Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 09, 2014

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR393CA Murante Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change signature requirements for initiative petitions
LR392 Wightman Resolution Congratulate the Cozad High School football team for winning the 2013 Class C-1 state championship
LB773 Davis Indefinitely postponed Provide for partisan ballots for unaffiliated voters at primary elections
LB772 Davis Indefinitely postponed Increase expenditure amount for Adjutant General for aerial fire suppression or hazardous material response
LB771 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Change length of certification period under the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act
LB770 Wallman Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to explosives and destructive devices
LB769 Crawford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to military parents under the Parenting Act
LB768 Schilz Passed Change provisions of the Livestock Brand Act and estray provisions
LB767 Schilz Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to operator training for underground storage tanks and provide funding
LB766 Bloomfield Passed Change tuition assistance program provisions for National Guard members
LB765 Conrad Passed Change the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act
LB764 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for pediatric cancer research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
LB763 Janssen Indefinitely postponed Require reports from state agencies on inefficient programs
LB762 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to integrated management plans
LB761 Mello Indefinitely postponed Provide for a tax amnesty program and change provisions on contracts for finding nonpayers of taxes
LB760 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Combined Sewer Overflow Infrastructure Assistance Act and the Unfunded Federal Mandate Infrastructure Assistance Act
LB759 Mello Passed Require reports, define terms, change investment provisions, and provide powers and duties relating to retirement systems
LB758 Smith Passed Change duties relating to registration certificates for trailers
LB757 Smith Passed Create a mailbox location exception and repeal an obsolete road numbering system requirement
LB756 Smith Indefinitely postponed Redefine bicycle and motor vehicle
LB755 Gloor Passed Adopt the Standard Valuation Act for valuation of insurance reserves
LB754 Smith Indefinitely postponed Provide funds for career education programs
LB753 Gloor Passed Change a provision for notice of a change of address for an agent for service of process for a limited liability company and provide a filing fee
LB752 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change certain assault provisions
LB751 Conrad Passed Adopt the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act
LB750 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to lien perfection and termination
LB749 Harr Passed Adopt the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act
LB748 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault
LB747 Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide electioneering communication reporting requirements and restrictions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB746 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change election provisions to authorize provisional ballots and require identification for certain voters
LB745 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change various provisions relating to administrative governmental functions
LB744 Avery Passed Establish the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission
LB743 Murante Indefinitely postponed Provide definition of one-half of an elected term of office
LB742 Murante Indefinitely postponed Require instant run-off voting in primary elections
LB741 Murante Indefinitely postponed Require schools to have a policy relating to tornado drills as prescribed
LB740 Crawford Passed Provide residency requirements for postsecondary education purposes for veterans and their family members
LB739 Hadley Passed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB738 Larson Indefinitely postponed Create a fund and appropriate funds to the Department of Motor Vehicles
LB737 Dubas Passed Change qualifications for county veterans service officers
LB736 Dubas Passed Change the service of notice provision in the One-Call Notification System Act
LB735 Bolz Passed Require refund of certain insurance premiums upon death of insured
LB734 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Provide for deposit of public funds with credit unions
LB733 Schumacher Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Mass Assessment Act for valuation of real property for ad valorem tax purposes
LB732 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change asset limitation for certain programs of public assistance
LB731 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to workers' compensation first injury reports
LB730 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change reporting provisions under the Child Protection Act
LB729 Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Create the Task Force on Expanded Learning Opportunities for School-Age Youth
LB728 Harms Passed Change provisions relating to criminal history record information checks for certain employees of the Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB727 Harms Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to anatomical gift donation designations on drivers' licenses and state identification cards
LB726 Scheer Indefinitely postponed Provide for changing the number of school board members in Class II and Class III school districts
LB725 Sullivan Passed Change student growth adjustment correction and local effort rate yield under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act