Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Thursday January 19, 2012

Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LR381 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Recognize the achievements of Colonel Harry Francis Cunningham on the eightieth anniversary of the completion of the State Capitol and request the Lincoln City Council rename a portion of "J" Street in his honor
LR380 McCoy Resolution Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School boys' tennis team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR379 McCoy Resolution Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' golf team for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LR378 Schilz Resolution Congratulate the Ogallala High School one-act play for winning the 2011 Class B state championship
LB1172 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Provide an additional ground for termination of parental rights
LB1171 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Balance of Powers Act and create the Committee on Nullification of Federal Laws
LB1170 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of separate segregated political funds under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1169 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Require reporting of disappearance or death of a child as prescribed
LB1168 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Adopt the School District Purchasing Act
LB1167 Lautenbaugh Indefinitely postponed Require certain provisions in highway and bridge construction and maintenance contracts
LB1166 Ashford Withdrawn Eliminate certain elective county offices when approved by the voters and provide for appointments
LB1165 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to truancy and excessive absenteeism
LB1164 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the Attorney General from bringing an action pursuant to a certain federal statute that addresses the distribution in commerce of general service incandescent lamps
LB1163 Fulton Indefinitely postponed Provide for a deer donation program and for redistribution of deer permit fees
LB1162 Nelson Indefinitely postponed Provide for appointment of nonresidents as notaries public
LB1161 Smith Passed Change provisions relating to oil pipelines and provide for an evaluation of routes
LB1160 Health and Human Services Committee Passed Require Department of Health and Human Services to develop an information system and provide for reports and an evaluation
LB1159 Krist Indefinitely postponed Provide additional requirements and duties relating to state contracts for services valued at twenty-five million dollars or more
LB1158 Krist Passed Provide requirements for medical assistance behavioral health managed care contracts
LB1157 Larson Indefinitely postponed Change late filing fee provisions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB1156 Carlson Indefinitely postponed Exempt non-equalized schools from expenditure limits in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB1155 Lathrop Passed Allow operation of golf car vehicles as prescribed, provide powers for counties, cities, and villages, and change penalties relating to operating a motor vehicle while under orders not to operate a motor vehicle
LB1154 Lathrop Withdrawn Provide job training programs for recipients of unemployment insurance benefits
LB1153 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Require timely provision of juvenile court-ordered treatment or services
LB1152 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Provide job training programs for recipients of unemployment insurance benefits
LB1151 Lathrop Indefinitely postponed Eliminate a sunset provision under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act relating to certain first responder injuries
LB1150 McGill Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Young Adult Voluntary Foster Care Services Act
LB1149 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child guardianships and child welfare caseloads
LB1148 Gloor Passed Change certification provisions for marriage and family therapists
LB1147 Dubas Indefinitely postponed Provide for public wireless Internet access in the State Capitol
LB1146 McGill Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to carry out the Nebraska Prostitution Intervention and Treatment Act
LB1145 McGill Passed Change the penalty for pandering and create a task force and require training of certain officials regarding human trafficking
LB1144 Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for career academy schools
LB1143 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverages
LB1142 Nordquist Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Care Transparency Act
LB1141 McGill Passed Change provisions relating to reimbursement of travel expenses for Nebraska National Guard members
LB1140 Mello Passed Provide for licensure instead of registration under the Professional Landscape Architects Act
LB1139 Mello Indefinitely postponed Prohibit receiving certain types of wagers on horseracing
LB1138 Mello Indefinitely postponed Change community betterment organization and tax credit provisions under the Community Development Assistance Act
LB1137 Mello Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
LB1136 Mello Indefinitely postponed Create and provide for a wage subsidy program
LB1135 Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit relating to purchases of energy star certified materials and equipment
LB1134 Avery Indefinitely postponed Change agency procedures for eminent domain
LB1133 Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB1132 McGill Indefinitely postponed Change the Community Development Law
LB1131 McGill Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Innovation, Discovery, and Entrepreneurial Act
LB1130 Coash Passed Provide for entertainment district licenses under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB1129 Coash Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for insurance coverage of autism spectrum disorders
LB1128 Schumacher Passed Adopt the New Markets Job Growth Investment Act and provide tax credits
LB1127 Christensen Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to issuing or passing a bad check or issuing a no-account check
LB1126 Christensen Passed Provide and change extraterritorial jurisdiction of a village
LB1125 Christensen Passed Change provisions relating to natural resources district occupation tax
LB1124 Council Indefinitely postponed Provide for designation of priority schools
LB1123 Council Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Healthy Food Financing Initiative Act
LB1122 Bloomfield Passed Change the Medical Assistance Act with respect to certain home health services
LB1121 Lambert Passed Change signature requirements for recall petitions for sanitary and improvement districts
LB1120 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Limit liability for bucking bull activities
LB1119 Karpisek Indefinitely postponed Prohibit sale, possession, and use of flying lantern-type devices
LB1118 Cornett Passed Provide tax incentives for large data center projects
LB1117 Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change income tax calculations relating to the federal alternative minimum tax
LB1116 Flood Passed Change Nebraska Capitol Commission membership provisions
LB1115 Flood Passed Authorize construction and operation of natural gas pipeline facilities by jurisdictional utilities
LB1114 Flood Passed Change provisions relating to the Municipal Equalization Fund
LB1113 Flood Passed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act
LB1112 Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state highway system plans
LB1111 Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to penalties involving operator's license revocation
LB1110 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Provide for assistance for temporary and permanent housing after a natural disaster
LB1109 Brasch Indefinitely postponed Provide for classification of flooded agricultural land as inundated land
LB1108 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing machinery and equipment
LB1107 Pirsch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the movement of vehicles and other property after an accident and provide immunity
LB1106 Schilz Passed Change provisions relating to assessment of improvements on leased public land
LB1105 Adams Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to schools
LB1104 Adams Passed Change postsecondary education provisions relating to recurrent authorization to operate, community college levy limits, and the Nebraska educational savings plan program
LB1103 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Provide access to deceased family member's medical records
LB1102 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Change inheritance tax rates and exemption amounts
LB1101 Wightman Passed Change provisions relating to election of county assessors
LB1100 Wightman Indefinitely postponed Create a legislative advisory committee to study and report regarding health care services and health care insurance
LB1099 Council Indefinitely postponed Change expense provisions under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB1098 Council Indefinitely postponed Repeal the Build Nebraska Act and change distribution of sales and use tax revenue