memory care endorsement under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB707 Coash Indefinitely postponed Increase the number of judges of the separate juvenile court
LB706 Coash Indefinitely postponed Define habilitative services for purposes of insurance
LB705 Urban Affairs Committee Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to cities of the first class
LB704 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Change building code provisions applicable to political subdivisions and provisions relating to cities of the first class
LB703 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Change provisions relating to nuisances in cities and villages
LB702 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Harmonize provisions relating to the election of city council members in cities of the second class
LB701 Mello Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a termination date relating to a self-sufficiency contract
LB700 Mello Passed Require notice to neighborhood associations for changes to business improvement districts and zoning ordinances
LB699 Mello Passed Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
LB698 Mello Passed Adopt the Home Care Consumer Bill of Rights Act and the Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act and change provisions of the Medical Assistance Act, Health Care Facility Licensure Act, Alzheimer's Special Care Disclosure Act, and Nebraska Community Aging Services Act
LB697 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment application relating to functional family therapy
LB696 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan waiver to provide coverage for treatment of opioid abuse
LB695 Crawford Passed Provide for the counting of ballots in sanitary and improvement district elections
LB694 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to exempt contracts under the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB693 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change limitation of action provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB692 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Online Personal Protection Act
LB691 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Teacher Education and Health Care Professions Student Grant Program Act
LB690 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB689 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a sales and use tax exemption relating to political events
LB688 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Require all examinations and test of applicants under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act be in English
LB687 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Provide procedures for recall of state elective officers
LB686 Chambers Passed Provide for the publication and distribution of the Constitution of Nebraska
LB685 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit Act
LB684 Bolz Passed Change provisions relating to adoptive home studies and medical histories as prescribed
LB683 Craighead Passed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for surviving spouses
LB682 Craighead Indefinitely postponed Change deadlines for ballots for early voting and special elections by mail
LB681 Schnoor Indefinitely postponed Change certain violation and penalty provisions under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB680 Riepe Passed Change requirements for pharmacy technicians
LB679 Krist Passed Change reporting requirements of the Community Corrections Division of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
LB678 Craighead Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB677 Craighead Passed Change a residency qualification and military service requirement for certain veterans service officers
LB676 Craighead Passed Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions
LB675 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to placement and detention of juveniles
LB674 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide financial compensation for care for disabled persons by family as prescribed
LB673 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to appointment of guardians ad litem
LB672 Krist Indefinitely postponed Eliminate fees on tires as prescribed
LB671 Krist Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Build Nebraska Act and change the distribution of sales tax revenue
LB670 Krist Indefinitely postponed Require a hearing prior to release for persons taken into custody for mental health reasons
LB669 Krist Indefinitely postponed Update certain federal references and change from a secondary to primary offense certain occupant protection system enforcement requirements
LB668 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change certain federal references and provisions relating to provisional operator's permit restrictions, use of interactive wireless communication devices, and occupant protection system enforcement
LB667 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate obsolete provisions in the International Fuel Tax Agreement Act
LB666 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles
LB665 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate transfer provisions for the Water Resources Cash Fund