Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 22, 2014

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR423CA Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide that residential real property may be classified separately for property taxation
LR422 Campbell General File Provide the Health and Human Services Committee, in cooperation with the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee, be designated to develop policy recommendations towards transformation of Nebraska's health care system
LR421CA Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to eliminate references to the State Board of Education, State Department of Education, and the Commissioner of Education
LR420 Seiler Resolution Congratulate Jordan Slough on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for 11-man football
LR419 Seiler Resolution Congratulate Seyler Monroe on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for six-man football
LR418 Seiler Resolution Congratulate Morgan Nikkila on being named a 2013 Tribland Player of the Year for girls' volleyball
LR417 Mello Resolution Designate September 15 through October 15, 2014 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the State of Nebraska
LB1115 Davis Passed Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Power Review Board for a study and state public policy
LB1114 Mello Passed Change and state intent relating to funding for economic development programs and change a termination date
LB1113 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties relating to surface water appropriations
LB1112 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an occupation tax on irrigated land
LB1111 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Provide duties relating to integrated management plans
LB1110 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change concealed handgun permit renewal provisions for members of the armed forces and their spouses
LB1109 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to consent and parental notification and eliminate certain penalties with respect to abortion
LB1108 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change a standard used by a court in finding a pregnant woman sufficiently mature to decide to have an abortion
LB1107 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change medicaid payment provisions for federally qualified health centers as prescribed
LB1106 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to career academies
LB1105 McGill Indefinitely postponed Create veterans and servicemembers court programs
LB1104 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Change farm winery licensing provisions
LB1103 Education Committee Passed Provide for a strategic planning process for education
LB1102 Crawford Withdrawn Redefine marijuana and authorize the medical use of hemp extract as prescribed
LB1101 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to state aid and learning communities
LB1100 Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Public Power Task Force
LB1099 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study relating to state aid to schools
LB1098 Carlson Passed Adopt and change provisions relating to water, irrigation, and natural resources
LB1097 Harr Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates and corporate income tax rates
LB1096 Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for expansion of a business improvement district
LB1095 Davis Indefinitely postponed Create the Tax-increment Financing Division of the Department of Economic Development and change the Community Development Law
LB1094 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change a fund transfer to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB1093 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to juvenile facilitated conferencing and funding
LB1092 Dubas Final Reading Authorize issuance of highway construction bonds
LB1091 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund to the Job Training Cash Fund and change job training grant provisions
LB1090 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act
LB1089 Conrad Passed Provide for disposition of residual funds in class action litigation and charitable trusts
LB1088 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change income eligibility provisions relating to federal child care assistance
LB1087 Pirsch Passed Create a homestead exemption for disabled veterans, widows, and widowers
LB1086 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Transfer cash reserve funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund
LB1085 Cook Indefinitely postponed Require listing of employee salaries and job titles of certain private employers
LB1084 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions governing the filling of certain vacancies
LB1083 Garrett Indefinitely postponed Change job training grant provisions relating to veterans
LB1082 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Allow all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles to be operated as authorized emergency vehicles
LB1081 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to school-sponsored activities
LB1080 Bloomfield Indefinitely postponed Provide for nonprofit nursery stock distributors under the Plant Protection and Plant Pest Act
LB1079 Davis Withdrawn Authorize grants to certain county agricultural societies under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act
LB1078 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Telehealth Act, provide for the establishment of a patient relationship through video conferencing, and require insurance coverage for telehealth services
LB1077 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Shared Responsibility for Access and Success Act
LB1076 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Telehealth Act
LB1075 Harr Indefinitely postponed Prohibit employment of certain persons leaving public positions
LB1074 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the regulation of ground water
LB1073 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Require employers to e-verify immigration status of new employees
LB1072 Lathrop Passed Change provisions relating to prescription drug monitoring and create a fund
LB1071 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide additional rules of the road for bicycles and bikeways
LB1070 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to schools
LB1069 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to education
LB1068 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to learning communities
LB1067 Hadley Passed Change sales and use tax refund provisions, extend sunset dates under certain tax incentive laws, and change provisions of the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
LB1066 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require a recorded roll call vote by certain county boards
LB1065 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Eliminate secret ballot provisions under the Open Meetings Act
LB1064 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Teach for Nebraska Program Act
LB1063 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require juvenile court approval to obtain a juvenile court proceeding transcript
LB1062 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require presentment of operator's license and proof of financial responsibility or evidence of insurance to a peace officer by a driver involved in an accident or impoundment of vehicle and authorize civil actions for certain expenses
LB1061 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change from elected to appointed boards for community college areas
LB1060 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change from elected to appointed boards for educational service units
LB1059 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Change membership of learning community coordinating councils
LB1058 Larson Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
LB1057 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide duties for the Department of Revenue
LB1056 Davis Indefinitely postponed Change individual income tax brackets and rates
LB1055 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Provide for tuition-free credits for veterans and military personnel as prescribed
LB1054 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Redefine treatment under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB1053 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Provide state aid to municipalities, counties, and natural resources districts
LB1052 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change restrictions on retailers under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB1051 Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Public Health Leadership and Development Act and appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska
LB1050 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to inspections of certain child care facilities
LB1049 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for actions for recovery of title or possession of real estate or foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust as mortgages
LB1048 Murante Passed Require delivery of the official election calendar and change and eliminate political party provisions
LB1047 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB1046 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Create the Water Sustainability Fund and transfer General Funds
LB1045 Harr Indefinitely postponed Redefine the term underground facility for purposes of the One-Call Notification System Act
LB1044 Schilz Passed Provide procedures for abandoned mobile homes
LB1043 Nelson Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain deeds from the documentary stamp tax
LB1042 Nordquist Passed Change school retirement provisions and duties of the Public Employees Retirement Board
LB1041 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change retirement provisions relating to school employees
LB1040 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Create an energy conservation grant program
LB1039 Dubas Passed Change provisions relating to size, weight, and load for farm equipment
LB1038 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for certain property taxes paid on agricultural land and horticultural land
LB1037 McGill Indefinitely postponed Authorize Auditor of Public Accounts to examine certain entities formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act
LB1036 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Provide for biennial contracts for cities of the primary class under the Industrial Relations Act
LB1035 McGill Indefinitely postponed Require reports regarding records of persons unable to purchase or possess handguns because of disqualification or disability
LB1034 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion
LB1033 Watermeier Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Game and Parks Commission and state intent relating to operation and maintenance of Arbor Lodge State Historical Park
LB1032 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Require posting of signs regarding abortion
LB1031 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide for decreased income tax rates
LB1030 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Adopt the State Firearms Rights Act
LB1029 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to size, weight, and load with respect to vehicles transporting fertilizer
LB1028 Coash Indefinitely postponed Change the number of judges of the separate juvenile court as prescribed
LB1027 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to restoration of seized firearms as prescribed
LB1026 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Create and provide for a Nebraska Educational Trust Fund
LB1025 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue
LB1024 Mello Withdrawn Permit the Nebraska Tourism Commission to adopt an official state symbol or slogan
LB1023 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change certain budgetary reports
LB1022 Seiler Indefinitely postponed Change legal procedure provisions of hearsay, disposition of untried charges, and speedy trial
LB1021 Seiler Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the sealing of records of a juvenile
LB1020 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to liquor licensee violations
LB1019 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Development and Venture Enterprise Act
LB1018 Hadley Indefinitely postponed Change public record provisions for withholding job application materials from the public
LB1017 Krist Indefinitely postponed Change and transfer pharmacy, prescription, and drug provisions
LB1016 Krist Passed Provide for acquisition and sale of state aircraft and a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB1015 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Include certain fire and rescue departments under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB1014 Murante Passed Change provisions for election of metropolitan utilities district board of directors
LB1013 Murante Indefinitely postponed Permit counties to regulate peddlers, hawkers, and solicitors by ordinance