Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday March 03, 2015

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR99 Schilz Resolution Congratulate Brody Cleveland on his state wrestling championship
LR98 Schilz Resolution Congratulate Derek Robb on his state wrestling championship
LR97 Larson Resolution Congratulate David Fox on his state wrestling championship
LR96 Larson Resolution Congratulate Blake Walters on his state wrestling championship
LR95 Larson Resolution Congratulate the O'Neill High School wrestling team for winning the 2015 Class C state championship
LR94 Larson Resolution Congratulate the Fremont High School boys' bowling team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship
LR93 Larson Resolution Congratulate the North Bend High School boys' bowling team for winning the 2015 Class C state championship
LB474A Chambers Passed Appropriation Bill