Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Wednesday January 16, 2013

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR22 Campbell Referral Provide the Health and Human Services Committee and the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee be designated to convene a Partnership Towards Nebraska's Health Care System Transformation
LR21 Scheer Resolution Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School football team for winning the 2012 Class C-1 state championship
LB297 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Change mental injuries and mental illness compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB296 Hadley Passed Change provisions of the educational savings plan relating to income tax reductions and participation agreements
LB295 Sullivan Passed Redefine a term under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB294 Seiler Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of public resources by public officials and public employees
LB293 Kintner Indefinitely postponed Prohibit disclosure of any applicant or permitholder information regarding firearms registration, possession, sale, or use as prescribed
LB292 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change population restrictions for conducting elections by mail
LB291 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change medical payment provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB290 Pirsch Passed Change provisions relating to the Residential Mortgage Licensing Act
LB289 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to duration of real estate improvement contract liens
LB288 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LB287 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Change rabies vaccination provisions
LB286 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Provide for Cash Reserve Fund transfers for affordable housing, homeless shelter assistance, and legal aid
LB285 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change authorized transfers to the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB284 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act relating to limits on actions and amounts recoverable
LB283 Conrad Passed Eliminate the Limited Liability Company Act
LB282 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Exempt motor vehicle washing and waxing from sales taxation
LB281 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Change the amount of tax credits allowed under the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
LB280 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Change domestic assault provisions
LB279 Pirsch Passed Change provisions relating to loan brokers, delayed deposit services, and installment loans
LB278 Pirsch Passed Change provisions relating to fees charged by the Secretary of State
LB277 Harr Passed Change provisions relating to presentation of a false medicaid claim
LB276 Nordquist Passed Change provisions of the Early Intervention Act, the Medical Assistance Act, the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act, and the Special Education Act
LB275 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Coordinated School Health Act
LB274 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Education Compensation Transparency Act
LB273 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Change keno time limits
LB272 Carlson Passed Change provisions relating to chemigation permits and fees
LB271 Lautenbaugh Passed Change provisions relating to early voting
LB270 Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment relating to services for children with serious emotional disturbance
LB269 Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to children and families
LB268 Campbell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for upgrade of an electronic data collection system related to child welfare and other economic assistance programs
LB267 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Prohibit persons on parole, probation, or work release from acting as undercover agents or employees of law enforcement and prohibit admissibility of certain evidence
LB266 Chambers Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to increases in local option sales tax rates
LB265 Coash Passed Adopt the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act and change foster care licensure and kinship home and relative home provisions
LB264 Bolz Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for individuals caring for dependents
LB263 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Passed Change provisions relating to government retirement systems
LB262 Cook Passed Provide duties relating to sharing of student information
LB261 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities Act
LB260 Gloor Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for a data and information system under the Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act
LB259 Karpisek Passed Exempt keno writers from licensure under the Nebraska County and City Lottery Act
LB258 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of certain wireless devices by school bus drivers as prescribed
LB257 McCoy Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to creation of municipal counties
LB256 McGill Indefinitely postponed Eliminate criminal forfeiture and provide for civil forfeiture as prescribed
LB255 McGill Passed Change provisions and penalties relating to human trafficking, child abuse, prostitution, solicitation, and pandering
LB254 Adams Passed Eliminate a termination date for insurance coverage for anticancer medication and provide insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder and funding for amino acid-based elemental formulas
LB253 Adams Indefinitely postponed Correct references in school statutes
LB252 Adams Indefinitely postponed Correct and change subdivision references and references to governmental entities related to postsecondary education
LB251 Hansen Passed Change a fee relating to the rental of motor vehicles
LB250 Dubas Passed Change motor vehicle provisions relating to issuance of trip permits
LB249 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle provisions relating to farm vehicles and drivers transporting agricultural commodities or farm supplies
LB248 Larson Indefinitely postponed Provide for seasonal employers under the Employment Security Law
LB247 Larson Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Juvenile Code provisions relating to reimbursement by parents for costs of care and treatment
LB246 Larson Indefinitely postponed Provide for a health care copayment for jail and prison inmates
LB245 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Change preferred drug list provisions under the Medical Assistance Act
LB244 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Require apprentice electricians to complete continuing education
LB243 Howard Passed Redefine nurse practitioner practice
LB242 Howard Passed Change provisions relating to administrative rules and regulations
LB241 Sullivan Indefinitely postponed Authorize voters to change election of county offices from partisan to nonpartisan
LB240 Harms Passed Change work activity requirements for self-sufficiency contracts under the Welfare Reform Act
LB239 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska All-Payer Patient-Centered Medical Home Act