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LR627 Hadley Resolution Commend Joel Sartore and Michael Forsberg for their efforts to document and conserve our natural resources
LR626 Seiler Resolution Congratulate Judge William M. Connolly on his retirement
LR625 McCoy Resolution Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School cheer and dance teams on their victories at the 2016 Class B state cheer and dance championships
LR624 McCoy Resolution Congratulate Douglas County West Elementary School on being recognized as a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School
LR623 Bolz Resolution Congratulate Bob Brinker on his retirement and recognize his service to the State of Nebraska
LR622 Garrett Resolution Commend the ROTC and the JROTC programs for over 100 years of service
LR621 Garrett Resolution Recognize Merle Ronald Haggard's contributions to American culture
LR620 Hansen Resolution Congratulate Lincoln Northeast High School on its 75th anniversary
LR619 Davis Resolution Recognize Pat Gould for his many years of service as Fire Chief of the Chadron Volunteer Fire Department
LR618 Bolz Resolution Congratulate Marilyn Dongilli on her successful career at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital and on her retirement
LR617 Seiler Resolution Congratulate Hawthorne Elementary School for being recognized as a National Model Professional Learning Community School at Work
LR616 Johnson Resolution Congratulate the David City High School speech team on winning the 2016 Class C-1 state championship
LR615 Hughes Resolution Congratulate Spencer Hartman on his election as president of the Association of Students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
LR614 Howard Resolution Congratulate Nate Johnson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR613 Smith Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Jerry C. Anderson
LR612 Agriculture Committee Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Agriculture Committee
LR611 Mello Resolution Designate November 15, 2016, as Entrepreneurs' Day in Nebraska
LR610 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Andres Canales and Cole Kramer on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR609 Mello Resolution Acknowledge the rich history of friendship and commerce between the State of Nebraska and Taiwan
LR608 Mello Resolution Recognize the cultural impact the South Omaha Mural Project has on the City of Omaha and the State of Nebraska by presenting history through art and collaboration
LR607 Cook Resolution Designate April 12, 2016, as Equal Pay Day in Nebraska
LR606 Bolz Resolution Congratulate Al Borchardt on the success of Midland Medical Supply Company and congratulate him on his retirement
LR605 Mello Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to urban redevelopment
LR604 Davis Referral Interim study to examine inconsistencies in the practices utilized by county assessors in determining agricultural land value
LR603 Haar Referral Interim study to examine the issues faced by residents of mobile home communities
LR602 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine existing barriers to the delivery of health care services through telehealth technologies in Nebraska
LR601 Hilkemann Referral Review present facilities and determine the needs and options for developing a regional certified crime laboratory in the Omaha area
LR600 Johnson Referral Interim study to examine alternatives for valuing agricultural land for property tax purposes
LR599 Haar Referral Interim study to review the administrative rate review processes currently conducted by the Public Service Commission
LR598 Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues related to allowing owners and independent repair persons access to software and codes that will allow them to repair electronic devices
LR597 Murante Referral Interim study to examine financing mechanisms available to various political subdivisions to issue bonds or assume future payment obligations without a direct vote of taxpayers
LR596 Murante Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR595 Hansen Referral Interim study to examine the topic of food deserts and issues relating to access to healthy food in Nebraska
LR594 Gloor Referral Interim study to examine the structure, compliance, and administration of state and local sales and use taxes and any other miscellaneous taxes
LR593 Gloor Referral Interim study to examine the structure, compliance, and administration of real and personal property taxes
LR592 Gloor Referral Interim study to examine the structure, compliance, and administration of the state individual and corporate income taxes, including financial institution and insurance premium taxes
LR591 Hadley Referral Interim study to examine and make recommendations on improving health care coverage plans available to Nebraska small businesses with fifty or less employees
LR590 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine options to offer incentives to health care professionals who provide free care and services to qualified recipients
LR589 Seiler Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR588 Harr Referral Interim study to determine best practices in drafting tax legislation and determining the fiscal impact of tax policies
LR587 Sullivan Referral Interim study to examine the issues within the jurisdiction of the Education Committee
LR586 Groene Referral Interim study to examine the effects of transferring public school employees from the system of district-based health insurance plans to the Nebraska State Insurance Program
LR585 Krist Resolution Congratulate Christine Neighbors on receiving the 2015 Robert Dineen Award
LR584 Morfeld Referral Interim study to examine the possibility of providing direct and statewide funding for legal representation in order to provide more equitable access to civil justice in Nebraska
LR583 Morfeld Referral Interim study to examine administrative law judges in Nebraska
LR582 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine how, through better coordination of health services, the state can better assist low-income individuals currently without insurance
LR581 Kintner Referral Interim study to examine the positive and negative effects of federal education funding if Nebraska would choose not to accept federal funds that are tied to federal mandates
LR580 Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the Dept. of Health and Human Services' policies for dealing with disallowances and audit exceptions by the federal government which have resulted in large fines and having to return money to the federal government
LR579 Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to solar energy development
LR578 Coash Referral Interim study to examine the Developmental Disabilities Court-Ordered Custody Act
LR577 Mello Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committee
LR576 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine children's access to legal counsel in juvenile proceedings across the state of Nebraska
LR575 McCollister Referral Interim study to continue the ongoing study of access to healthcare in Nebraska
LR574 McCollister Referral Interim study to examine aspects of Nebraska's medicaid program that include share of cost or resource spend down components
LR573 Haar Referral Interim study to examine the historic and present state of industrial hemp as an alternative crop in Nebraska and its future potential
LR572 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Division of Veterans' Homes of the Dept. of Health and Human Services and wait times for admission to the veterans' homes system
LR571 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Referral Interim study to examine local political subdivision retirement plans for public employees
LR570 Johnson Referral Interim study to review the duties and authorities of the Dept. of Agriculture to establish an agriculture promotion and development program
LR569 Johnson Referral Interim study to examine the means available to fund the grant program established pursuant to the Livestock Growth Act
LR568 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine the membership, role, and duties of the Nebraska Police Standards Advisory Council
LR567 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine and review the sale of alcohol in Whiteclay and the need for additional funding for law enforcement
LR566 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine the availability of education, rehabilitation, and reentry support for incarcerated men and women
LR565 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine land acquisition within municipalities for educational purposes
LR564 Pansing Brooks Referral Interim study to examine education in Nebraska
LR563 Garrett Referral Interim study to examine the reasons for the substantial tax rates on wireless telephone service in Nebraska
LR562 Garrett Referral Interim study to examine why LB 20, LB 357, and LB 454 failed to pass during the 104th legislative session
LR561 Krist Referral Interim study to examine the effectiveness, economic stability, and long-term viability of the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Kearney and the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Geneva
LR560 Krist Referral Interim study to examine the origins and utility of using court fees as a source of funding in Nebraska
LR559 Krist Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility and impact of implementing the Civics Education Initiative in Nebraska through legislation or in partnership with the State Board of Education
LR558 Harr Referral Interim study to evaluate the governance structure of the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
LR557 Garrett Referral Interim study to examine what actions the State of Nebraska needs to take to meet the United States Dept. of Defense's mandates regarding energy and renewable resources
LR556 Harr Referral Interim study to examine the conveyances currently covered by the Conveyance Safety Act
LR555 Lindstrom Referral Interim study to examine the process and procedures used in appeals before the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LR554 Kolterman Referral Interim study to examine information regarding air ambulance costs
LR553 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Medicaid Reform Council
LR552 Haar Referral Interim study to develop a plan to address funding and budgetary issues relating to climate change
LR551 Krist Referral Interim study to explore and assess the use of congregate care in Nebraska for youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
LR550 Schumacher Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of creating a common data collection site for county jail information necessary to receive funding under the County Justice Reinvestment Grant Program
LR549 Garrett Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to utilization of the U visa program in Nebraska
LR548 Riepe Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding youth tobacco use
LR547 Larson Referral Create the Tribal Economic Development Committee of the Legislature to conduct a study examining the policy tools available to the Legislature to enhance economic development for the Native American population of Nebraska
LR546 Garrett Referral Interim study to examine whether Nebraska's occupational licensing boards are exposed to liability under antitrust laws
LR545 Campbell Referral Interim study to examine medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, with an emphasis on children that are eligible but unenrolled in these programs
LR544 Crawford Referral Interim study to examine the alternative response demonstration projects created in LB 853, 2014
LR543 Hansen Referral Interim study to examine possible legislative reforms to Nebraska laws relating to birth certificates
LR542 Larson Referral Interim study to examine the issues within the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee
LR541 Larson Referral Interim study to examine the economic benefits of keno
LR540 Hadley Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator Daniel Lynch and recognize his contributions and achievements
LR539 Smith Referral Interim study to undertake a study of the jurisdiction and structure of the Nebraska Public Service Commission
LR538 Smith Referral Interim study to examine telecommunication services in Nebraska
LR537 Johnson Referral Interim study to review the duties and authorities of the Dept. of Agriculture with respect to livestock animal identification
LR536 Johnson Referral Interim study to complete the work of the LR 309 committee which investigated ways to avoid and mitigate conflicts arising from herbicide drift damage to sensitive crops
LR535 Johnson Referral Interim study to examine how the Legislature can assist livestock producers involved in certain value-added activities
LR534 Haar Referral Interim study to examine the extent that state funds are invested in fossil fuels and clean energy, and the feasibility of divestment consistent with the state's fiduciary responsibilities
LR533 Bolz Referral Interim study to examine promoting career education and training that can lead to job readiness for middle-skill jobs
LR532 Bolz Referral Interim study to evaluate the effectiveness and success of the Office of Violence Prevention
LR531 Gloor Resolution Recognize the contributions and achievements of Marcella J. Echternacht in the nursing profession and thank her for her years of service
LR530 Howard Referral Interim study to examine the voting processes and procedures available for citizens who are hospitalized or who reside in nursing homes or extended care facilities
LR529 Howard Referral Interim study to examine the ongoing implementation of the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 and related state law and policy
LR528 Kuehn Resolution Designate April 11, 2016, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR527 Schumacher Referral Interim study to examine possible legislative reforms to Nebraska's mandatory minimum sentencing laws
LR526 Hansen Referral Interim study to examine municipal classifications
LR525 Seiler Referral Interim study to examine issues associated with treating an individual licensed under the Nebr. Real Estate License Act as a professional for purposes of civil actions for professional negligence
LR524 Schnoor Resolution Congratulate David W. Voss on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR523 Howard Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska law regarding the protection of children who have reached eighteen years of age but have not yet reached the age of majority
LR522 Howard Referral Interim study to examine the issue of how to best educate the public and create awareness about the risks associated with sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation exposure
LR521 Fox Referral Interim study to examine the business practices of pharmacy benefit managers as those practices relate to such managers' arrangements with private entities, insurers, pharmacies, and the State of Nebraska
LR520 Harr Referral Interim study to provide a review of the administration and enforcement of the Employee Classification Act by the Dept. of Labor
LR519 Smith Referral Interim study to examine whether the One-Call Notification System Act should be updated
LR518 Hadley Referral Interim study to review issues surrounding child custody proceedings and parenting time determinations as they pertain to families of divorce
LR517 Howard Referral Interim study to examine the long-term fiscal sustainability of the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LR516 Kintner Resolution Congratulate Shaun Brothers on being named the 2016 District II Athletic Director of the Year and receiving the 2015 Outstanding Administrator Award
LR515 Bolz Resolution Recognize March 2016 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR514 Bolz Referral Interim study to examine the availability of transition services for youth who will leave or have left the juvenile justice system while in an out-of-home placement
LR513 Howard Referral Interim study to examine workforce issues within the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
LR512 Business and Labor Committee Referral Interim study to examine the Commission of Industrial Relations
LR511 Davis Referral Interim study to examine existing law governing the collection of sales and use tax on remote sales
LR510 Howard Referral Interim study to examine how to best integrate palliative care into the overall medical care structure of our health care system
LR509 Mello Referral Interim study to examine the funding history, programs, and services offered by the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Nebraska
LR508 Harr Referral Interim study to examine possible changes to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LR507 Davis Referral Interim study to examine the development of a public notification system to broadcast alerts when vulnerable adults go missing
LR506 Seiler Referral Interim study to examine the efficacy of testing and monitoring programs, particularly the 24/7 sobriety program, in reducing recidivism for driving under the influence and controlled substance offenses
LR505 Murante Resolution Congratulate Simon Thor Gissler on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR504 Murante Referral Interim study to examine the numerous deadlines involved in the election process
LR503 Krist Resolution Congratulate Ryan Dahlke on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR502 Stinner Referral Interim study to examine the use of revolving funds within the Dept. of Administrative Services
LR501 Mello Resolution Recognize Senator Beau McCoy for his service as the 2014 Midwestern Legislative Conference Chair and the 2016 National Chair of the Council of State Governments
LR500 Mello Resolution Designate April 22, 2016 as Earth Day in the State of Nebraska
LR499 Campbell Referral Interim study to examine any issues within the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee
LR498 Johnson Referral Interim study to examine the Nebraska Right to Farm Act
LR497 Watermeier Withdrawn Support the advancement of the Elk Creek Superalloy Materials Project into commercial operation
LR496 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Urban Affairs Committee
LR495 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Interim study to examine state law governing cities of the second class and villages in Chapter 17 of the Nebraska statutes
LR494 Murante Resolution Congratulate the Gretna High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class B state championship
LR493 Scheer Referral Interim study to examine whether the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act should be updated
LR492 Harr Resolution Designate March 17, 2016, as Father George Sullivan Day in the State of Nebraska
LR491 Seiler Resolution Congratulate the Hastings St. Cecilia High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class C-2 state championship
LR490 Crawford Referral Interim study to examine the enforcement of state and local building codes
LR489 Crawford Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to housing authorities
LR488 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Mark Kroeker on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR487 Fox Resolution Congratulate the Omaha South High Magnet School boys' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class A state championship
LR486 Mello Resolution Designate March 31, 2016, as Cesar Chavez Day in Nebraska
LR485 Mello Resolution Designate September 15 through October 15, 2016, as Hispanic Heritage Month in the State of Nebraska
LR484 Schnoor Resolution Recognize Staff Sergeant Kenneth M. Morrison for his service and congratulate him on being named a 2015 Outstanding Airman of the Year
LR483 Kolterman Referral Interim study to examine the public employees retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR482 Harr Resolution Recognize the contributions to public service made by Thomas Francis Cavanaugh and extend sympathy to his family
LR481 Harr Resolution Congratulate Brother Mike Wilmot and Gesu Housing for receiving a 2016 Community Excellence Award
LR480 Johnson Resolution Congratulate the Bishop Neumann High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class C-1 state championship
LR479 Davis Resolution Recognize the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center and the Mari Sandoz Heritage Society
LR478 Kintner Resolution Congratulate the Lourdes Central Catholic High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class D-1 state championship
LR477 Seiler Resolution Congratulate the Hastings St. Cecilia girls' volleyball team on winning the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR476 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class C-2 state championship
LR475 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Wynot High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class D-2 state championship
LR474 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Michael Coffey on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR473 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Jack Dinneen on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR472 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Riley Owens on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR471 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Nicholas Martozie on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR470 Campbell Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln East High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class A girls' state championship
LR469 Hadley Resolution Congratulate the Kearney Catholic High School girls' basketball team on winning the Class C-1 state basketball championship
LR468 Garrett Resolution Commend Joey Walther and Colton Patrick for educating young Nebraskans about the economy
LR467 McCoy Resolution Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class B girls' state championship
LR466 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Austin Garcia, Roger Martinez, Conner Muhr, and Adam Zamarripa on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR465 McCollister Resolution Congratulate Donna D'Ottavio, Gary Brown, Mikayla Mancuso, Alysen Hansen, Sarah Ulsher, and Cyndi Mattson for being named outstanding volunteers by the Nebraska Library Association
LR464 Groene Referral Interim study to examine the effects of the use of tax-increment financing by municipalities
LR463 Campbell Referral Interim study to examine ways to improve the coverage of hearing aid costs for Nebraska families
LR462 Hadley Resolution Proclaim March 15, 2016, as Canada Day at the Nebraska State Capitol
LR461 Larson Resolution Congratulate Bailey Thompson on his state wrestling championship
LR460 Larson Resolution Congratulate Jason Hahlbeck on his state wrestling championship
LR459 Larson Resolution Congratulate Drew Loberg on his state wrestling championship
LR458 Johnson Resolution Acknowledge the partnerships established by the National Historical Preservation Act during the year of the 50th anniversary of its passage
LR457 Scheer Resolution Congratulate the University of Nebraska Women's Volleyball Team for their outstanding season and for winning the 2015 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball championship
LR456 Bolz Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln Southeast High School "We the People" team and their teacher, Zach Wojtowicz, on winning the 2016 Nebraska state competition
LR455 Haar Referral Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint a special committee to examine issues related to the impacts of climate change on the State of Nebraska
LR454 Campbell Resolution Congratulate My'Kah Knowlin for receiving a 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR453 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Grady Sherrell on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR452 Bolz Referral Interim study to establish a study group to examine issues surrounding the need to provide financial assistance for home accessibility modifications for people with disabilities, including the elderly
LR451 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Quentin Munoz on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR450 Johnson Resolution Congratulate the David City High School wrestling team on winning the 2016 Class C state championship
LR449 Stinner Resolution Congratulate Mario Ybarra on his state wrestling championship
LR448 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Broc Edward Mueller on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR447 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Elliot James Erdkamp on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR446 Schnoor Resolution Congratulate Andrew J. Poppe on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR445 Davis Resolution Congratulate Gideon Monette on his state wrestling championship
LR444 Kolowski Resolution Congratulate Grace Kelly for being named a Distinguished Finalist for the 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR443 Kolowski Resolution Congratulate Golden Kelly for receiving a 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR442 McCollister Resolution Recognize February 21-27, 2016, as Engineers Week in Nebraska
LR441 Seiler Resolution Congratulate the students and teachers at Morton Elementary School for gaining prestigious recognition as a National Model Professional Learning Community School
LR440 Garrett Resolution Commend Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia for his life of service
LR439 Crawford Referral Interim study to examine the use of tax-increment financing by municipalities for residential development
LR438 Kolowski Resolution Congratulate Abby Gilreath on being named Nebraska's winner of the Doodle 4 Google contest and wish her luck in the national finals
LR437 Hadley Resolution Congratulate the recipients of the Distinguished NEBRASKAlander Award and extend appreciation for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR436 Krist Resolution Recognize March 2016 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR435 Kolterman Resolution Congratulate Ryan Kopsa on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR434 Ebke Resolution Congratulate Nathaniel Stapaules on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR433 Riepe Resolution Congratulate Nathan Andrew Richards on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR432 Kolterman Resolution Congratulate Isabella Graves on being elected Miss Junior National Association of the Deaf Ambassador
LR431 Scheer Referral Interim study to examine whether the Securities Act of Nebraska should be updated
LR430 Scheer Referral Interim study to examine whether the Nebraska Banking Act should be updated
LR429 Cook Resolution Congratulate Cynthia Butler-McIntyre for her outstanding service with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
LR428 Davis Resolution Congratulate the Hyannis Area Schools for receiving a 2015 NebraskARTS Award
LR427 Cook Resolution Congratulate Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover for her outstanding service with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
LR426 Mello Resolution Designate February 2016 as Career and Technical Education Month in the State of Nebraska
LR425 Pansing Brooks Resolution Congratulate Lincoln High School for receiving a 2015 NebraskARTS Award
LR424 Kolowski Resolution Congratulate Sean Lynch II for being chosen as a Nebraska delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program
LR423 Kolterman Resolution Congratulate Elaine and Bud Stuhr on their 60th wedding anniversary
LR422 Campbell Resolution Congratulate the Lincoln Electric System and all of its present and past employees and board members on its 50th anniversary of operation in Lincoln
LR421 Kolowski Resolution Congratulate the Millard West High School Marching Band on their accomplishments and on being named Grand Champion at the 2015 National Funding Holiday Bowl
LR420 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Hartington-Newcastle High School play production team for winning the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR419 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Crofton High School girls' cross country team on winning the 2015 Class D state championship
LR418 Howard Referral Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint a special committee to be known as the ACCESSNebraska Oversight Committee of the Legislature
LR417 Kolterman Resolution Congratulate Colton James Hood on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR416 Coash Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Milan "Babe" Knezovich
LR415 Riepe Referral Urge the Nebraska congressional delegation to support and co-sponsor Senate Bill 1989 entitled Primary Care Enhancement Act of 2015
LR414 Chambers Resolution Prohibit meals or beverages from being provided to legislators by lobbyists in the Capitol while the Legislature is in session
LR413 Watermeier Referral Create the Task Force on Behavioral and Mental Health
LR412 Watermeier Referral Interim study to improve communication access for movie theaters in Nebraska to ensure all persons can fully experience the movie theater experience
LR411 Coash Resolution Congratulate Tim Aylward on his retirement from coaching and recognize his successful career
LR410 Craighead Resolution Congratulate Bruce Lauritzen on being named the 2015 Midlander of the Year by the Omaha World-Herald
LR409 Craighead Resolution Congratulate Molly Kroeger on being named the 119th Queen of Aksarben
LR408 Craighead Resolution Congratulate John "Jack" Koraleski on being named the 119th King of Aksarben
LR407 Craighead Resolution Congratulate Alyssa Howell on being crowned Miss Nebraska 2015
LR406 Gloor Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding the blending of various fuels in Nebraska and the impact of right to blend laws in other states
LR405 Murante Resolution Congratulate the Gretna High School play production team for winning the 2015 Class A Production state championship
LR404 Kintner Resolution Congratulate Todd Nott on winning the Hitchcock Hundred ultramarathon
LR403 Hansen Referral Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint the Election Technology Committee as a special committee of the Legislature
LR402 Johnson Resolution Congratulate the David City Aquinas Catholic High School football team on winning the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR401 Fox Resolution Congratulate the Omaha South High School Magnet School dance team on performing at the 2016 Sugar Bowl and winning the Sugar Bowl Spirit Award
LR400 Fox Resolution Recognize Beauchamp Alejandro and all other contributors to the "You Look Good, You Feel Good" event in Omaha
LR399CA Davis Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require cities and villages to obtain voter approval before pledging taxes for the payment of indebtedness related to redevelopment projects
LR398CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for election of judges and eliminate the merit plan for selection of judges
LR397 Gloor Referral Interim study to monitor the health care transformation in Nebraska
LR396 Hilkemann Resolution Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School football team on winning the 2015 Class B state championship
LR395 Hilkemann Resolution Congratulate the Millard North High School football team on winning the 2015 Class A state championship
LR394CA Hughes Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize taxing bodies to exclude their taxes from pledges made by cities to pay indebtedness on redevelopment projects
LR393 Bloomfield Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Major General Claude M. Bolton, Jr., and recognize his service to his country
LR392 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Oakland-Craig High School football team for winning second place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR391 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School volleyball team for winning third place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship
LR390CA Davis Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment requiring community colleges funding by sales and income taxes and not property taxes
LR389CA Harr Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to remove provisions regarding marriage from the Constitution of Nebraska
LR388 Brasch Resolution Extend sympathy to the family of Joseph G. Lemm and recognize his service to his community and country
LR387 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Bancroft-Rosalie High School on their achievements
LR386 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Ashleigh Carr on winning third place in both the 200 meter dash and 400 meter dash at the 2015 Class C Girls' state track and field championship
LR385 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Alexander Tietz on winning second place in the 3200 meter run and third place in the 1600 meter run at the 2015 Class B state track and field championship
LR384 Brasch Resolution Congratulate the Wisner-Pilger High School 3200 meter relay team on winning second place at the 2015 Class C Boys' state track and field championship
LR383 Brasch Resolution Congratulate Darcey Simonsen on winning third place in the discus at the 2015 Class D Girls' state track and field championship
LR382 Gloor Resolution Congratulate Case New Holland America, LLC in Grand Island, for fifty years of producing industry leading agricultural equipment
LR381 Ebke Presented to Secretary of State Resolution to ratify the Twenty-Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution regarding compensation for members of Congress
LR380CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the distribution of state lottery proceeds
LR379CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing recall of state elective officers
LR378CA Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to guarantee the right to engage in certain farming and ranching practices
LB1110A Mello Final Reading Appropriation Bill
LB1110 Mello Passed Adopt the Nebraska Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Sector Partnership Program Act
LB1109 Murante Passed Change public records provisions and provide for an enhanced public scrutiny process for certain University appointees
LB1108 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Require reporting to the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Legislature regarding civil forfeiture proceedings
LB1107 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Election System Initiative
LB1106 Garrett Passed Change forfeiture provisions as prescribed
LB1105A Larson Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1105 Larson Passed Change and eliminate beverage regulations and licensure provisions and create the Nebraska Craft Brewery Board
LB1104 Larson Indefinitely postponed Provide for tax incentives, intent provisions, and revenue-sharing agreements relating to Native Americans
LB1103A Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1103 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to medicaid reimbursements, provide for a lien, and change estate procedures
LB1102 Davis Indefinitely postponed Authorize legislative performance audits of tax-increment financing projects
LB1101 Mello Passed Require the Department of Environmental Quality to examine the status of solid waste management programs
LB1100 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Petroleum Education and Marketing Act
LB1099 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to expense reimbursement
LB1098A Morfeld Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1098 Morfeld Passed Increase legal services fees as prescribed
LB1097 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sexual assault forensic testing
LB1096 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to amendments to declarations regarding unit boundaries under the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB1095 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Require employer identification numbers and the use of the federal immigration verification system
LB1094 Judiciary Committee Passed Change provisions relating to evidence, sentencing, certain criminal penalties, criminal mischief, assault, theft, forgery, probation, parole, and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB1093A Mello Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1093 Mello Passed Create the Bioscience Steering Committee, redefine a term relating to an internship grant program, change the Business Innovation Act, and require reports on the Nebraska Innovation Campus
LB1092 Mello Passed Change provisions relating to budget request reporting requirements
LB1091 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for purposes of the Site and Building Development Fund
LB1090 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Require notification of law enforcement by the Nebraska State Patrol of denials of handgun certificates as prescribed
LB1089 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities
LB1088 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for nonprofit centers for independent living
LB1087 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax provisions relating to the definition of engaged in business in this state
LB1086 Davis Passed Change provisions relating to student self-management of asthma or anaphylaxis
LB1085 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB1084 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change and provide duration requirements for certain state agency contracts
LB1083A Williams Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1083 Williams Passed Adopt the Next Generation Business Growth Act and change funding for tax credits under the Community Development Assistance Act
LB1082A Schilz Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1082 Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and provide for a periodic well fluid analysis, report, and notice as prescribed
LB1081 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to eligibility for public assistance and eliminate termination dates for self-sufficiency contracts
LB1080 Seiler Passed Change provisions relating to direct purchases and use of recyclable material by correctional industries
LB1079 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Redefine law enforcement agency and change provisions relating to law enforcement officer jurisdiction
LB1078 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide and change certain conflict of interest statement requirements under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1077 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act relating to operator's license revocation
LB1076 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks commission for law enforcement at the Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area
LB1075 Schilz Passed Change provisions of the Disposition of Personal Property Landlord and Tenant Act
LB1074 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1073 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize the display of the Honor and Remember flag as prescribed
LB1072 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fair Repair Act and provide a penalty
LB1071 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Solar Energy Economic Development Act
LB1070 Haar Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to require liability insurance and restrict permits as prescribed
LB1069 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the state investment officer relating to investment in energy-related companies or funds
LB1068 Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Electric Customer Protection Act and provide duties for the Public Service Commission
LB1067A Sullivan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1067 Sullivan Passed Change provisions relating to learning communities and funding for education
LB1066 Sullivan Passed Change provisions relating to education
LB1065 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change school provisions relating to the community eligibility provision
LB1064 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change option enrollment and student fee provisions as prescribed
LB1063 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools
LB1062 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide for waiver of a certificate to administer as prescribed
LB1061 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Surgical Technologist Registry Act
LB1060 Fox Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Fairness and Transparency Act and provide duties for the Director of Insurance
LB1059 Crawford Passed Change provisions of the Community Development Law and the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB1058 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to enforcement of certain tobacco restriction provisions
LB1057 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1056 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Patient Choice at End of Life Act
LB1055 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Open grand jury proceedings to the public as prescribed and change procedures in cases of death during apprehension by law enforcement officers or while in custody
LB1054 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the DNA Identification Information Act
LB1053 Harr Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1052 Harr Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Nebraska Whole Child Project and change provisions relating to school funding
LB1051 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine qualified business under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB1050 Harr Passed Authorize conversion of domestic partnerships and domestic limited liability partnerships into domestic limited liability companies or foreign limited liability companies
LB1049 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms to include students in virtual schools in the state aid formula
LB1048 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Agriculture and Manufacturing Jobs Act and provide tax credits
LB1047 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax exemption provisions relating to purchases of energy and fuel
LB1046 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change license eligibility requirements under the Liquor Control Act
LB1045 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Provide for the treatment of certain contractors as independent contractors as prescribed
LB1044 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Terminate the Commission of Industrial Relations
LB1043 Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a palliative care program and advisory council for the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB1042 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax-increment financing
LB1041 Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for disapproval of certain insurance rate filings if they use price optimization
LB1040 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Travel Agency Registration Act
LB1039 Coash Passed Define and redefine terms relating to developmental disabilities
LB1038A Hughes Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1038 Davis Passed Change provisions relating to vegetation and natural resources
LB1037 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change property tax provisions relating to agricultural land and horticultural land
LB1036 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Credit Services Organization Act, the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act, and the Nebraska Installment Loan Act
LB1035 Williams Passed Redefine farm product and change provisions relating to the central filing system and the master lien list
LB1034 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Children's Commission
LB1033 Campbell Passed Create an advisory committee relating to persons with disabilities within the Department of Health and Human Services
LB1032A McCollister Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1032 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Transitional Health Insurance Program Act and provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services
LB1031 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change the levy authority of railroad transportation safety districts
LB1030 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change an expenditure limit relating to amino acid-based elemental formulas
LB1029 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Sector Partnership Program Act and provide duties for the Department of Labor
LB1028 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to funding under the Business Innovation Act and require the Department of Economic Development to contract with certain entities
LB1027 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Create and provide funding for the Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Grant Program and provide duties for the Attorney General
LB1026 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to education technology
LB1025 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change experience requirements under the Public Accountancy Act
LB1024 Larson Indefinitely postponed Change a provision of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act relating to an interest in a government contract
LB1023 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Require development of treatment protocols for and a needs assessment of committed offenders and correctional facilities
LB1022 Legislative Performance Audit Committee Passed Change provisions relating to the office of Legislative Audit and change dates for application of tax incentives
LB1021 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to access to sales and use tax information by municipalities
LB1020 Fox Indefinitely postponed Provide for amendments to declarations to correct scrivener's errors, omissions, or errors in the declaration under the Nebraska Condominium Act
LB1019 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to support of the Niobrara Council by the Game and Parks Commission, require legislative confirmation of certain appointments to the council, and require an annual report
LB1018 Coash Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Arts Council
LB1017 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a residency requirement for student interns under a grant program and transfer funds as prescribed
LB1016 Watermeier Passed Redefine agency under the Legislative Performance Audit Act
LB1015 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change a sales tax exemption relating to museums
LB1014 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to levy limitations and budget limitations for public airports
LB1013 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products and provide for distribution of proceeds
LB1012 Mello Passed Adopt the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
LB1011 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to at-risk managed care contracts as prescribed
LB1010 Williams Passed Change provisions relating to juvenile court petitions
LB1009 Williams Passed Prohibit transactions involving lookalike substances, provide and change seizure and forfeiture authority, and prohibit conduct as deceptive trade practices
LB1008 Coash Indefinitely postponed Provide qualification requirements for guardians ad litem in guardianship, conservatorship, and other protective proceedings
LB1007 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change and provide provisions relating to protection of vulnerable adults and senior adults
LB1006 Coash Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for hiring forensic accountants by the Office of the Attorney General
LB1005 Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide for an evidence-based drug formulary under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB1004 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Community Eligibility Provision and provide duties for the State Department of Education
LB1003A Smith Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1003 Smith Indefinitely postponed Change the prepaid wireless surcharge determination under the Prepaid Wireless Surcharge Act
LB1002 Baker Passed Permit educational service unit boards to pay membership dues to associations of school boards
LB1001 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a compensation schedule for injuries resulting in disability
LB1000 Mello Passed Require policies relating to body-worn cameras and eyewitness suspect identifications and change provisions relating to grand juries
LB999 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change the disposition of proceeds from the sale of surplus personal property
LB998 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for emergency community crisis centers and change provisions relating to emergency protective custody
LB997 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding the Nebraska Capitol Commission and office space within the State Capitol
LB996 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Motor Vehicle Industry Regulation Act
LB995 Davis Indefinitely postponed Repeal provisions relating to the special valuation of agricultural land and provide for the agricultural value of agricultural land
LB994 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change provisions under the Motor Vehicle Registration Act relating to financial responsibility as applied to nonresident owners
LB993 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to the Auditor of Public Accounts and require hours of work be recorded on a timesheet
LB992 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Provide a restriction on installment contracts for the purchase of real or personal property by political subdivisions
LB991 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Redefine crime victim
LB990 Davis Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fetal Dignity Protection Act
LB989 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicles
LB988 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change distribution provisions for the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund
LB987 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Create the Bioscience Steering Committee
LB986 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Indefinitely postponed Change duties of the Public Employees Retirement Board relating to an annual valuation report and experience study
LB985 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide reporting duties for regional behavioral health authorities
LB984 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to mandatory minimum sentencing and sentencing of habitual criminals
LB983 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the definition of disability under the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act
LB982 Business and Labor Committee Indefinitely postponed Deny payment of claims against the state
LB981 Business and Labor Committee Passed Provide for payment of claims against the state
LB980 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change penalty provisions for certain violations relating to or committed by persons experiencing or witnessing a drug overdose
LB979 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Provide for selection of interchangeable biological products by pharmacists
LB978 Craighead Passed Change provisions relating to the state purchasing card program and facilities construction and administration and eliminate obsolete provisions
LB977A Smith Passed Appropriation Bill
LB977 Smith Passed Provide state assistance for public transportation, ordinance and resolution powers regarding weight restrictions, Breast Cancer Awareness Plates, electronic processing of commercial drivers' licenses and permits, and operation of implements of husbandry and change specialty license plate provisions, distribution of taxes and fees, use of blue and amber lights, and motor vehicle industry provisions
LB976 Seiler Withdrawn Change provisions relating to jury sequestration
LB975 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Child Welfare Services Preservation Act
LB974 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Exempt sales of clothing, school supplies, computers, and computer-related accessories from sales and use taxes
LB973 Smith Passed Change penalty, permit, and notice provisions relating to electric utility lines, poles, and structures
LB972 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change a provision under the Employment Security Law relating to an exclusion from the definition of employment
LB971 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to restoration of seized firearms
LB970 Larson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to pickle cards and keno and authorize methods of payment for gambling
LB969 Larson Indefinitely postponed Provide and change duties for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of public libraries or reading rooms by cities or villages
LB968 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an agriculture promotion and development program
LB967 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Change learning community provisions relating to enrollment and levies
LB966 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Refugee Resettlement Agency Indemnification Act
LB965 Cook Indefinitely postponed Provide for expungement of records for persons charged with or found guilty of a crime because of stolen identity or mistaken identity
LB964 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change a veteran notation requirement on a motor vehicle operator's license or state identification card
LB963 Fox Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to area plans and budgets under the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act
LB962 Fox Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for the practice of acupuncture
LB961 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to hunting mountain lions
LB960A Smith Passed Appropriation Bill
LB960 Smith Passed Adopt the Transportation Innovation Act and provide transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB959A Sullivan Passed Appropriation Bill
LB959 Sullivan Passed Change provisions relating to minimum levy adjustments and averaging adjustments under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and certain school district levy and bonding authority
LB958 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to property tax credits
LB957 Speaker Hadley Passed Provide, change, and eliminate fund provisions and change artwork, renovation, and replacement provisions for state buildings
LB956 Speaker Hadley Passed Provide for deficit appropriations
LB955 Scheer Indefinitely postponed Except the University of Nebraska and the Nebraska State College System from participation in certain state contracts regarding electronic payments
LB954 Krist Passed Change provisions relating to access to records for and investigations by the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare
LB953 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Provide protection for qualified adults from financial exploitation
LB952 Watermeier Passed Change membership of the Board of Emergency Medical Services
LB951 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act
LB950 Harr Indefinitely postponed Allow a bad debt deduction relating to cigarette and tobacco product taxes
LB949 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the commission allowed to cigarette stamping agents
LB948 Morfeld Passed Change an application period limitation for the designation of enterprise zones as prescribed
LB947 Mello Veto Overridden State intent relating to professional or commercial licenses for certain aliens and restrict credential issuance as prescribed
LB946 Smith Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the chairperson of the Nebraska Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board
LB945 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Healthy Food Financing Initiative Act
LB944 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change terminology relating to parentage and marital relationships
LB943 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Update references with respect to husband and wife
LB942 Scheer Passed Require disclosure of noncompete agreements by sellers of seller-assisted marketing plans and provide for reformation of a franchise agreement which unreasonably restrains competition
LB941 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB940 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Tax Stabilization Act
LB939 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Early Childhood Advantage Act
LB938A Smith Passed Appropriation Bill
LB938 Smith Passed Adopt the 911 Service System Act, change a reporting requirement as prescribed, and transfer funds from the Enhanced Wireless 911 Fund to the 911 Service System Fund
LB937 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a prohibition on marriage of persons with venereal disease
LB936 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax rates and exemption amounts
LB935 Schilz Governor Veto Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Budget Act, state agency contracts, reimbursement for expenses, the Suggestion Award Board, and the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB934A Coash Passed Appropriation Bill
LB934 Coash Passed Provide a penalty for exploiting senior adults, provide for appointment, powers,and duties of guardians ad litem, and change provisions of the Public Guardianship Act
LB933 Coash Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Payroll Processor Regulation Act
LB932 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Redefine not-for-profit organization for purposes of liability provisions
LB931 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Provide for financial incentives for certain assisted-living facilities and change distribution of the Behavioral Health Services Fund
LB930 Scheer Passed Change provisions relating to statewide assessments and college admission testing as prescribed
LB929 Brasch Passed Update certain references to federal regulations regarding motor vehicles and motor carriers
LB928 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to discriminatory wage practices based on sex
LB927 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to surcharges for 911 service
LB926 Harr Withdrawn Adopt the Nebraska Rural Jobs Act and provide tax credits
LB925 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to issuing a treasurer's tax deed and bringing a tax lien foreclosure action as prescribed
LB924 Kolterman Passed Provide an additional withholding procedure for certain payments under the Income Withholding for Child Support Act
LB923 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for federally qualified health centers
LB922 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Change terms of Public Employees Retirement Board members as prescribed
LB921 Riepe Passed Eliminate provisions relating to organic food
LB920 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Add members to the Nebraska Police Standards Advisory Council
LB919A Williams Passed Appropriation Bill
LB919 Williams Passed Change provisions relating to problem solving courts
LB918 Murante Indefinitely postponed Provide for the redistribution of motor vehicle taxes as prescribed
LB917 Krist Withdrawn Change provisions relating to access to records for and investigations by the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare
LB916 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity from criminal or civil liability for removal of an animal from a motor vehicle by forcible entry as prescribed
LB915 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Create a veterans' treatment court pilot project
LB914A Schilz Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB914 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change compensation for certain members of the Nebraska Power Review Board as prescribed
LB913 Smith Passed Adopt the Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act
LB912 Smith Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for presentation of identification for purposes of voting
LB911 Bolz Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to fund transfers for behavioral health systems of care
LB910A Bolz Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB910 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Office of Parole Administration, restrictive housing provided by correctional services, and ineligibility of certain felons for benefits as prescribed
LB909 Kolterman Passed Change powers, duties, and fee and penalty provisions relating to the Department of Agriculture
LB908A Kolterman Passed Appropriation Bill
LB908 Kolterman Passed Provide for temporary licenses for veterinary technicians
LB907 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the New Markets Job Growth Investment Act
LB906 Lindstrom Passed Adopt the Law Enforcement Education Act authorizing tuition waivers
LB905 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Establishment Act of 2016
LB904 Baker Indefinitely postponed Provide for school districts to opt out of a learning community
LB903 Baker Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities
LB902 Kolowski Passed Change the Nebraska Clean-burning Motor Fuel Development Act
LB901A Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB901 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Change dental assistant and licensed dental hygienist provisions
LB900A Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB900 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Change motorcycle and moped helmet provisions, motorcycle registration fees, rename the Health Advisory Board, and create the brain injury services program and a fund
LB899 Baker Passed Change lead content provisions relating to the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act
LB898 Fox Passed Exempt persons solely engaged in natural hair braiding from credentialing requirements under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB897 Lindstrom Passed Allow certain public power agencies to engage in hedging transactions
LB896 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Require pay increases for state employees to recognize length of service
LB895 Coash Passed Require a report regarding the Beatrice State Developmental Center and the Bridges program
LB894 Pansing Brooks Passed Change provisions relating to juveniles
LB893 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Modify jurisdiction of juvenile courts and change provisions relating to temporary custody and disposition of juveniles
LB892 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to intimidation by telephone call
LB891 Brasch Passed Adopt the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Information and Support Act
LB890 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to actions involving motor vehicle collisions with domestic animals
LB889A Mello Passed Appropriation Bill
LB889 Mello Passed Adopt the School Readiness Tax Credit Act
LB888 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax credits under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act
LB887 Schilz Passed Extend sunset of the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
LB886A Davis Passed Appropriation Bill
LB886 Davis Passed Adopt the Volunteer Emergency Responders Incentive Act and provide income tax credits
LB885 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide student journalists the right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press
LB884A Scheer Withdrawn Appropriation Bill
LB884 Scheer Passed Change the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act and adopt the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act
LB883 Scheer Indefinitely postponed Provide for foundation aid pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB882 Scheer Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to school budgeting
LB881 Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to energy financing contracts
LB880 McCollister Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates
LB879 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change signature requirements for partisan candidates
LB878 Murante Indefinitely postponed Provide and change rulemaking duties relating to veterans homes and the Veterans' Homes Board
LB877 Murante Passed Change provisions relating to reviewing and commenting on proposed subdivision plats in certain counties
LB876 Murante Passed Authorize electronic voting devices for public bodies in public meetings
LB875 Murante Passed Change conditions for approval of a planned unit development for certain second-class cities and villages
LB874 Murante Passed Change provisions of the Election Act
LB873 Murante Indefinitely postponed Authorize escheatment to the state of unclaimed United States Savings Bonds as prescribed
LB872 Murante Indefinitely postponed Change a provision relating to the use of blue and amber rotating or flashing lights
LB871 Murante Indefinitely postponed Provide for a presidential preference primary election
LB870 Harr Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit to graduates of certain educational institutions
LB869 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Require that certain providers under the Medical Assistance Act be subject to a national criminal history record information check
LB868 Krist Indefinitely postponed Require successful completion of a civics examination as a prerequisite to high school graduation
LB867A Watermeier Passed Appropriation Bill
LB867 Legislative Performance Audit Committee Passed Change provisions relating to the Administrative Procedure Act and require the Department of Correctional Services to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations
LB866A Bolz Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB866 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Transition to Adult Living Success Program Act
LB865 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to handicapped parking
LB864 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to a municipality requesting additional extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction
LB863 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wind Energy Expansion Act
LB862 Larson Indefinitely postponed Permit conducting or participating in a fantasy contest as prescribed
LB861 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for court review of inmate restrictive housing placement as prescribed
LB860 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Add a type of economic development program under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB859 Campbell Passed Change cease and desist orders under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB858 Hadley Indefinitely postponed Create the University of Nebraska Facilities Program of 2016
LB857 Hadley Passed Change population threshold for a city of the first class to employ a full-time fire chief
LB856 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change the Insured Homeowners Protection Act
LB855 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Require rounding a certain dollar amount in the Employment Security Law to the nearest whole dollar amount
LB854 Coash Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Self-Service Storage Facilities Act and provide for a lien on certain property
LB853 Stinner Passed Change provisions relating to the Public Accountancy Act
LB852 Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for aid to community colleges
LB851A McCollister Passed Appropriation Bill
LB851 McCollister Passed Change the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB850 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB849 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act
LB848 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to courts
LB847 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to juries
LB846 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Require law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy regarding suspect identifications by witnesses
LB845 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements relating to confinement of juveniles and provide a duty for the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare
LB844 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Provide for Breast Cancer Awareness Plates
LB843 Pansing Brooks Passed Provide immunity from prosecution for prostitution and change forensic medical examination provisions
LB842 Haar Passed Change admission and graduation provisions relating to barber schools and colleges
LB841 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to maximum annual benefits and disqualification for benefits under the Employment Security Law
LB840 Fox Passed Change provisions relating to the time allowed for certain internal grievances under the Health Carrier External Review Act
LB839 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Require background checks and other requirements for persons purchasing certain types of tactical gear
LB838 Bolz Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to an appropriation to the State Department of Education for an educational specialist
LB837 Scheer Passed Change provisions relating to premium taxes and quarterly statements under the Surplus Lines Insurance Act
LB836 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act
LB835 Mello Passed Change provisions relating to consumer protection
LB834 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the retail sale of alcohol at a price below cost
LB833 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child support enforcement actions
LB832 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Provide for seizure and sale of a motor vehicle illegally transporting household goods for hire
LB831A Hansen Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB831 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Automatic License Plate Reader Privacy Act
LB830 Harr Passed Redefine employment under the Employment Security Law and change provisions relating to vacation leave for state employees
LB829 Harr Passed Adopt the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (2015)
LB828 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine terms under the Employment Security Law
LB827 Harr Indefinitely postponed Allow county treasurers to receive fees for services rendered to sanitary and improvement districts
LB826 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reimbursement under the Special Education Act
LB825 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide reporting requirements for tax-exempt property
LB824 McCollister Passed Provide for compensation of certain Nebraska Power Review Board members and for privately developed renewable energy generation facilities and appropriate funds
LB823 Larson Passed Change powers and duties of the State Athletic Commissioner and provide administrative fine authority as prescribed
LB822 Larson Indefinitely postponed Eliminate consent of the Legislature for appointment of State Electrical Board members
LB821 Larson Passed Adopt the Workplace Privacy Act
LB820 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Provide a method of selecting winners for certain lotteries and raffles
LB819 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act
LB818 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to immunity when submitting a complaint under the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act
LB817 Riepe Passed Adopt the Direct Primary Care Agreement Act
LB816 Scheer Passed Change and eliminate provisions relating to state institution patients' records
LB815 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to petitions for removal of a person's firearms-related disabilities or disqualifications
LB814A Friesen Passed Appropriation Bill
LB814 Friesen Passed Change a requirement for issuance of a school permit
LB813 Kolterman Passed Permit certain persons to consent to donate plasma
LB812 Smith Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax exemption relating to custom software
LB811 Brasch Passed Change provisions relating to counties' use of alphanumeric and county number system license plates
LB810 Davis Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program and transfer funds to the Cowboy Trail Fund
LB809 Davis Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB808 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to amending an economic development program under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB807 Williams Passed Allow counties of all sizes to waive quarterly reports by county attorneys
LB806 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Riverfront Development District Act
LB805 Mello Indefinitely postponed Require a periodic study of certain retirement plans and a report filing by certain political subdivisions
LB804 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Investigational Drug Use Act
LB803 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change disposition of court docket fees as prescribed
LB802 Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Health and Climate Resiliency Task Force
LB801 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Require educational material and a report relating to long-term care insurance
LB800 Bolz Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to an appropriation to the State Department of Education for job-driven training and education
LB799 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Include capital acquisition costs in the Nebraska Public Transportation Act's assistance program
LB798 Johnson Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LB797 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the accrual of interest on denied and reduced homestead exemptions
LB796 Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit alterations to liability insurance coverage for claims under the Minor Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act
LB795 Harr Indefinitely postponed Establish the Wireless in Nebraska Program under the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund Act
LB794 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and corporate occupation taxes
LB793 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to implements for escape and contraband and certain assaults
LB792 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain former officeholders and public employees from being lobbyists
LB791 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change grounds for discipline under the Funeral Directing and Embalming Act
LB790 Kolterman Passed To alphabetize defined terms under various retirement statutes
LB789 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding appropriations for the installation of art in public buildings
LB788 Cook Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Professional Landscape Architects Act
LB787 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Allow a voter to photograph and reveal a marked ballot
LB786 Larson Passed Change requirements for completion of death certificates and cremation permits
LB785 Friesen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act
LB784 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to deficit expenditures by county boards
LB783A Lindstrom Passed Appropriation Bill
LB783 Lindstrom Passed Provide for registration of public power district vehicles as prescribed
LB782 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment relating to coverage for family planning services
LB781 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Require school districts to prepare for closure of nonpublic schools
LB780 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to emergency protective custody
LB779 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the partisan status of certain political subdivision offices
LB778 Williams Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act and the Nebraska Installment Sales Act
LB777 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to partial payments for property taxes held in escrow
LB776 Gloor Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB775 Gloor Passed Change property tax provisions relating to motor vehicles
LB774A Scheer Passed Appropriation Bill
LB774 Scheer Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB773 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Create the Early Childhood Workforce Development Task Force
LB772 Schumacher Passed Adopt the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act and change provisions relating to insurance holding companies and risk retention groups
LB771 Lindstrom Passed Change provisions under the Securities Act of Nebraska relating to registration by coordination and federal covered securities
LB770A Groene Passed Appropriation Bill
LB770 Groene Passed Change the termination date of the Nebraska Exchange Transparency Act and the terms of certain members of the Nebraska Exchange Stakeholder Commission
LB769 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to firearms
LB768A Garrett Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB768 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Provide for Choose Life License Plates
LB767 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Prohibit dismemberment abortion as prescribed and provide for civil and criminal penalties
LB766 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions for waiver of tuition and fees for veterans' dependents as prescribed
LB765 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Increase original certificate of title fees for vehicles transferred to Nebraska from another state or country
LB764 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Authorize summary discipline for minor offenses in the Nebraska Code of Military Justice
LB763 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska is Honoring Our Military Exemption Act and provide an income tax exemption
LB762 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Change the tax on cigars, cheroots, and stogies
LB761 Scheer Passed Change and update certain federal references in the Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act
LB760 Scheer Passed Update certain references to the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act
LB759 Scheer Passed Change provisions relating to stop-payment orders
LB758 Scheer Passed Prohibit limited liability companies from operating as insurers
LB757 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale or execution or attachment
LB756 Legislative Performance Audit Committee Passed Terminate the Long-Term Care Savings Plan Act
LB755 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges
LB754A Crawford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB754 Crawford Passed Create the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs and authorize summary discipline under the Nebraska Code of Military Justice
LB753 Crawford Passed Extend protection under federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act to Nebraska employees serving in the National Guard of another state
LB752 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Create the Adult Career Pathways Task Force
LB751 Lindstrom Passed Provide that payment of certain expenses is not a condition precedent to certain approvals by the Director of Banking and Finance and change certain notice provisions
LB750 Lindstrom Passed Prohibit discrimination and retaliation against and provide for confidentiality of the identity of persons involved in making reports under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB749 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change an income tax exemption relating to social security benefits
LB748 Lindstrom Indefinitely postponed Change import provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act as prescribed
LB747 Kolterman Indefinitely postponed Amend the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act to increase the amount of funds the state investment officer may offer as deposits
LB746A Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB746 Campbell Passed Adopt the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act, change provisions for guardians ad litem and services for children, create the Normalcy Task Force, and eliminate a reporting requirement
LB745 McCollister Passed Change Game and Parks Commission fee and permit provisions
LB744 Watermeier Passed Provide for communication and contact agreements in private and agency adoptions
LB743 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Clarify compensation for shoulder injuries under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB742 Hansen Passed Change county population thresholds
LB741 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change electioneering provisions related to yard signs
LB740 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Add an unfair claims settlement practice under the Unfair Insurance Claims Settlement Practices Act
LB739 Smith Indefinitely postponed Eliminate certain taxing authority of learning communities
LB738 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of cell-site simulator technology or devices by law enforcement agencies
LB737 Friesen Passed Change provisions of the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Assistance Act
LB736 Friesen Passed Change provisions relating to electric utilities and electric suppliers under the Rural Community-Based Energy Development Act
LB735 Friesen Passed Provide a length limit exception for an articulated bus vehicle operated by a transit authority
LB734 Watermeier Passed Change residency provisions relating to Nebraska National Guard members for college tuition purposes
LB733 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Correctional Services
LB732 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to Military Honor Plates
LB731 Johnson Passed Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB730 Johnson Passed Change a security coverage provision for sellers of grain stored in a warehouse closed by the Public Service Commission
LB729 Johnson Passed Change provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act
LB728 Johnson Indefinitely postponed Authorize electronic voting devices for natural resources districts
LB727 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Impose a tax on sales of tobacco at cigar shops
LB726 Sullivan Passed Require information relating to federal student loans as prescribed
LB725 Schumacher Passed Provide an exception to a filing requirement relating to conveyances of real estate
LB724 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB723 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change sales and use tax collection fees
LB722A Baker Passed Appropriation Bill
LB722 Baker Passed Adopt the Stroke System of Care Act
LB721 Baker Passed Adopt the Surgical First Assistant Practice Act
LB720 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change certain invasion of privacy provisions to include unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft systems
LB719 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to undeveloped vacant land under the Community Development Law
LB718 Groene Passed Change requirements for an application for a waiver of college tuition and fees by a dependent of a veteran
LB717 Groene Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the assessment and valuation of real property
LB716 Kolowski Passed Provide and eliminate provisions regarding pedestrians and bicyclists
LB715 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers from the General Fund to the Nebraska Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund
LB714 Stinner Indefinitely postponed Provide for and change a provision relating to sufficient cause for nonuse of a water appropriation
LB713 Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for the Access College Early Scholarship Program
LB712 Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to the regulation of aboveground motor vehicle fuel storage tanks
LB711 Hughes Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Noxious Weed Control Act and create the Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force
LB710 Hughes Passed Change provisions relating to hazing
LB709 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for an alternative to detention for juveniles
LB708 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Provide for a memory care endorsement under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB707 Coash Indefinitely postponed Increase the number of judges of the separate juvenile court
LB706 Coash Indefinitely postponed Define habilitative services for purposes of insurance
LB705 Urban Affairs Committee Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to cities of the first class
LB704 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Change building code provisions applicable to political subdivisions and provisions relating to cities of the first class
LB703 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Change provisions relating to nuisances in cities and villages
LB702 Urban Affairs Committee Passed Harmonize provisions relating to the election of city council members in cities of the second class
LB701 Mello Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a termination date relating to a self-sufficiency contract
LB700 Mello Passed Require notice to neighborhood associations for changes to business improvement districts and zoning ordinances
LB699 Mello Passed Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
LB698A Mello Passed Appropriation Bill
LB698 Mello Passed Adopt the Home Care Consumer Bill of Rights Act and the Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act and change provisions of the Medical Assistance Act, Health Care Facility Licensure Act, Alzheimer's Special Care Disclosure Act, and Nebraska Community Aging Services Act
LB697 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment application relating to functional family therapy
LB696 Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan waiver to provide coverage for treatment of opioid abuse
LB695 Crawford Passed Provide for the counting of ballots in sanitary and improvement district elections
LB694 Crawford Passed Change provisions relating to exempt contracts under the Taxpayer Transparency Act
LB693 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change limitation of action provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB692 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Online Personal Protection Act
LB691 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Teacher Education and Health Care Professions Student Grant Program Act
LB690 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LB689 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a sales and use tax exemption relating to political events
LB688 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Require all examinations and test of applicants under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act be in English
LB687 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Provide procedures for recall of state elective officers
LB686 Chambers Passed Provide for the publication and distribution of the Constitution of Nebraska
LB685 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit Act
LB684 Bolz Passed Change provisions relating to adoptive home studies and medical histories as prescribed
LB683 Craighead Passed Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for surviving spouses
LB682 Craighead Indefinitely postponed Change deadlines for ballots for early voting and special elections by mail
LB681 Schnoor Indefinitely postponed Change certain violation and penalty provisions under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB680A Riepe Passed Appropriation Bill
LB680 Riepe Passed Change requirements for pharmacy technicians
LB679 Krist Passed Change reporting requirements of the Community Corrections Division of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
LB678 Craighead Passed Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB677 Craighead Passed Change a residency qualification and military service requirement for certain veterans service officers
LB676 Craighead Passed Revise powers of state-chartered banks, building and loan associations, and credit unions
LB675 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to placement and detention of juveniles
LB674 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide financial compensation for care for disabled persons by family as prescribed
LB673 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to appointment of guardians ad litem
LB672 Krist Indefinitely postponed Eliminate fees on tires as prescribed
LB671 Krist Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Build Nebraska Act and change the distribution of sales tax revenue
LB670 Krist Indefinitely postponed Require a hearing prior to release for persons taken into custody for mental health reasons
LB669 Krist Indefinitely postponed Update certain federal references and change from a secondary to primary offense certain occupant protection system enforcement requirements
LB668 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change certain federal references and provisions relating to provisional operator's permit restrictions, use of interactive wireless communication devices, and occupant protection system enforcement
LB667 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate obsolete provisions in the International Fuel Tax Agreement Act
LB666 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles
LB665 Executive Board: Krist, Chairperson Passed Revisor bill to eliminate transfer provisions for the Water Resources Cash Fund
LB549A Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB510A Cook Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB505A Krist Passed Appropriation Bill
LB467A Kolterman Passed Appropriation Bill
LB447A Kolterman Passed Appropriation Bill
LB371A Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill