Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Tuesday January 20, 2015

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR34 Krist Referral Provide the Executive Board reappoint the Department of Correctional Services Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature
LR33 Krist Referral Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee to be known as the ACCESSNebraska Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature
LR32 Krist Referral Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee to be known as the Developmental Disabilities Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature
LR31CA Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to two consecutive full terms
LR30 Friesen Resolution Congratulate Blake Vaught on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR29 Friesen Resolution Congratulate Trevor Alber on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR28 Friesen Resolution Congratulate Nicholas Weber on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LB496 Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Yeutter Institute for International Trade and Finance
LB495 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Increase the earned income tax credit
LB494 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities
LB493 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplaces Act
LB492 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to fees charged by the register of deeds
LB491 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Provide for an election day voter registration pilot project
LB490 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment Act
LB489 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to grants for early childhood education as prescribed
LB488 Scheer Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Transportation Network Insurance Act
LB487 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change the duties of the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB486 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Provide for a limited bottling endorsement under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB485 Stinner Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for child welfare
LB484 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change county employee and employer retirement contribution rates for certain counties as prescribed
LB483 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to indeterminate sentencing
LB482 Krist Passed Change provisions relating to juveniles
LB481 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Permit school districts to opt out of a learning community as prescribed
LB480 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB479 Bloomfield Passed Change provisions relating to memorials to veterans
LB478 Baker Indefinitely postponed Provide bonding authority for educational service units
LB477 Davis Passed Change provisions relating to school districts maintaining the only public high school in a county
LB476 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for county assessors and the Property Tax Administrator relating to tax-exempt real property
LB475 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change a provision relating to the construction or acquisition of certain electric generation facilities
LB474 Chambers Passed Provide for Mountain Lion Conservation Plates and create a fund
LB473 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the power of eminent domain for major pipelines
LB472 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Medicaid Redesign Act
LB471 Howard Passed Change prescription drug monitoring provisions and create the Veterinary Prescription Monitoring Program Task Force
LB470 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for caregivers
LB469 Smith Passed Provide procedures and reporting requirements relating to a state plan on carbon dioxide emissions, require a strategic state energy plan, and provide requirements for meteorological evaluation towers
LB468 Nordquist Passed Provide and change fees, benefits, and contributions for judges' retirement
LB467 Kolterman Passed Change provisions relating to State Patrol retirement
LB466 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to deductions of municipal sales and use tax refunds
LB465 Harr Passed Adopt the Electronic Notary Public Act
LB464 Harr Passed Change information provided on effective financing statements
LB463 Harr Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Technology Information Management Act
LB462 Seiler Indefinitely postponed Change restrictions on campaigning by public officials and public employees
LB461 Pansing Brooks Indefinitely postponed Change appropriations for the Nebraska Tree Recovery Program
LB460 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Provide for licensure of charter bus and limousine services and pedal-pub vehicles for the consumption of alcohol
LB459 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a deposition of a child victim or child witness
LB458 Kolterman Passed Authorize limited lines travel insurance producer licenses
LB457 Gloor Passed Change the Site and Building Development Act and terminate a fund
LB456 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Exchange Stakeholder Commission
LB455 Gloor Passed Change provisions relating to employment of a full-time fire chief by cities of the first class
LB454 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the taxation of military retirement benefits
LB453 Hilkemann Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motor vehicle taxes
LB452 Hilkemann Passed Provide advertising requirements under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB451 Hansen Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverage
LB450 Mello Indefinitely postponed Authorize grants to aid tourism, create a fund, and change funding provisions
LB449 Mello Passed Change provisions of the Business Innovation Act and the Nebraska Visitors Development Act and state intent relating to tourism
LB448 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change membership of the Nebraska Investment Council and retirement provisions for Class V school districts
LB447 Mello Passed Change and provide provisions relating to retirement benefits and plans
LB446 Nordquist Passed Redefine compensation and change provisions for school employees retirement
LB445 Groene Indefinitely postponed Authorize audits of redevelopment plans that use tax-increment financing
LB444 Groene Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the minimum levy adjustment for purposes of state aid to schools
LB443 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Redefine support services for purposes of the Special Education Act
LB442 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Appropriate additional funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB441 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the bridge to independence program
LB440 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study of rates for care by an Alzheimer's special care unit as prescribed
LB439 Morfeld Passed Change Nebraska Liquor Control Act penalty provisions for certain violations
LB438 Morfeld Indefinitely postponed Change distribution of sales and use tax revenue and create and provide for a fund
LB437 Ebke Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Parenting Act
LB436 Cook Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for pediatric oral health services
LB435 Cook Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Time to Teach and Time to Learn Act
LB434 Cook Indefinitely postponed Require law enforcement agencies to use theft notification web sites as prescribed
LB433 Baker Indefinitely postponed Create the offense of false presentation of proof of liability insurance and provide penalties
LB432 Baker Withdrawn Change provisions relating to access to and copying of public records
LB431 Baker Passed Change provisions relating to public school district construction